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The People's Republic of China

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A socialist country under the people's democratic dictatorship
The People's Republic of China (the People's Republic of China) , referred to as "China", was founded on October 1, 1949 [1] , on Asia east, the pacific ocean west bank [2] , Yes working class Led by Worker peasant alliance Based people 's democratic dictatorship Of Socialist country [3] , with Five star red flag For the national flag [4] 、《 March of the Volunteers 》For the national anthem [5] In the middle of the national emblem is Tian'anmen Square illuminated by five stars, surrounded by ears of grain and gears [6] [166] Common Language yes mandarin and Standard Chinese characters [7] , Capital Beijing [8] , is a Han nationality As the main body 56 Ethnic Groups of China United Multi-ethnic country
China's land area is about 9.6 million square kilometers, and the coastline of the eastern and southern continents is more than 18000 kilometers, The total sea area is about 4.73 million square kilometers [2] There are more than 7600 islands in the sea area, including Taiwan Island The largest, with an area of 35798 square kilometers [2] China borders 14 countries and 8 countries at sea. There are 23 provinces and 5 provincial administrative divisions Autonomous Region , 4 municipality directly under the Central Government , 2 special administrative region [2]
China is one of the countries with the longest history in the world, and has a splendid culture and glorious revolutionary tradition [3] World Heritage Site Global leader in quantity [9] After the founding of New China in 1949 socialist revoltion During the period of peace and construction, the transition to socialism was achieved in 1956, and since then, the socialist construction has developed tortuously in exploration [10] the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”Implemented after completion reform and opening-up , along The socialist path with Chinese characteristics , focus on Socialist Modernization Drive [3] After long-term efforts, Socialism with Chinese characteristics Entered New era [11] [135]
China has the largest population in the world developing country , ranking the third in the world in terms of land area, is the second largest economy in the world, and continues to be the largest contributor to world economic growth. In 2020, the total economic output will exceed 100 trillion yuan [12-13] [124] China insists stand on one 's own Of Peaceful diplomacy Policy, yes Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council , also many international organization An important member of Potential superpower one of. [14]
Chinese name
The People's Republic of China
Foreign name
the People's Republic of China [15]
National Day
October 1st
National anthem
March of the Volunteers
Country code
official language
chinese (General mandarin
Time zone
East 8th District (Beijing Time)
Political system
The system of people's congresses
population size
1409.67 million [176] (By the end of 2023)
Major ethnic groups
Han nationality, etc 56 Ethnic Groups of China
Major religions
Taoism [140] Buddhism Islamism Catholicism Christianity (Protestantism) [142]
Land area
About 9600000 km ² [2]
Water area rate
Total GDP
126058.2 billion yuan [169] (2023)
GDP per capita
89358 yuan [179] (2023)
International telephone area code
+86 (Hong Kong:+852, Australia:+853, Taiwan:+886)
Abbreviation of international domain name
. China .cn (Port: .hk , Australia: .mo , sets: .tw
Road access
Drive on the right (drive on the left in Hong Kong and Macao)
ruling party
Communist Party of China
National Constitution
Constitution of the People's Republic of China [131]
Water area
About 4730000 km ² [2]
Xi Jinping (President), Li Qiang (Premier) [162-163]

Historical evolution


The People's Republic of China was founded

Founding Ceremony
From September 21 to September 30, 1949, The First Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference The plenary meeting was held in Peiping. On September 29, the meeting passed the provisional constitutional《 Common Program of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 》The CPPCC will exercise the functions and powers of the National People's Congress [18] In the afternoon of September 30, the first National Committee of the CPPCC was elected at the plenary session of the first Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Mao Zedong As the President of the Central People's Government, Zhu De Liu Shaoqi Soong Ching ling Li Jishen , Zhang Lan high mountain Is the Vice Chairman, and the other 56 are members of the Central People's Government. [18]
On October 1, 1949, the founding ceremony was held at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, and Mao Zedong announced it on the Tiananmen Tower The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China The People's Republic of China was officially established. [18]

Establishment of the socialist system

Socialist industrialization is flourishing
At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, China experienced long-term turmoil and war, sharp social contradictions, backward economic level, devaluation of currency, and poor transportation. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, a communist society that fully imitated the industrialization model of the Soviet Union was quickly established. [19]
In the early 1950s, the government carried out large-scale urban industry and commerce socialist transformation And rural land collectivization and social reform. Since 1953, China has embarked on socialist industrialization and socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce (i.e Three major transformations , gradually from New Democracy Transition to socialism [20] By 1956, China had basically established socialist system , enter Primary stage of socialism [19]

Socialist construction and mistakes

In 1964, China's first atomic bomb exploded successfully
In the process of building socialism in an all-round way, China has made great achievements and initially laid the material and cultural foundation for modernization. But there are also some mistakes. In 1958, all fronts of the country were launched“ Great Leap Forward ”The climax of. In August of the same year, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held a meeting in Beidaihe to set high targets for industrial and agricultural production. [21-22]
In agriculture, it is mainly the estimation of crop yield that is seriously exaggerated. The high indicators and grandiose style of production development promote the transition to the so-called higher form of production relations. Subjectively, it is believed that the larger the scale of agricultural cooperatives, the higher the degree of public ownership, the more it can promote production. [23] Its characteristics are“ One big man and two big men ”、“ One level two tone ”。 The three years of economic difficulties since 1959 have made the national economy even worse. [23] [137]
In the winter of 1960, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China began to correct the "Left" mistakes in rural work and decided to implement the policy of "adjusting, consolidating, enriching and improving" the national economy Liu Shaoqi Zhou Enlai economic expert Deng Xiaoping Under the auspices of, etc., they formulated and implemented a series of correct policies and decisive measures, which is an important change in this historical stage [24] In January 1962, an expanded central working conference attended by 7000 people initially summarized the experience and lessons of the "Great Leap Forward" and carried out criticism and self-criticism. [25]
From 1966 to 1976, serious disasters occurred to the Party and the country“ the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”。 [22] [26]

