Artificial celestial body

Various artificial objects operating according to the laws of celestial mechanics
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stay Cosmic space Basically according to Celestial mechanics Various artificial objects that operate regularly. Astronomy refers to all kinds of stars in the universe as celestial bodies and divides celestial bodies into natural and artificial ones. Artificial celestial bodies include spacecraft and space debris. Space garbage includes abandoned spacecraft Carrier rocket Final residues and fragments, etc.
Chinese name
Artificial celestial body
Foreign name
artificial object
space shuttle Space waste
rén zào tiān tǐ
Manually developed and used Carrier rocket or space shuttle Launch to Cosmic space The flying body of. The operation law is the same or basically the same as that of natural celestial bodies. include Spacecraft and Space waste etc.

brief introduction

Artificial celestial body
With the continuous development of modern science and technology, human beings have developed various artificial celestial bodies Natural celestial body Similarly, it orbits the planets (mostly the Earth). The concept of artificial celestial bodies may have begun in 1870. The first man-made satellite that was officially put into orbit was manned satellite 1 launched by the former Soviet Union in 1957. Since then, thousands of satellites have orbited the earth. Satellites are also launched into orbit around Venus, Mars and the moon. Artificial celestial bodies are used for scientific research and have become an indispensable tool in modern communications, weather forecasting, earth resource exploration and military reconnaissance.

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On December 3, the State Key Laboratory of Aerospace Dynamics China Xi'an Satellite Measurement and Control Center It is the first national key laboratory specialized in the motion law of artificial celestial bodies in China.
Aerospace dynamics It is a discipline to study the motion and control laws of spacecraft, including the space motion of spacecraft returning to land through the atmosphere. As the key and foundation of spacecraft measurement and control, space technology and its application, it has always been the key field of research of space powers.
According to the person in charge of the National Key Laboratory of Astrodynamics, the laboratory was established to meet three urgent needs, namely, to improve China's space technology The urgent need for original innovation capability, the urgent need to improve China's space TT&C capability and the urgent need to realize the transformation of China's space science and technology from experimental applications to business services. The establishment of the laboratory will strongly promote the basic theoretical research, cutting-edge technology innovation and scientific research achievements promotion of China's aerospace dynamics, and will become a national innovation platform for aerospace science and technology personnel training, experimental verification in related fields and international exchanges, providing an important basic guarantee for the sustainable development of China's space technology.
According to director of Xi'an Satellite Measurement and Control Center, China Dong Deyi Introduction, Xi'an Satellite Measurement and Control Center There are more than 10 types of spacecraft platforms and orbit types that have been measured, controlled and managed, with orbit heights ranging from 200 kilometers to more than 400000 kilometers from the ground. The center has a real-time measurement and control center for spacecraft, a long-term management center for on orbit spacecraft, a diagnosis and maintenance center for on orbit spacecraft, and more than ten measurement and control stations. Its powerful computing ability can simultaneously logarithm Ten satellites are used for measurement, control and management. These conditions will be dynamics The research provides a powerful platform for experiment and verification. [1]

