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Henry Hudson

British explorer and navigator
Henry Hudson( English : Henry Hudson, the second half of the 16th century - about 1611) britain Go!Explore And Navigator , to search Northwest Passage And famous. Henry was only a rating for the first half of his life until he was employed in 1607 britain Explore the Moscow Company of Northwest Passage He failed to bring any real economic benefits to Britain after two long trips, and was dismissed by the Moscow Company.
Later, he was employed by Netherlands East India Company Finally, he paid back his third trip without success, and was even more britain Detention. Later, he was employed by the Moscow Company and East India Company , although this exploration still failed to get through Northwest Passage , but successfully explored Canada Part of the place, hudson bay , Hudson County Hudson Strait and Hudson River It was named after Henry Hudson. However, during this voyage, Henry was betrayed by the crew and eventually exiled to North America The whereabouts of the sea area are unknown.
Chinese name
Henry Hudson
Foreign name
Henry Hudson
date of birth
The second half of the 16th century
Date of death
Go!Explore And Navigator

Character experience

The date of Henry Hudson's birth and his early life are still unclear. Some sources point out that Hudson was born around 1565, while others believe it was around 1570. other historian For example, Mancall said that "Hudson may have been born in the 1560s", while Pennington did not give a specific time. historian It is believed that Hudson once worked at sea for a period of time. At first, he was a cabin attendant, and later gradually became captain
Kingdom of England In 1607, the Moscow Company hired Hudson to find a northerly route to arrive Asia the pacific ocean coast. Because at that time, it was thought that sunlight There are three months of exposure at high altitude latitude Region, iceberg Will melt, so ships can reach through the polar region Spice Islands at that time britain People and Netherlands People are competing Northeast Passage The route of.
Hudson, 10 male sailors and a boy sailed the 80 ton Hopewell on May 1. They arrived on June 13 Greenland The east bank didn't sail until the 22nd. They observed the "New World" on the 27th“( Spitsbergen )On July 13, Hudson and his crew thought that they had sailed to 80 ° 23 'north latitude, but in fact they were more likely to reach 79 ° 23' north latitude. They entered the area called Krossfjorden and Coons Fjord in Hudson the next day, and named its northwest end Collins Cape after the deck captain (William Collins). They continued to move northward in the next two days, and reached the north of Hakrit Cape (79 ° 49 'N) on the 16th, but they mistakenly thought they saw the land at 82 ° N( Svalbard Archipelago The northernmost point is 80 ° 49 'north latitude), so they actually moved eastward at that time. Because the northern coast was surrounded by drift ice, they were forced to return to the south. The expedition returned on September 15 the Thames Tilbury on the shore.
many writer The wrong record says that Hudson found a large number of whale As a result, several countries sent whaling ships to Spitsbergen. Although he did see a lot during the voyage whale However, his report did not lead to the emergence of whaling commercial trade, but Jonas Poole's exploration in 1610 led to britain Establish whaling base, Nicholas Woodcock and Willem Cornelisz Van Muyden's expedition in 1612 contributed to Netherlands France and Spain Develop commercial whaling.
Moscow Company In 1608, Hudson was sent to look for the arrival India This time, the route near the north of Norway is used instead of the northern route. They left in April London , the ship arrived in July Xindi Island , but because the sea ice could not be destroyed, Hudson had to return and return in late August britain
Dispute over the discovery of Jan Mayen Island
According to the merchant Thomas Ezhe In 1608, Hudson discovered an island at 71 ° north latitude and named it Hudson's Touches. However, it was only possible that he had passed near it in 1607 (if he had made an illogical detour), and Hudson did not mention it in his diary. There is no map to prove the discovery. Jonas Poole and Robert Fuseby In 1611 and 1615, respectively Greenland The East Bank is exploring, and both of them have Hudson's diary, but there is no information about Jan Mayen Island. Robert Fuseby actually discovered Jan Mayen Island, thought it was a new discovery, and named it Sir Thomas Smith Island.