Rectify the Disorder and Discuss the Truth

After Mao Zedong died in 1976, Hua Guofeng Took over his post and arrested him Gang of Four In 1977, the country went from chaos to governance [27] The economy began to recover, and a large number of cadres who were knocked down during the Cultural Revolution were able to work again, which revealed that reform and opening-up The prologue of.
Deng Xiaoping In 1977, he returned to his post as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Chairman of the CPC Central Committee [28]
The third plenary session of the eleventh central committee
The CPC held at the end of 1978 The third plenary session of the eleventh central committee Has realized a great turning point of far-reaching significance in the history of the Party since the founding of New China, and opened a new historical period of China's reform and opening up and socialist modernization [29] On the New Year's Day of 1979, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress issued《 Message to Taiwan compatriots 》And announced the policy of reunifying the motherland by peaceful means. After 1979, China embarked on a more pragmatic development path. A large number of intellectuals and scholars who had previously been hit resumed their work [30] In 1980, false and wrong cases , is the most unjust case (Liu Shaoqi) Rehabilitation; The most influential and involved“ right ”Rehabilitation. [31]
In 1981, the Party's the sixth Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee Via《 Resolution on Several Historical Issues of the Party Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China 》And completely negated the "Cultural Revolution". In September of the same year, Ye Jianying The speech on the principles and policies of Taiwan's return to the motherland and peaceful reunification was released. In the early 1980s, Deng Xiaoping proposed that " One country, two systems ”A great idea.

New period of reform and opening up

In 1979, under the guidance of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the rural areas gradually began to implement the responsibility system based on household contract with remuneration linked to output, that is, "to allocate land and land to each household and assume responsibility for its own profits and losses". On July 15, 1979, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council decided to hold pilot projects in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen Special Economic Zones [30] [32]
Deng Xiaoping on the National Day in 1984
At the beginning of reform and opening up, the introduction of foreign capital was basically in the trial stage, mainly from foreign government loans. Introduce foreign capital, provide tax exemption and preferential period, cooperate to run factories, and learn the marketing methods of absorbing foreign enterprise capital management. It has created a large number of employment opportunities, accelerated the development of foreign trade, and improved the international competitiveness of the economy. [33]
In 1982, the rural reform began in full swing. The contracted production responsibility system was widely promoted in rural areas, agricultural production increased significantly, and farmers' income increased significantly. The food problem that has plagued China for many years has been solved by a large margin. [34-35]
On October 1, 1984, a military parade and mass march were held in the capital to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Deng Xiaoping reviewed the reviewed troops and delivered a speech [36] On December 19, the Chinese and British governments officially signed in Beijing《 Sino British Joint Statement 》And confirmed that the Chinese government resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong on July 1, 1997. [29]
On February 18, 1985, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council approved and forwarded the Summary of the Symposium on the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and the Xiamen Zhangzhou Quanzhou Delta in southern Fujian, and decided to open coastal economic open zones in the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and the Xiamen Zhangzhou Quanzhou Delta. In 1985, China's urban reform was launched in an all-round way, with the focus on the reform of state-owned enterprises. [37]

Establishment of market economy system

On January 14, 1992, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council held the Central Ethnic Work Conference. Jiang Zemin made a speech entitled "Strengthening the Great Unity of All Nationalities, Hand in Hand for the Construction of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics", and put forward the main tasks of ethnic work in the 1990s. [38]
From January 18 to February 21, 1992, Deng Xiaoping inspected Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Guangzhou and Shanghai as an ordinary party member and published important“ Speech during the Southern Tour ”, proposed in the speech“ Three advantages ”、“ Development is the absolute principle ”And other important viewpoints, marking that China's reform and opening up has entered a new stage. [38-39]
After 1992, the route of reform and opening up was basically determined, and China entered a stage of basic peace in the surrounding international environment, domestic social stability, and long-term and rapid economic growth [40] The Ninth Five Year Plan [41] The Tenth Five Year Plan has been fully implemented and basically completed.

Towards great rejuvenation

On July 1, 1997, the People's Republic of China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong [42] On December 20, 1999, the exercise of sovereignty over Macao was resumed [43] In 2001, China officially joined World Trade Organization [44-45]
Xi Jinping and Hu Jintao shook hands cordially
In November 2002, at the First Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Hu Jintao Elected as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee [46] In March 2003, at the first session of the Tenth National People's Congress, Hu Jintao was elected President of the country. [47]
On August 8, 2008, the 29th Olympic Games opened in Beijing [48] In 2010, Shanghai World Expo Successfully held [49] In 2011, China became the second largest economy in the world. [50]
In November 2012, at the First Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping Elected General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee [51] In March 2013, at the first session of the 12th National People's Congress, Xi Jinping was elected President of the country. [52]
In October 2017, Xi Jinping's report at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed a new historical orientation for China's development - socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era [11] In the same month, Xi Jinping was elected General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee at the First Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee [53] In March 2018, at the first session of the 13th National People's Congress, Xi Jinping was elected President of the country. [54]
In October 2022, Xi Jinping was elected General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee at the First Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee [149] In March 2023, at the first session of the 14th National People's Congress, Xi Jinping was elected President of the country. [155]

natural environment

See the main term: Geography of China

Regional location

Taiwan Island, the largest island in China
China is located in Asia east, the pacific ocean west bank. From the north Mohe County Nearby Heilongjiang In the middle of the river, to the south Nansha Islands Of Zengmu Dark Sand From the west the pamirs , east to Heilongjiang Wusuli River Junction. The land area is 9.6 million square kilometers, and the land boundary is more than 20000 kilometers. [55]
The territorial sea is composed of the bohai sea (Inland Sea) and Yellow Sea The East China Sea South China Sea It is composed of three marginal seas, with 18000 kilometers of coastline of the eastern and southern continents. [55]
China's land boundary is 22800 kilometers long, bordering the east North Korea , adjacent to the north Mongolia , adjacent to the northeast Russia , adjacent to the northwest Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan , West and Southwest and Afghanistan Pakistan India Nepal Bhutan And other countries Myanmar Laos Vietnam? to be connected. The east and southeast are the same the republic of korea Japan the Philippines Brunei Malaysia Indonesia Across the sea. [55]

