humanistic spirit

Spiritual culture
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Humanistic spirit is a kind of universal human self care, which is manifested in Human dignity The maintenance, pursuit and concern of values and destiny, the high value of various spiritual and cultural phenomena left by mankind Comprehensive development Of Ideal personality Affirmation and shaping of; and humanities It is knowledge that focuses on the expression of humanistic spirit Education system It focuses on human values and spiritual performance.
In a sense, the reason why people are the spirit of all things is that they have humanity and their own unique spiritual culture.
Chinese name
humanistic spirit
Foreign name
Other definitions

Spiritual interpretation

Humanity, as a unique spiritual phenomenon, is the yardstick of all things, the carrier of human wisdom and spirit, and is unique to and exists for human beings since the beginning of history inseparable As an organic part of human beings, it has always occupied a priority position in human reproduction and inheritance. It can be said that a vast and inexhaustible history of human literature is a visualized history of human's spiritual process of constantly "knowing yourself". Just like the famous British aesthetician Collingwood He pointed out that "there is no art history, only human history."

Core ideas

In Western language, the word "humanistic spirit" should be humanism, which is usually translated as Humanism Humanism humanitarianism
In a narrow sense The Renaissance An ideological trend of the period, its core ideas are:
First, care about people, put people first, value people, and oppose the oppression of theology on human nature;
Second, to publicize human reason and oppose theology's belittling of reason;
Third, it advocates spiritual and physical harmony, based on the transcendental spiritual pursuit of earthly life, opposes the spiritual and physical opposition of theology, and negates earthly life with heavenly life.
Broadly speaking, it means that Europe began ancient Greek One of Cultural tradition According to my understanding of this tradition, I define the basic connotation of humanistic spirit as three levels:
Human nature, the pursuit of human happiness and dignity, is a broad sense of humanitarian spirit;
Second, rationality, the pursuit of truth, is a broad sense of scientific spirit;
Third, transcendence, the pursuit of the meaning of life. In short, it is concerned about people, especially their spiritual life; Respect the value of people, especially the value of people as spiritual existence.
The basic meaning of humanistic spirit is to respect the value of people and the value of spirit. [1]

primary coverage

The humanistic spirit is not only Spiritual civilization And affect the construction of material civilization. It is the core content that constitutes the cultural personality of a nation or a region; It is an important measure of the civilization of a nation or a region. Nationals of a country Humanistic cultivation The level of humanistic education The status and level of. (Chen Xuguang, Series of Teaching Materials for Quality Education in the 21st Century - Artistic Implications, China Renmin University Press

Spiritual core



Humanistic noumenon is the core of humanistic spirit. The humanistic spirit is right Value of life What is humanistic spirit? What are its characteristics? Xu Zhijian's Time Connotation of Humanistic Spirit and College Students Humanistic quality "The core of humanistic spirit is people's concern about" how people should live " Value standard ”And a series of propositional self-consciousness This is the humanistic noumenon, which determines Humanistic world Objective basis for development in the right direction. " The core of humanistic essence is also the key to the difference of the concept and connotation of humanistic spirit used in different times and historical backgrounds. Therefore, in different times, the characteristics and emphasis of humanistic spirit are different. It reflects the concentrated reflection of people's values, human nature and spirit of the times in a specific era. [1]

people oriented

The core of humanistic spirit is "people-oriented". That is to say, we should put people in the most important position and respect them Human value

Revival period

The Renaissance The humanistic spirit of the period, and the significance of the humanistic spirit to the world, is in this period. But the humanistic spirit in this period still inherits the humanistic spirit in the Western culture The tradition of development in the Middle Ages Christ Teach theological shackles of governance and super grams. Therefore Humanism It is still the remedy after external comparison, rather than the self conscious self-reliance of human beings. The original meaning of Renaissance is "the rebirth of people", that is, to rescue people from the dormancy of God.
The so-called "rebirth" is: for the real life, the real self, the personality of self, there is a kind of joy of spring feeling, and there is a kind of real human love. In this way, due to the emphasis on individual self, the general rational side of people is ignored, and the temperament side of people is particularly emphasized. Therefore, it can be said that the humanism at this time advocated the rebirth of human beings because of the treatment of Christian theology, which is really the talent of human beings Nature of temperament Yes. Therefore, there were many scientists and artists who showed their creativity in talent and emotion during the Renaissance.


The highlight is that the individual creation that can make the best of people's talents and feelings produces great science and art. The country is reforming, the government is changing, and everything is around the "people-oriented" center. urban construction We should "put people first" and let citizens live in a clean, beautiful, rich and harmonious environment; Rural development should be "people-oriented" and strive to improve farmers Quality of life and social position , transfer a lot Surplus labor Let farmers really get rich; The culture of science and education should be "people-oriented", and cultivate ideology, morality and specialty Cultural knowledge Bimodal High quality talents For the purpose, mobilize people's thoughts to be active in the construction of various undertakings, respect individuality, and create a greater situation of hundred schools of thought contending; Financial collection and distribution should be "people-oriented" and ensure that social development Of Fund demand , but also take into account masses Affordability in real life; Political reform "People oriented" and vigorously promote political civilization , emphasizing Democratic forms So that the people can truly implement the rights and status of the masters of their own country.


