Industrial planning

Scientific plan
zero Useful+1
synonym Industrial layout (Economic term) generally refers to industrial planning
The so-called industrial planning refers to the comprehensive use of various theoretical analysis Tools, based on the local actual situation, fully consider the international, domestic and regional economic development Situation Industrial development Positioning, industrial system industrial structure Industrial chain, spatial layout, economic society environmental effect Implementation plan And make scientific plans for more than one year.
Chinese name
Industrial planning
Comprehensive use of various theoretical analysis tools
Industrial structure, industrial chain and spatial layout



present situation

Generally, scientific research institution Or when the planning department makes industrial planning, including Status analysis development strategy Industrial positioning , industrial system, industrial chain, proposed project, environmental impact, implementation plan, etc. But in people's mind, pay more attention to spatial planning It is emphasized that the planners should have Grade A or Grade B qualifications, which is actually a lack of understanding of what industrial planning is. The core of the economic development of a region is industry. Three problems should be solved: what to do, why to do and how to do it. The spatial layout of the industry is just the distribution design of the industry in the region, which is part of the "how to do" link. Qualified planning units, often from the perspective of engineering and construction, are engaged in industrial planning Implementation process For the design of engineering content in, the risk responsibility caused by unreasonable design must be borne, so it must be qualified.


Just as the industry is important to a person's development, the industrial planning must tell the local industry what to do domestic industry Development trend Market capacity , technical level and other aspects of demonstration: it is necessary and only to do these industries can have a future. Direction is crucial. Since ancient times, it has been said that you should not just bury your head in pulling a cart, but also look up at the road. The direction is wrong, the harder you work, the farther you go wrong.


Many staff members of local government departments, especially those below the county level, believe that we have been working in the local area for a long time and are too familiar with the local situation. If we want to ask what we should do, we have the most say; Therefore, the industrial planning is not paid enough attention. In fact, the long-term development as a matter of course has not made a breakthrough, which may be the fault of industrial planning.
In the current government work dominated by the economy, although the industrial planning has developed from the initial case, it is now increasingly valued. But for a long time, due to the lack of planning Architecture And the industrial planning prepared by each region Industrial development Train of thought, clear Industrial layout The establishment of implementation measures has played a positive role, but also exposed many problems with the gradual deepening of industrial planning practice.
1. The status of industrial planning is questioned. Whether industrial planning is a strategic planning that precedes urban planning in time sequence and provides ideas and basis for it, or a strategic planning that follows urban planning and provides implementation guarantee for it, has never been decided.
2. The depth of industrial planning is not enough. Many industrial planning Preparation method The above only describes the industrial layout in the city, or refines and summarizes the current situation of industrial development. The planned technical (or professional) space is narrow, and there is a lack of regional development The profound understanding of industrial development has resulted in a single planning content and limited role.
3. The operability of industrial planning is not strong. Due to the uneven level of the industrial planning preparation team, the lack of thorough understanding of the local actual situation, and the insufficient understanding of the problems and obstacles in the industrial development, the industrial planning and urban planning land use planning It is difficult to implement the idea and layout of industrial planning.

Planning insights

Industrial planning plays an irreplaceable role in the economic development of cities and counties, so not everyone can design it. We must seek experts with strong theoretical level who can grasp the current situation and trends of international and domestic industrial development, rather than blindly seeking qualified engineers from the perspective of project implementation Construction planning The unit will do it. More importantly, we should pay attention to the team nature of experts, because industrial planning involves many different industries and needs to be completed by many experts, rather than simply handed over to a professor.

Local investment

Local edition The industrial planning is intensively issued, involving Investment amount More than one trillion yuan. Marketers pointed out that a new round of local government led Investment boom coming. According to incomplete statistics, the places that have been announced since July investment plan The amount involved is about 7 trillion yuan.

Service area

(1) Regional industrial planning : On the basis of clarifying the overall regional strategy, the overall layout and planning of the regional industrial structure adjustment and industrial development layout should be carried out, and coordination should be emphasized Land development Ecological protection livelihood issues , infrastructure construction and other aspects.
(2) Special industrial planning On the premise of clarifying the regional industrial planning, it should be carried out for the development of leading industries, following industries and supporting industries Detailed planning , clarify the development order of the industry Industrial agglomeration The key problem of the formation of industrial clusters Industrial ecosystem
(3) Industrial Park Planning On the premise of clear regional industrial planning, several professional industrial parks are planned for the development of leading industries, following industries and supporting industries. [1]


In the process of urban planning, industrial planning has its own normative methods: first, the economic development stage and industrial structure Analysis to clarify the current industrial problems and predict the future development direction. Secondly, according to the global, regional or surrounding cities Industrial transfer Regional policy And the characteristics of the local industry. Thirdly, according to the current situation and development conditions, we propose the industrial development overall strategy , such as structural upgrading, clustering High technology Regional coordination Division of labor, and determine the advantageous (or leading) industries and their strategies according to certain standards. Finally, according to the current industrial distribution and the principle of "developing contiguous areas and enterprises entering the park", determine the "point, axis, belt, circle, area, district" General layout , or put forward the intention of advantageous industry layout, and clarify the industry type and scale of each district; some hand over the task of industrial layout to the spatial part. [1]

master plan



Industrial planning is the layout of industrial development Industrial structure adjustment Carry out overall layout and planning.