Environmental characteristics

The terrain of China is high in the west and low in the east, which is complex and diverse. The proportion of various landforms in the land area of the country is: mountainous area 33 3%, plateau 26%, basin 18 8%, plain 12%, hilly 9 9%。 The terrain forms three steps from west to east: Qinghai Tibet Plateau With the highest terrain and an altitude of more than 4000 meters, it is composed of extremely high mountains and plateaus, known as the "roof of the world", and is the first step Kunlun Mountains Qilian Mountains mountain range running east-west It is bounded by the second step; To the east of Qinghai Tibet Plateau Greater Khingan Range Taihang Mountain Wushan and Xuefeng Mountain There is the second step between them, with an altitude of 1000-2000 meters, mainly composed of mountains, plateaus and basins; The broad plains and hills in eastern China are the third step. This geomorphic pattern is Mesozoic Yanshan movement Laid.
China's mountains, plateaus and hills account for about 69.2% of the land area, and the basins and plains account for about 30.8% of the land area. The mountains are mostly east-west and northeast southwest, mainly including Altai Mountains , Tianshan Mountain Kunlun Mountain Karakoram the himalayas Yin Mountain Qinling Mountains Nanling Greater Khingan Range Changbai Mountain Taihang Mountain Wuyi Mount Taiwan Mountains Wushan and Hengduan Mountain Etc. The west has the world's tallest Qinghai Tibet Plateau With an average altitude of more than 4000 meters, it is known as the "roof of the world". Mount Everest is 8848.86 meters above sea level, the highest peak in the world. Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, the Loess Plateau Sichuan Basin And Yunnan Guizhou Plateau Kunlun Mountain Qilian Mountains Hengduan Mountain The boundary is the second step of China's topography. The east of the line of Great Khingan Mountains Taihang Mountains Wushan Xuefeng Mountains to the coastline is mostly plain and hilly, which is the third step. The continental shelf to the east and south of the coastline is rich in seabed resources. [141]
mountain range
China is a mountainous country. The mountains are mostly east-west and northeast southwest. The main mountains are Altai Mountains Tian Shan Kunlun Mountains Karakoram Mountains Tanggula Mountains Nianqing Tanggula Mountains Qilian Mountains Gangdise Mountains Himalayas mountain range running east-west Yinshan Mountains taihang mountains Qinling Mountains Great Khingan Mountains wuyi mountains Changbai Mountains Taiwan Mountains Wushan Mountains Etc. There are 19 mountains with an altitude of more than 7000 meters in the world, and 7 are located in China and on the border. Many high mountains are distributed on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, known as the "roof of the world". The Himalayas, with an average altitude of 6000 meters, is the highest, majestic mountain in the world. Its main peak Mount Qomolangma With an altitude of 8848.86 meters, it is the highest peak in the world. Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon With a total length of 504.6km and a depth of 6009m, it is the world's largest canyon. In addition, Huangshan Mountain Mount Tai Huashan Mountain Songshan Mountain Hengshan Mountain Mount Heng Mount Emei Lushan Wudang Mountain Taibai Mountain Wuyi Mount Yandang Mountain Mount Qingcheng And other famous mountains. [56]
Mainly Yangtze River Yellow River Heilongjiang, Pearl River, Huaihe River Haihe River Liaohe River The Yarlung Zangbo River Tarim River Lancang River Nujiang River the minjiang river Qiantang River Han Jiang Yalu River Tumen River Hanjiang River Xiangjiang River Ganjiang River a river in Taiwan Nandu River Luanhe River Weak water Shule River Ili River Ertix River and Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal Linqu canal jiaolai canal Lixiahe Wait for the canal. The Yangtze River is the largest river in China, with a total length of 6300 kilometers. It is the third longest river in the world after the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China, with a total length of 5464 kilometers. [57]
Mainly Poyang Lake Dongting Lake , Taihu Lake Chaohu Lake Qinghai Lake Hongze Lake Gaoyou Lake Nansihu Lake Hulun Lake Lake Bell Bosten Lake Namtso Selin fault Dianchi Lake Erhai Fuxian Lake Riyuetan Pool Honghu Lake West Lake Qiandao Lake Weishan Lake Changbai Mountain Tianchi Tianshan Tianchi Lake Etc. Plain in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Poyang Lake It is the largest freshwater lake in China, with an area of 3583 square kilometers. Tibetan Plateau Qinghai Lake It is the largest salt water lake in China, with an area of 4583 square kilometers. [57]
The coastline of mainland China starts from Liaoning in the north Yalu River Estuary , south to Guangxi Beilun River With a total length of more than 18000 km; The island coastline is more than 14000 kilometers long. (as of 1997)
sea area
The sea area adjacent to the edge of the Chinese mainland and Taiwan Island is Yellow Sea , Donghai South China Sea And the Pacific Ocean to the east of Taiwan, while the Bohai Sea is an inland sea stretching into the mainland of China. The Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea span 32 degrees from east to west and 44 degrees from north to south. In addition Bohai Strait Taiwan Strait Qiongzhou Strait Wait for three straits. The total sea area is 4.73 million square kilometers (up to 1997).
China's climate is complex and diverse, including Temperate monsoon climate , subtropical monsoon climate Tropical monsoon climate temperate continental climate and Plateau mountain climate From south to north across tropical, subtropical, warm temperate Mesotemperate zone Cold temperate zone Temperature band. [58]
Reference source: [56]