Navigation in 1609
Netherlands East India Company In 1609, he chose to hire Hudson to find the Eastern Passage Asia He was asked to cross Russia Northern arctic ocean , enter the pacific ocean , and arrive far east Hudson left on April 4 Amsterdam , driving Netherlands Command ship Semilunar He was unable to complete the designated route because the sea ice blocked the route, so he stopped the ship at Norway North Point east. Under his direction, the ship moved westward, trying to find the channel from this direction to advance.
Hudson's Navigation Routes in North America
Henry Hudson and his crew are listening to the explorers in Jameston Colony John Smith (John Smith) and France Explorer Sam de Champlain discovers that the pacific ocean And tried to pass through North America To the north to find the western channel. They arrive in July the next year Newfoundland Newfoundland in the south Grand shoal And then landed near LaHave in Nova Scotia in mid July. They met here Indian , they will work with France People trade and are willing to trade beaver But Hudson apparently didn't trade with them. Their ship stayed here for about 10 days to replace the broken mast and catch fish. More than a dozen people on the ship used it on July 25 Musket And small cannons to attack the villages near the ship. They took away some Indians and robbed Indian ships and other property (possibly furs and trade goods).
Hudson arrived on August 4 Cape Cod And sailed south to Chesapeake Bay Entrance to. But Hudson did not enter Chesapeake Bay, but found it south along the coast Delaware Bay (Delaware Bay)。 He arrived at the mouth of a river on September 3, which was originally called the North River or Mauritius. He is not the first person to discover this estuary, because Giovanni da Verrazzano This place was discovered in 1524.
John Colman, the crew member of the expedition, was shot in the neck and died on September 6, 1609 because of a conflict with the Indians. Hudson arrived on September 11, 1609 Upper New York Bay Hudson was named after him the next day Hudson River Explore nearby. The exploration team stopped at the river bank in the next 10 days and arrived at the present New York capital Albany Location of.
He decided to return to Europe on September 23. He arrived on November 7 britain Dartmouth But was detained there by the authorities because britain The government wants him Logbook Then he managed to get through Netherlands The ambassador to Britain sent his report back Amsterdam
Hudson successfully obtained britain To start another journey. The fund is from Virginia and Britain East India Company This time Hudson arrived on May 11 with his new ship Discovery Iceland And then arrived on June 4 Greenland South, then around the south of Greenland.
Hudson was very excited about the discovery of the Northwest Passage through the mainland. The expedition arrived on June 25th Labrador Northernmost Hudson Strait And then on August 2, through the southern part of the strait hudson bay Hudson spent months exploring its eastern coast and mapping it. But Hudson and his crew didn't find the way Asia The channel of. However, the expedition team was trapped by ice floes in November James Bay In James Bay, the crew was forced to go ashore to spend the winter.

Crew mutiny

John Collier depicts the scene of Hudson being betrayed
The ice floe gradually dissipated in the spring of 1611. Hudson planned to continue exploring the area, but his crew wanted to return home.
Crew launched in June 1611 Mutiny It was initiated by Hudson's friends Robert Jue and Henry Green. They exiled Hudson, his teenage son John and six sick crew members on a small boat to effectively control them. According to Prickett's diary, the mutinous crew provided gunpowder, some spears, iron pots, other sundries and clothes. However, Prickett knew that he and other rebels would britain stand trial. Although the small boat could catch up with Discovery for some time, Discovery finally shook off the boat. No one has ever seen Hudson again, and his final fate is unknown. However, according to speculation, Hudson was eventually killed by his crew.
Only 8 of the 13 mutinous sailors returned to Europe smoothly. Although they were arrested, no one was punished for mutiny and killing Hudson. There is a theory that because they have been to the new world, they are regarded as valuable sources of information. Perhaps for this reason, although they were charged with intentional murder, they were still acquitted.