research contents

It mainly includes current situation analysis, development strategy, industrial positioning and layout key construction project , policy system, etc.
Industrial research Means to use Three industries By systematically analyzing and studying the internal and external environment and relevant factors of various industries in China, the current situation of the industry is deeply analyzed, and scientific predictions are made for the future of the industry.

research method

Part I Current Situation and Trend of Industrial Development
1、 Development status and trend of international XX industry
2、 Development status and trend of domestic XX industry
Part II Current Situation and Foundation of Local Industry Development
1、 Overview of local industry development
1. Industry development status
2. Key points Enterprise development present situation
2、 Local industrial development conditions
4. Other conditions
3、 Current situation of local industrial development environment
4、 Problems in local industrial development
Part III Local Industry Development Ideas and Objectives
1、 Guiding ideology
3、 Development objectives
Part IV Industrial Development Orientation and Industrial Chain Design
I Core industry chain And products
2、 Supporting industrial chain and products
3、 Related industrial chains and products
Part V Spatial Layout of Industrial Development
1、 The core of industrial development Industrial base
2、 Important expansion area for industrial development
Part VI Policy Guarantee for Industrial Development
2、 Investment attraction
3、 Policy support
4、 Problems needing attention
Part VII Major Cultivation Project of Industrial Development
1、 Construction project of industrial base
2、 Cultivation project of leading enterprises
III innovation ability Lifting project of
4、 Construction project of cooperation platform
5、 Demonstration project for promotion and application
Part VIII Appendix
Appendix 1: Basic Information of Local Existing Enterprises
Appendix 2: Overview of Main Industrial Chain
Appendix 3: Catalogue of Industrial Development

Planning ideas

Chapter I Industrial Park Planning Background of
It mainly includes the purpose, significance and Industrial Park Favorable conditions for development, etc.
Chapter II Development Orientation of Industrial Park
It mainly includes Location selection Functional positioning , industrial positioning, etc.
Chapter III Planning and Layout of Industrial Parks
It mainly includes the land layout of the industrial park Construction scale And industrial layout.
Chapter IV Investment cost And revenue estimation
Mainly including industrial parks total investment , phased investment cost estimation , output value sales revenue and tax on sales Estimation and social results , Ecology Benefit evaluation
Chapter V Adaptability of Industrial Park Evaluation index system
It mainly includes target adaptability index, economic adaptability index and Social adaptability Indicators, etc.
Chapter VI Investment Promotion Plan of Industrial Park
It mainly includes Brand promotion Strategy Team management and operation pattern Promotion of target enterprises for investment attraction.


Shandong Wenshang Economic Development Zone Southern New Area Regulatory Planning and Industrial development planning
Project Background
Wenshang The Southern New Area of the Economic Development Zone is a new round of development in the whole county strategy implementation In the background Emerging industries , Drive Wenshang Economic transformation and upgrading It is an expansion area for the main tasks, realizing the undertaking platform for the spatial adjustment and industrial optimization layout of Wenshang Economic Development Zone, building a cultivation base for the strategic emerging industrial system throughout the county, and building a new area in the south of Wenshang Economic Development Zone Wenshang County Industrial upgrading New engine for. The government of Wenshang County and the Economic Development Zone attaches great importance to the development of the Southern New Area. For this reason, the Institute has won the honor of conducting Regulatory detailed planning And industrial development planning.
Project idea
Adhere to the principle of "based on Wenchang, strengthen existing scale industries; with the help of external forces, High tech development Emerging industries; sound Service system , enhance the park soft power ”"Brand, agglomeration, leapfrogging and low-carbon" Development principles Taking the Southern New Area as the new growth point of the Economic Development Zone, we should not only develop advanced industries based on the industrial foundation Machinery manufacturing And textile and clothing industry, and introduce high-end Energy saving and environmental protection New energy vehicles , new medicine and Electronic information industry , inject fresh vitality to drive the leap of the Economic Development Zone, and propose to build the Southern New Area into a well-known domestic machinery supporting facility Industrial cluster Shandong It is an important textile and clothing industry base in Sichuan Province, Jining Development of strategic emerging industries Fresh troops And construct the layout system of "strengthening the north and innovating the south": Traditional industries Traditional industry upgrading zone; The strategic emerging industry cultivation zone in the south mainly focuses on the cultivation of strategic emerging industries.
Project effect
In this project, CMC Based on its own strong advantages in the industrial and economic database, it has provided energy conservation, environmental protection, new medicine, electronic information Machinery manufacturing , textile clothing and New energy industry Of Enterprise investment attraction Catalogue for the future investment attraction and selection of business in the southern new area of Wenshang Economic Development Zone. The project has passed the expert evaluation [2] Review.