natural resources

Resources in China
mineral products
China has a vast territory, diverse geological conditions, rich mineral resources, 171 kinds of minerals. There are 157 kinds of proven reserves. The proven reserves of tungsten, antimony, rare earth, molybdenum, vanadium and titanium rank first in the world. The reserves of coal, iron, lead and zinc, copper, silver, mercury, tin, nickel, apatite, asbestos, etc. rank among the top in the world.
The main feature of the distribution of mineral resources in China is uneven regional distribution. For example, iron is mainly distributed in Liaoning, eastern Hebei and western Sichuan, and rarely in the northwest; Coal is mainly distributed in North China, Northwest, Northeast and Southwest China, of which Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other provinces are the most concentrated, while the southeast coastal provinces are few. This uneven distribution has led to a considerable concentration of some minerals, such as tungsten ores, which are distributed in 19 provinces and regions. The reserves are mainly concentrated in southeast Hunan, southern Jiangxi, northern Guangdong, western Fujian, and eastern Guangxi central Guangxi. Although it is conducive to large-scale mining, it also brings great pressure to transportation. In order to effectively allocate and use the unevenly distributed resources nationwide, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of transportation. [59]
Cultivated land
China's land resources have four basic characteristics: absolute quantity is large, per capita possession is small; The types are complex and diverse, and the proportion of cultivated land is small; The utilization situation is complex, and the regional difference of productivity is obvious; Regional distribution is uneven, and protection and development problems are prominent.
The results of the eighth national forest resource inventory show that the national forest area is 208 million hectares, the forest coverage rate is 21.63%, and the forest stock is 15.137 billion cubic meters. The plantation covers an area of 69 million hectares, with a volume of 2.483 billion cubic meters, ranking first in the world.
water resource
China's total water resources account for 44.2% of the total precipitation, with an average water production of 290000 cubic meters per square kilometer. The total amount of fresh water resources is 2.8 trillion cubic meters, ranking sixth in the world, and the per capita share is 1/4 of the world's per capita share, ranking 88th.
China is one of the countries with the richest animal resources in the world. According to statistics, there are about 2070 species of terrestrial vertebrates in China, accounting for 9.8% of the world's terrestrial vertebrates. Among them, there are more than 1170 kinds of birds, 400 kinds of beasts and 184 kinds of amphibians, accounting for 13.5%, 11.3% and 7.3% of the world's similar animals respectively. From the Himalayas in the west to the north of Hengduan Mountains Qinling Mountains Funiu Mountains Huaihe River and the Yangtze River in the north, it is dominated by temperate and cold temperate fauna, belonging to the Palaearctic realm, while the southern part of the line is dominated by tropical fauna, belonging to the Oriental realm. In fact, due to the flat terrain in the east and the north-south trend of Hengduan Mountain in the west, the phenomenon of mutual infiltration and intermingling of animals in the two kingdoms is relatively obvious. [59]
Cathaya argyrophylla
China has a vast territory, complex terrain, diverse climate, rich vegetation types and complex distribution. In the eastern monsoon region, there are tropical rain forest, tropical monsoon forest, middle and southern subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, northern subtropical deciduous broad-leaved evergreen broad-leaved mixed forest, temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest, cold temperate coniferous forest, subalpine coniferous forest, temperate forest grassland and other vegetation types. In the northwest and Qinghai Tibet Plateau, there are dry grassland, semi desert grassland shrub, dry desert grassland shrub, plateau cold desert, alpine grassland meadow shrub and other vegetation types.
There are many kinds of plants. According to statistics, there are 300 families, 2980 genera and 24600 species of seed plants. Among them, 2946 genera are angiosperms (accounting for 23.6% of the total angiosperms in the world). The relatively old plants account for 62% of the world's total genera. Some plants, such as metasequoia , ginkgo biloba, etc., which have been extinct in other parts of the world in modern times, are all "living fossils" left in China. There are many kinds of seed plants with cold, warm and hot zones. In addition, there are a variety of cultivated plants. In terms of use, there are more than 1000 kinds of timber trees, more than 4000 kinds of medicinal plants, more than 300 kinds of fruit plants, more than 500 kinds of fiber plants, more than 300 kinds of starch plants, more than 600 kinds of oil plants, and more than 80 kinds of vegetable plants, making it one of the countries with the richest plant resources in the world. [59]

administrative division

The Chinese Constitution stipulates that the administrative regions of the People's Republic of China are divided as follows: (1) The whole country is divided into province Autonomous Region municipality directly under the Central Government (2) Provinces and autonomous regions are divided into autonomous prefecture county autonomous county city (3) Counties and autonomous counties are divided into country Ethnic Township town [60]
Municipalities and Larger cities It is divided into districts and counties. Autonomous prefectures are divided into counties, autonomous counties and cities. [60]
Autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties National autonomous areas The State may be established when necessary special administrative region The systems to be implemented in the special administrative regions shall, in accordance with the specific circumstances, be prescribed by the National People's Congress in law. [60]
By the end of 2020, China has 34 Provincial Administrative Region (including 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities directly under the Central Government, and 2 special administrative regions), 333 Prefecture level 2844 County level administrative region 38741 Township level [61] [132] Beijing is the capital of China. [60] [62]