Adhering to the principle of "people first" means that we should pay attention to people's livelihood, observe people's conditions, respect public opinion, and protect human rights. It means that we should always care about the sufferings of the people, always keep the well-being of the people in mind, and effectively solve the problems of the people, especially disadvantaged And truly achieve“ Power for the people What is used is tied by the people, and what is beneficial is plotted by the people. The "people-oriented" governance concept is reflected in the establishment and implementation of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. It is necessary to closely focus on the needs of people's survival and development, and promote the overall economic and social development; The "people-oriented" governance concept is reflected in the steady progress and deepening of various reforms, making them more favorable to the public opinion, seek the interests of the people, and conform to the hearts of the people; The "people-oriented" governance concept is also reflected in the efforts of the government to meet the needs of the people and effectively safeguard the rights and interests of the people For the people When the masses solve specific problems, vigorously promote Transformation of government functions And system and rule of law.

Spiritual connotation

First, humanistic spirit is "the pursuit of human value", which advocates humanistic spirit and scientificity Compatibility The focus of care is the embodiment of the overall value of human body and mind in real life.
The second is that "humanity refers to" different from natural phenomena The core of "human and social things" is the belief, ideal value orientation Humanistic mode and aesthetic taste, namely humanistic spirit, believe that humanistic spirit is the inner soul and life of a person, a nation and a cultural activity.
Third, humanistic spirit is to focus the affirmation of human cultural life and cultural world on human value orientation and ideal pursuit, emphasize the promotion of human cultural life and the exploration of human cultural world, and promote human progress, development and perfection.
Fourth, humanistic spirit is the ability of human beings to constantly improve themselves, expand themselves, and improve themselves, and to transition from a "free" state to a "self doing" state.
Fifthly, humanistic spirit is "a rational attitude that focuses on the true meaning of life and human destiny, which includes the exaltation of human personality and subjective spirit, the desire for freedom, equality and human dignity, the persistence of ideals, beliefs and self realization, and the exploration of the meaning of life, death and survival.

Humanistic thought

It shall at least include the following three aspects

Humanistic concept

That is, "people first". Man is the center of society, man is the yardstick to measure society, "standard" is also the yardstick to measure everything. It is a great revolution in human society and a great change in human values from the monarch as the standard to the human standard, or from the "monarch standard" to the "human standard" John Locke seek Social law The first great discovery. Those who change standards are great people.
John Locke Used《 Government theory 》The whole first part of the book, about 100 pages of ink, has broken the shackles of human beings for thousands of years with detailed facts and sharp logic traditional ideas :“ Divine Mandate ”。 Like Copernicus Newton Upside down“ Geocentric theory ”Inverted, established“ Heliocentric theory ”Similarly, Locke reversed the "monarch standard" and established the great theory of "human standard". Since then, modern times have been established Humanistic thought The core content of.
By the way, Locke broke the "monarch standard" and established the "human standard", that is, the sharp weapon of human rights thought is reason. Locke is ten years older than Newton, but he is Newton's good friend and sworn friend. He was deeply influenced by Newton's ideas. Newton is a modern science A master The birth of modern science has provided mankind with a new concept: law consciousness and Rational thinking Locke thought, nature is so regular and orderly, does human society have its own laws? "Humanism" is his first great discovery in studying the laws of human society.
Thus, Locke built a bridge between science and humanities. Science provides a rational weapon for humanity, while humanity provides a direction for the development of science: science always benefits human beings, rather than harming them.

Personal concept

That is to say, the philosophy of recognizing and respecting individuals is aimed at "monarchism" or "monarchism". Kings, whether ancient or modern, always walk in the name of "state", "world", "organization" and "collective" Absolutism The truth. Therefore, "personal concept" is also aimed at absolutism. It protects individuals and opposes autocracy, especially against the use of the name of "state", "collective" and "organization" by authoritarianism to infringe individual rights. Here, for absolutism, the individual is sacred, great and inviolable.
In the eyes of John Locke, "human rights" includes three related basic ideas:
First, human rights refer to individual rights.
Second, human rights right to life Freedom and property The three inseparable rights, "inseparable", that is, none of the three rights can be missing, just talk about Right to life If we don't talk about freedom, it will become an animal protection law.
Third, human rights are irreplaceable and unrepresentable. They belong to individuals and are natural rights.
Human rights are innate, original and born. The rights of the government are granted by people to better protect their human rights. They are granted by people's voluntary association. If people think it is necessary, such as when human rights cannot be protected by the government, they can take back the power of the government at any time. "Personal concept" means that the individual is the root. The individual's right to life, freedom and property, and whether such rights can be protected, are the basis for measuring everything, including organizations, society, and especially the government. In some countries, it has been turned upside down. Therefore, individual rights are often and easily deprived, and are mistaken for "taking the overall situation into consideration", "sacrificing the individual" and "morality". As a result, the government and government officials who represent the "overall situation" and "greater self" can openly and unscrupulously "represent" the interests of others. As a result, corruption has become a common practice and people have no peace.
To put it more simply, "personal concept" means that individuals are more important than governments, and human rights are more important than sovereignty. "Personal concept" is John Locke's second great discovery. We need to come elementary education
Respect for individuals, first of all, means that the state, the government and those institutions with power should respect individuals. Institutions with power respect individuals without power, which is the basis of humanistic thought and democratic politics. At the same time, respect for individuals is respect for "everyone". As an individual, you should respect both yourself and others. Only by respecting others can you respect yourself, and only by respecting yourself can you respect others. Just because we should respect individuals, no one can harm others' personal interests "Personal concept" is a sacred and great philosophical concept. "Personal concept" is a great weapon to fight against absolutism, so it is not allowed by absolutism. At the same time, "personal concept" is also the source of morality. Therefore, countries that advocate personal concepts, on the contrary, have a better moral situation than those that advocate Collectivism Our country is better. Because the "personal concept" tells people that they have their own interests, and they should protect their own interests in a responsible manner and not allow others to infringe upon them; Similarly, others - like themselves - also have their own personal interests, so at no time will they harm others' personal interests. As a result, "protect yourself without harming others" has formed the strength of society and the moral foundation of society.