Development stage

The first one was launched by the former Soviet Union on October 4, 1957 Artificial earth satellite , the beginning of human history era of space-flight For decades, some countries in the world (especially the United States and the former Soviet Union) have spent a lot of manpower and material resources on the development and launch of artificial celestial bodies. The United States, the former Soviet Union, France, the United Kingdom, China, Japan, India, Germany, Australia, Canada and other countries have directly participated in the launch of man-made celestial bodies. In addition, some countries have indirectly participated in the launching of artificial celestial bodies.
Since 1957, countries around the world have launched more than 3000 objects into space, and more than 10000 man-made objects have been put into orbit in space. The former Soviet Union is the country that launches the most man-made celestial bodies in the world. There are also thousands of man-made celestial bodies still orbiting in space. People Moon and Solar system planets About 200 spaceships have been launched, some of which are manned.
The development and launch of artificial celestial bodies have roughly gone through the following stages:
The first phase is the flight around the earth. Since 1957, the former Soviet Union, the United States and other countries have launched unmanned Artificial earth satellite Fly around the earth, constantly improve the manufacturing and launching technology of artificial celestial bodies, and carry out various aerial experiments to launch Manned spacecraft and Moon landing Flight, fully prepared.
The second is the stage of manned space flight. In 1961, Gagarin, a former Soviet cosmonaut, successfully returned to the ground after flying the "Dongfang-1" for the first time around the earth. Over the next 20 years, Manned spaceflight Flight has developed rapidly. The former Soviet Union and the United States have launched more than 100 manned space flights. More than 150 astronauts have participated in space flight. Among them, the longest stay in space in one flight is 273 days. These manned space flights Moon landing Flight and entry Interplanetary space Flight has accumulated rich experience.
The third phase is the moon landing flight. From the late 1950s to the early 1970s, the former Soviet Union and the United States Moon Various series of artificial celestial body launches were conducted, totaling more than 160 times. These cosmic flights have made remarkable achievements, which have enabled mankind to explore universe We have taken a big step in our career. In January 1959, the former Soviet Union“ Luna 1 ”Flying out of the Earth Moon system, becoming the first man-made Solar system planets , launched by the former Soviet Union in October of the same year“ Luna 3 ”Filmed Back of the Moon Photos of. It is the first time that humans have seen the face of the back of the moon. In February 1966, the former Soviet Union launched the first lunar landing“ Moon 9 ”。 July 1969, USA“ Apollo 11 ”The success of the manned lunar landing of the first time left human footprints on the moon. To“ Apollo 17 Moon landing A total of 18 astronauts entered the orbit around the moon, including 12 astronauts Moon Apollo ”A total of 4 lunar rovers were brought to the moon and installed on the moon laser ranging Retroreflector Moonquake We also drilled three wells 2.5 to 3 meters deep on the moon and launched two lunar satellites. The astronauts also added 386.7 kg of lunar rocks and Lunar regolith Bring back to the earth and take a lot of precious photos and TV images. These achievements have opened people's eyes, opened a new page in human research and understanding of the moon, and accumulated experience for human beings to cross the Earth Moon system and explore the space flight of other planets and objects farther away in the solar system.
The fourth is the stage of launching the planetary probe. Planetary probes were launched to explore the planets in the solar system, which had already started when they were exploring the moon. The United States and the former Soviet Union successively launched various series of interplanetary probes, totaling more than 60. For many planets in the solar system (such as Mercury , Venus, Mars Jupiter , Saturn, Uranus, etc.), successively landed on Venus and Mars, explored the rings, atmosphere and satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, and obtained a large number of images, data and other valuable information. Launched by the former Soviet Union“ Pioneer 10 ”The probe, which flew out of the solar system in June 1983, became the first Galaxy Artificial celestial bodies.
The fifth is the stage of building the space station. To develop and utilize Near earth space and Moon People launch permanent and semi permanent large artificial celestial bodies that run around the earth as a base for humans to visit other planets in the solar system and fly out of the solar system.
The space shuttle emerged after the 1980s space technology There has been tremendous development. Shuttle and others Carrier rocket Different, it is a reusable spacecraft, which has multiple functions such as rocket, spacecraft and aircraft. The space shuttle can be launched vertically like a rocket, carrying satellites and spacecraft, and can directly release artificial satellites into a predetermined orbit in space. It can also pick up the running artificial satellites from the orbit and bring them back to the ground military satellite Intercept and destroy. After completing the mission, the space shuttle can easily return to the ground. In this way, the space shuttle can be used to check and repair the spacecraft in orbit and treat it as a space Means of transportation , transporting astronauts between the ground and the space station, transporting materials for the space station in orbit, adding propellant to the spacecraft, and so on.
The use of space shuttles not only saves a lot of money by launching artificial objects such as satellites, but also creates good conditions for the establishment of space stations and long-term work of astronauts in space stations. Therefore, it is a major breakthrough in space technology in the stage of building a space station.
The next goal of the development of artificial celestial bodies is to land humans on Mars Jupiter The major planets and asteroids in the solar system will carry out interplanetary manned flight and further fly to the space beyond the solar system. In fact, there are already many aircraft flying in interplanetary space, and some have begun to fly in space outside the solar system. However, these are also some unmanned aircraft. If people want to fly a spaceship to such a more distant space flight, they must further study and well solve the complex problems of how to maintain the life system, energy, communication, safety, and returning to the ground, and face many difficulties. However, with the continuous improvement and enhancement of artificial celestial body development and launch technology, the goal of human beings to carry out such space flight will eventually be achieved.