National symbol


Country number

Meaning of country number
the chinese people ”, i.e. China Huaxia Means. [63]
the people ”It is a political concept, relative to the enemy. In contemporary China, those who support socialist Classes, strata and social groups that are unified with the motherland belong to the people, and the people refers to all Socialist laborer Patriots who support the reunification of the motherland and patriots who support socialism. [63]
republic ”The word "public" in English comes from the Latin republica (meaning the public affairs of the people). Republics generally mean to enjoy power and govern together, but in different countries and different historical periods, the power subjects of republics have different scopes. The republic in the modern sense emphasizes the participation of all citizens in the formulation of national laws, policy formulation and implementation, including direct and indirect participation, such as referendum representative system Etc. [63]
Determine process
During the Anti Japanese War, Mao Zedong The meaning of the "Democratic Republic of China" to be established in the future has been expounded many times. On December 30, 1948, Mao Zedong Xinhua News Agency A 1949 New Year's Message《 Carry the revolution through to the end 》It was clearly announced: "In 1949, a political consultative conference will be convened with the goal of accomplishing the people's revolutionary tasks without the participation of reactionaries, proclaiming the establishment of the People's Republic of China and forming the central government of the Republic."
On June 16, 1949, New CPPCC The fifth paragraph of Article 3 of the Regulations on the Organization of the Preparatory Committee for the New Political Consultative Conference adopted at the first plenary meeting of the Preparatory Committee is to "propose a plan for the establishment of the government of the People's Democratic Republic of China".
On June 19 of the same year, during the fourth panel discussion of the Preparatory Meeting of the New CPPCC, professor of Tsinghua University Zhang Xiruo He questioned the name of the People's Democratic Republic of China. He said that the name of the country was too long and suggested that the word "democracy" should be deleted. Finally, the "People's Republic of China" was adopted.
On September 27 of the same year, the first plenary session of the CPPCC passed a resolution officially naming the country "the People's Republic of China". And remove the abbreviation of "Republic of China" after the country name [64] Since then, the "Republic of China" has been completely removed from the General Assembly document adopted by the CPPCC. After the founding of New China, the "Republic of China" was replaced by the "People's Republic of China".

national emblem

The National Emblem of the People's Republic of China is Tiananmen in the middle illuminated by five stars, surrounded by ears of grain and cogwheel. [138-139]
National Emblem of the People's Republic of China

national flag

The national flag of the People's Republic of China is the symbol and symbol of the People's Republic of China. Every citizen and organization should respect and cherish the National Flag. [4]
National Flag of the People's Republic of China

national anthem

The Constitution (Amendment) adopted at the Second Session of the Tenth National People's Congress adds a paragraph to Article 136 of the Constitution, which stipulates that the national anthem of the People's Republic of China is the March of the Volunteers. [5]
Lyrics of the National Anthem of the People's Republic of China


In accordance with the Statistics Law and the Regulations on National Population Census, the People's Republic of China carried out the seventh national population census at 0:00 on November 1, 2020, with the main purpose of comprehensively finding out the population size, structure, distribution and other aspects of the People's Republic of China, in order to improve the population development strategy and policy system of the People's Republic of China, formulate economic and social development plans Promote high-quality development and provide accurate statistical information support. [128]

Total population

The results of the seventh national population census released on May 11, 2021 show that China's total population is 1411.78 million (Data from the 6th National Population Census) Compared with 1339.72 million people in the mainland of China, there was an increase of 72.06 million people, or 5.38%, with an average annual growth rate of 0.53% (the national population refers to the population of 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and active servicemen in the mainland of China, excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents and foreigners living in 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government), which was 0.04 percentage points lower than the average annual growth rate of 0.57% from 2000 to 2010. [125]
By the end of 2023, the national population will be 1409.67 million, 2.08 million fewer than the end of the previous year, including 932.67 million urban permanent residents. The annual birth population was 9.02 million, with a birth rate of 6.39 ‰; 11.10 million people died, with a mortality rate of 7.87 ‰; The natural growth rate is -1.48 ‰. [65-66] [128] [135] [143-144] [176] [183]

Ethnic Profile

stay The big family of the Chinese nation The Han nationality has the largest population, accounting for more than 90% of the total population of the country. The other 55 ethnic groups have a small population, known as ethnic minority
The results of the seventh national population census released on May 11, 2021 show that the Han population is 1286.31 million, accounting for 91.11%, and the population of all ethnic minorities is 125.47 million, accounting for 8.89%. Compared with 2010, the population of Han nationality increased by 4.93%, the population of all ethnic minorities increased by 10.26%, and the proportion of ethnic minorities increased by 0.40 percentage points. [125]
Traditional costumes of all ethnic groups in China
Han clothing
Bai costumes
Baoan costumes
Blang costumes
Tibetan costumes
Korean costumes
Daur nationality
Daur costumes [68]
Dai costumes
De'ang costumes
Dongxiang costumes
Dong minority clothing
Dulong costumes
Russian costumes
Oroqen costumes
Ewenki costumes
Clothing of Gaoshan nationality
Hani costumes
Kazak costumes
Achang costumes
Hezhe costumes
Hui costumes
Jinuo costumes
Jing costumes
Jingpo costumes
Kirgiz costumes
Lahu costumes
Li costumes
Lisu costumes
Luoba costumes
Manchu costumes
Maonan costumes
Menba costumes
Mongolian costumes
Mulao costumes
Naxi costumes
Nu costumes
The Miao costumes
Qiang costumes
Salar costumes
She costumes
Tajik costumes
Tatar costumes
Tujia costumes
Tu costumes
Wa costumes
Uygur costumes
Uzbek costumes
Xibo costumes
Yao costumes
Yi dress
Gelao costumes
Yugur costumes
Zhuang costumes
Buyi costumes
Pumi costumes
Shui costumes

Gender composition

The results of the seventh national population census will be released on May 11, 2021. The data shows that the male population of the People's Republic of China is 723.34 million, accounting for 51.24%; The female population is 688.44 million, accounting for 48.76%. The sex ratio of the total population (100 women, male to female ratio) is 105.07, which is basically the same as that in 2010, with a slight decrease. The sex ratio at birth was 111.3, down 6.8 from 2010. The gender structure of the population of the People's Republic of China has continued to improve. [127]

Age composition

The results of the seventh national population census will be released on May 11, 2021, and the data show that the population of the People's Republic of China aged 0-14 is 253.38 million, accounting for 17.95%; The population aged 15-59 is 894.38 million, accounting for 63.35%; The population aged 60 and above is 264.02 million, accounting for 18.70% (of which, the population aged 65 and above is 190.64 million, accounting for 13.50%). Compared with 2010, the proportion of people aged 0-14, 15-59 and 60 years and over increased by 1.35 percentage points, decreased by 6.79 percentage points and increased by 5.44 percentage points respectively. The proportion of children in the population of the People's Republic of China has rebounded, and the adjustment of fertility policy has achieved positive results. [126]