Freedom concept

That is, "the only purpose of the government is to protect the freedom of individuals to create wealth and enjoy happiness". That is, first of all, for the government, for the institutions with power. Human rights are the only natural and fundamental rights. The power of the government is given by the voters. Its only purpose is to protect human freedom. When the freedom of the people is not protected, the power of the government should be canceled, so it is called "people oriented". People, people's freedom, is the standard to measure everything. "Life is precious, and love is more expensive. If it is for freedom, both can be thrown away." Among human rights, freedom is the most precious and the most important. The "concept of freedom", first and foremost for the government, stipulates that the only purpose of the government is to protect human freedom.
John Locke's greatness lies in that they not only put forward a great idea, but also further put forward the institutional guarantee to realize this idea. Their greatness lies in that they created a new idea of governing society, not by slogans, not by reference, but by the system, by a system that restricts each other, by a system that the people can truly restrict the government.
"Freedom concept" also refers to the freedom of "everyone". Only by respecting the freedom of others can we have our own freedom, strive for our own freedom, and never damage the freedom of others. How to identify and judge whether the freedom of others is damaged? Human beings find the best way to make rules. Make rules aimed at protecting human freedom. This is the basic concept of modern legal system, and the rules protect human freedom. Therefore, as an individual, violation of the rules is to damage the freedom of others, and you need to pay the price and be punished. As an individual, abiding by the rules is to respect the freedom of others as well as their own freedom. therefore, Rule consciousness Becomes a citizen of a free country Basic literacy So, Liberalism It is not like some people distort that they do whatever they want and are lawless.
It can be seen that the concept of freedom is not only a powerful weapon against absolutism, but also a philosophical basis for good social morality.
Science and Humanities-- modern culture And the symbol of modern civilization.

Related Introduction


Cultural phenomenon

So what is humanity? science What is the relationship with humanity? social sciences Is it humanity? Is literature and art humanistic? In today's society, we see that not only science and engineering Our students often have knowledge, lack humanities, social sciences, and even literature and art students also often have knowledge, art, lack of humanities!
Humanity is a dynamic concept. In a general sense, for example, China《 unabridged dictionary 》Zhong wrote: "Humanity refers to human society Of Cultural phenomenon ”。 We know that culture is the symbol, values and norms shared by human beings, or a nation or a group of people. Symbols are the basis of culture, values are the core of culture, and norms, including customary norms moral and legal norm Is the main content of culture. "Various" cultural phenomena obviously include advanced and backward, scientific and ignorant, excellent and inferior, healthy and pathological.

Humanistic charm

Ge Hongbing To say: Humanistic thinking From the root, it is an abstract metaphysical thinking of existence. In fact, Humanity ("humanity" - there is no etymological basis in China), its fundamental attitude towards sex Human beings considered as a group; the human race Human existence The foundation, thus the following Transcendence The problem is human nature, human origin, the relationship between man and nature, the relationship between man and God, and the relationship between man and man. Because it thinks of people as human beings, we say that its thinking is beyond specific human relations and achievements, beyond limited existence. " (Ge Hongbing<On the Essence of Humanistic Spirit -- Also on Universities humanistic education Question>) Ge Hongbing's transcendental thinking about human existence is what we often say Ultimate concern Because the humanistic spirit involves the extreme of human thinking and care, its formation and transformation have a profound impact on a culture and time spirit National spirit The formation and development of. Because humanistic spirit is a transcendental thinking of human existence, it can directly point to the essence of human existence with metaphysical characteristics, explore the core of human spiritual world and spiritual world, and has an important function in shaping human spiritual world. And humanistic spirit has gained rich and profound connotation with philosophical implications because of this basic connotation. It has a permanent charm beyond history, times and culture.