Educated population

The results of the seventh national population census will be released on May 11, 2021, and the data show that the population with college education is 218.36 million. Compared with 2010, the number of college educated people per 100000 increased from 8930 to 15467, the average length of schooling of the population aged 15 and above increased from 9.08 to 9.91, and the illiteracy rate decreased from 4.08% to 2.67%. [128]

Urban and rural population

The results of the seventh national population census will be released on May 11, 2021. The data shows that the population living in cities and towns is 901.99 million, accounting for 63.89%; The population living in the countryside is 509.79 million, accounting for 36.11%. Compared with 2010, the urban population increased by 236.42 million, the rural population decreased by 164.36 million, and the proportion of urban population increased by 14.21 percentage points. [128]

floating population

On May 11, 2021, the results of the seventh national population census were released, and the data showed that the population separated from households was 492.76 million, of which 116.94 million were separated from households in municipal districts, and 375.82 million were floating population, of which 124.84 million were trans provincial floating population. Compared with 2010, the population of separated households increased by 88.52%, the population of separated households in municipal districts increased by 192.66%, and the floating population increased by 69.73%. [128]



National Constitution

The current Constitution of China was adopted at the fifth session of the Fifth National People's Congress on December 4, 1982, and was announced and implemented by the National People's Congress on December 4, 1982 [69] Subsequently, they were adopted on April 12, 1988, March 29, 1993, March 15, 1999, March 14, 2004 and March 11, 2018《 Amendments to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China 》。 [3]


The National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China is the highest organ of state power. Its permanent organ is Standing Committee of the National People's Congress The National People's Congress and its Standing Committee exercise the legislative power of the state. [3]

administrative organ

The State Council of the People's Republic of China, namely Central People's Government It is the executive organ of the highest organ of state power and the highest state administrative organ. The Premier assumes overall responsibility for the work of the State Council. All ministries and commissions shall implement the ministerial and director responsibility system. [3]
State Council of the PRC
The State Council of the People's Republic of China, the Central People's Government, is the executive organ of the highest organ of state power and the highest organ of state administration. The State Council is composed of the Premier, Vice Premiers, State Councilors, Ministers in charge of ministries and commissions, the President of the People's Bank of China, the Auditor General and the Secretary General. The Premier assumes overall responsibility for the work of the State Council. The Premier directs the work of the State Council. Under the leadership of the Premier, the Secretary General of the State Council is responsible for handling the day-to-day work of the State Council. The State Council shall establish a General Office under the leadership of the Secretary General. [145] [182]
prime minister
State Councilor
Secretary general
Constituent departments of the State Council
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Ministry of National Defence of the People's Republic of China National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China State Ethnic Affairs Commission of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China , People's Republic of China Ministry of National Security Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Ecological Environment of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China Department of Veterans Affairs of the People's Republic of China Emergency Management Department of the People's Republic of China People's Bank of China National Audit Office of the People's Republic of China
The Ministry of Education reserves State Language Work Committee Brand. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology reserves National Space Administration National Atomic Energy Agency Brand. Added by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs Brand. Ministry of Natural Resources reserves State Oceanic Administration Brand. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment reserves State Bureau of Nuclear Safety Brand. Added by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs National Bureau of Rural Development Brand.
Special institutions directly under the State Council
Institutions directly under the State Council
The State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration reserves State Anti monopoly Administration National Certification and Accreditation Administration National Standardization Administration Brand. State Press and Publication Administration State Copyright Bureau )On Central Propaganda Department The Propaganda Department of the Central Committee shall be responsible for the addition of signs. State Administration of Religious Affairs The United Front Department of the Central Committee shall be responsible for putting up signs in the United Front Department of the Central Committee.
Administrative Office of the State Council
Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council The United Front Department of the Central Committee shall be responsible for putting up signs in the United Front Department of the Central Committee. Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council In the Communist Party of China Central Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office The Central Office for Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of the Communist Party of China shall be responsible for putting up signs. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee National Internet Information Office And Office of the Central Network Security and Informatization Commission One organization has two brands, which are listed in the list of organizations directly under the CPC Central Committee. The State Council Information Office will put up a sign in the Central Propaganda Department, which will assume the relevant responsibilities.
Institutions directly under the State Council
National School of Administration And Central Party School One organization has two brands, which serve as public institutions directly under the CPC Central Committee.
National bureaus under the administration of ministries and commissions under the State Council
National Immigration Administration Exit Entry Administration of the People's Republic of China Brand. Added by State Forestry and Grassland Administration National Park Service Brand. The National Civil Service Bureau Central Organization Department The Organization Department of the Central Committee shall be responsible for the addition of signs. The State Archives Administration and the Central Archives, the State Security Administration and the Office of the Central Secrecy Commission, the State Password Administration and the Office of the Central Leading Group for Cryptographic Work, one institution with two brands, are listed in the order of subordinate institutions directly under the CPC Central Committee. [70] [156-160]

Supervisory organ

People's Republic of China at all levels Supervisory Committee It's national Supervisory organ The supervisory committee shall exercise its supervisory power independently in accordance with the law and shall not be subject to interference by administrative organs, social organizations or individuals. When handling cases of illegal or criminal acts by taking advantage of duty, supervisory organs should cooperate and restrict each other with judicial organs, procuratorial organs and law enforcement departments. [3]

judicial office

General understanding, Chinese judicial office Including "public security, procuratorial, judicial and security" organs. "Public" means police , "Inspection" refers to Procuratorial organ People's Procuratorate ), "Law" refers to the judicial organ (people's court), and "Division" refers to Judicial administrative organ , "An" means National security organs "Public security organs, procuratorial organs, judicial organs and security organs" perform different duties according to their functions and laws. In China, although the public security organs, national security organs and judicial administrative organs are administrative organ However, it also undertakes some judicial functions. People's courts and people's procuratorates specially exercise Judicial power and Procuratorial power The judicial authority of. [71]
The people's courts of the People's Republic of China are the judicial organs of the state. The people's courts exercise judicial power independently in accordance with the law and are not subject to interference by administrative organs, public organizations or individuals. [3]
The People's Procuratorate of the People's Republic of China is the state's legal supervision organ. The People's Procuratorates exercise procuratorial power independently in accordance with the law and are not subject to interference by administrative organs, social organizations or individuals. [3]
In handling criminal cases, the people's courts, the people's procuratorates and the public security organs shall divide their responsibilities, cooperate with each other and check each other to ensure the accurate and effective implementation of the law. [3]
Judiciary of the People's Republic of China
Supreme People's Procuratorate
supreme people 's court

political party system

The Communist Party of China is Chinese ruling party The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation Socialism with Chinese characteristics The leading core of the cause represents the development requirements of China's advanced productive forces, the direction of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. The highest ideal and ultimate goal of the Party is to achieve communism The Communist Party of China Marxism Leninism Mao Zedong Thought Deng Xiaoping Theory The Important Thought of "Three Represents" Scientific Outlook on Development Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era As your own guide to action. [72]
Multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China Is a basic political system of the People's Republic of China [73] Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference It is an organization of the patriotic united front of the Chinese people, an important institution of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, an important form of promoting socialist democracy in China's political life, an important part of the national governance system, and a systematic arrangement with Chinese characteristics. [74]

Social groups

Social groups are an important part of contemporary Chinese political life. Chinese social organizations are quasi official. [75]

state leaders


Main term: China's economy
China is the world's second largest economy, the world's largest industrial country and the world's largest agricultural country. [13] [17] [82] [123] [136]
According to preliminary accounting, the annual GDP was 126058.2 billion yuan, an increase of 5.2% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 8975.5 billion yuan, an increase of 4.1% over the previous year; The added value of the secondary industry was 48258.9 billion yuan, up 4.7%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 68823.8 billion yuan, up 5.8%. The added value of the primary industry accounted for 7.1% of GDP, the added value of the secondary industry accounted for 38.3%, and the added value of the tertiary industry accounted for 54.6%. The final consumption expenditure drove the GDP growth by 4.3 percentage points, the total capital formation drove the GDP growth by 1.5 percentage points, and the net exports of goods and services drove the GDP down by 0.6 percentage points. On a quarterly basis, the GDP in the first quarter increased by 4.5% year on year, 6.3% in the second quarter, 4.9% in the third quarter and 5.2% in the fourth quarter. The annual per capita GDP was 89358 yuan, an increase of 5.4% over the previous year. The gross national income was 125129.7 billion yuan, an increase of 5.6% over the previous year. The total labor productivity was 161615 yuan/person, an increase of 5.7% over the previous year. [177] [183]


By the end of 2023, there were 1893 art performance groups affiliated to the national cultural and tourism departments. There are 3309 public libraries in China, with a total circulation of 1126.68 million people; 3508 cultural centers. There are 202 million actual cable TV users, including 193 million actual cable digital TV users. At the end of the year, the comprehensive population coverage rate of radio programs was 99.7%, and that of television programs was 99.8%. Throughout the year, 156 TV dramas and 4632 episodes were produced, with 93811 minutes of TV cartoons. It produced 792 feature films and 179 science and education, documentary, animation and special films. 25.8 billion newspapers, 1.8 billion periodicals, 11.9 billion books and 8.40 books per capita were published. At the end of the year, there were 4154 archives in China, and 238.27 million volumes (pieces) of various archives had been opened. In the whole year, the operating income of cultural and related industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide was 12951.5 billion yuan, an increase of 8.2% over the previous year, calculated on a comparable basis. [183]


  • languages
Among the 55 ethnic minorities, 53 other ethnic minorities use their own language, except for the Hui and Manchu nationalities who use Chinese commonly; There are 21 nationalities with written languages, and 27 languages are used in total. [7] [83]
  • Language family
From the perspective of language family, the languages used by 56 ethnic groups in China belong to five major language families: Sino Tibetan language family Altaic Austronesian language family Austro-Asiatic language family and Indo European
The Sino Tibetan language family is divided into Chinese and Tibetan Burmese, Miao Yao, Zhuang Dong three language families. Tibetan, Jiarong, Menba, Cangla, Loba, Qiang, Pumi, Dulong, Jingpo, Yi, Lisu, Hani, Lahu, Bai, Naxi, Jino, Nusu, Nong, Rouruo, Tujia, Zaiwa, Achang and other languages belong to the Tibeto Burman language group; Miao, Bunu, Mian, She and other languages belong to the Miao Yao language family; The Zhuang and Dong languages include Zhuang, Buyi, Dai, Dong, Shui, Mulao, Maonan, Lajia, Li, Gelao, etc.
The Altaic language family is divided into three language families: Mongolian, Turkic and Manchu Tungusic. Mongolian, Daur, Dongxiang, Dongyugu, Tu, Baoan and other languages belong to Mongolian language group; Turkic languages include Uygur, Kazak, Kirgiz, Uzbek, Tatar, Sala, Yugu in the west, Tuwa, etc; The Manchu Tungusic language family includes Manchu, Xibo, Hezhe, Ewenki, Oroqen and other languages.
The Nandao language family is the languages of the Gaoshan nationality, as well as Huihui dialect of the Hui nationality.
The South Asian language family is the Mon Khmer language family, including Wa, De'ang, Bulang, Kemu and other languages.
The Indo European language family is Russian belonging to the Slavic language family and Tajik belonging to the Iranian language family.
⑥ Other languages
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the government has formulated language programs for Zhuang, Buyi, Yi, Miao, Hani, Lisu, Naxi, Dong, Wa, Li and other ethnic groups.
From the perspective of character system and letter form, Chinese characters are intended to be phonetic characters, syllabic characters, alphabetic character system and ancient Indian letters (Sanskrit), Uighur letters, Arabic letters, square letters, Latin letters, Slavic letter forms, etc.
In addition, Korean and Beijing language The family of has not been officially recognized by the Chinese government.


The literature of the People's Republic of China generally belongs to Contemporary Chinese Literature Category. July 1949“ The First Cultural Congress ”The opening of the "New Literature" marked that Chinese new literature took this as the starting point and entered the stage of contemporary literature. Chinese contemporary literature is different from Chinese modern literature in nature: it is limited to socialist pluralistic literature under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. This nature makes contemporary literature with extremely complex features and characteristics significantly different from the literature of any previous social form and era. Chinese contemporary literature has generally gone through three historical stages: the first 17 years after the founding of New China (1949-1966), the decade of the "Cultural Revolution" (1966-1976) and the new period (after 1976). Since the beginning of the 21st century Chinese freelance writer Chinese free literature The concept of "etc." has promoted Chinese contemporary literature to a new and unprecedented height, making Chinese contemporary literature more vague and personal emotional, and a real era of self regression of literature is emerging. [84]
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, dozens of literary awards have been set up, among which the more authoritative ones are Mao Dun Literature Award Lu Xun Literature Prize And the annual selection of Chinese literary figures. The Modern Chinese Literature Museum, built in Beijing in 2000, collects desks, chairs and writing tools used by 18 of the most famous Chinese writers, as well as a large number of literary works, handwriting, translations, letters and other materials. [85]
On October 11, 2012, Mo Yan Won the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature. This is the first time that China has won this award.


Since ancient times, China has had the aphorism of "food is the most important thing for the people", "the three armies have not moved, and food and forage are the first", which has been formed independently after thousands of years of development Chinese food culture Chinese food culture is a long regional culture with broad vision, deep level, multi angles and high taste; It is the Chinese people who create, accumulate and influence the material and spiritual wealth of neighboring countries and the world in the aspects of food source development, tableware development, food conditioning, nutrition and health care, and diet aesthetics in their production and living practices. [86]

chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine is a kind of medicine that originated in China and takes the medical practice of ancient Chinese Han nationality as the main body traditional medicine It has a history of thousands of years. According to China National Commission for the Examination and Approval of Scientific and Technological Terms Approved terms, Traditional Chinese Medicine It is a comprehensive science focusing on the theory and practical experience of traditional Chinese medicine to study the transformation law of health and disease in human life activities and its prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and health care. [87]

traditional festival

According to the Measures for Holidays on National Annual Festivals and Memorial Days, all citizens have holidays
holiday and vacations
Leave days (excluding compensatory leave)
New Year's Day
January 1st
1 day
Spring Festival
The first, second and third days of the first lunar month
3 days
Qingming Day
1 day
labor day
May 1st
1 day
Dragon Boat Festival
Dragon Boat Festival Day
1 day
Mid-autumn Festival
Mid Autumn Day
1 day
National Day
October 1, 2, 3
3 days
According to the Measures for Holidays on National Annual Festivals and Memorial Days, some citizens have holidays and anniversaries
holiday and vacations
Days off
Holiday date regulations
Women's Day
March 8th
Half a day
Women have half a day off
Youth Day
May 4th
Half a day
Young people over 14 and under 28 have half a day off
Children's Day
June 1st
1 day
Children under the age of 14 have one day off on the same day
Anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (Army Day)
August 1st
Half a day
Active servicemen have half a day off
Measures for Holidays on National Annual Festivals and Memorial Days 》For festivals that are customary to ethnic minorities, it is decided that the local people's governments in areas where ethnic minorities live in concentrated communities should set holiday dates in accordance with the customs of ethnic minorities. [88]
The major traditional festivals in China are Spring Festival the lantern festival Qingming Festival The Dragon Boat Festival Mid-Autumn Festival Etc. In addition, all ethnic minorities also keep their own traditional festivals, such as the Dai's the Water-Sprinkling Festival of the Dai and some other minority nationalities , Mongolian Nadam Conference , Yi Torch Festival , Yao Danu Festival , Bai nationality March Street , Zhuang Song fair , Tibetan Tibetan calendar year and Fruit Watching Festival , Miao Jumping Flower Festival wait. [89]


Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the four generations of central collective leadership of the Party with Comrade Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao at the core and the Central Committee of the Party with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core have accurately grasped the overall situation and development trend at home and abroad, scientifically established the national defense strategy, made a series of major decisions and arrangements at the appropriate time, and constantly endowed the military with new functions and missions, It is pushing forward China's national defense and military building.
China pursues a defensive national defense policy. China places the safeguarding of national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, safeguarding the interests of national development and protecting the interests of the people above everything else, and strives to build a strong national defense and a strong military that is compatible with national security and development interests, so as to achieve the unity of a rich country and a strong military in the process of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.
The objectives and tasks of China's national defense in the new era: to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests; Maintain social harmony and stability; To modernize national defense and the armed forces; To safeguard world peace and stability.
In accordance with the needs of national security and the level of economic and social development, China implements the "three-step" development strategy for the modernization of national defense and the armed forces, and promotes the modernization of national defense and the armed forces in a planned and step-by-step manner. This strategic vision mainly includes: promoting the informatization of national defense and the military, coordinating economic construction and national defense construction, deepening the reform of national defense and the military, and taking the road of leapfrog development.
The diversified use of China's armed forces in peacetime: safeguarding border, coastal and air security, maintaining social stability, participating in national construction, emergency rescue and disaster relief, and participating in United Nations peacekeeping operations, Gulf of Aden And Somali waters, Sino foreign joint performance and training, and international disaster relief.
Chinese military
vice president
committee member
vice president
committee member
minister: Dong Jun [168] [178]
Functional departments of the Chinese People's Liberation Army
The General Office of the Military Commission, the Joint Staff Department of the Military Commission, the Political Work Department of the Military Commission, the Logistics Support Department of the Military Commission, the Equipment Development Department of the Military Commission, the Training Management Department of the Military Commission, the National Defense Mobilization Department of the Military Commission, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Military Commission, the Political and Law Commission of the Military Commission, the Science and Technology Commission of the Military Commission, the Strategic Planning Office of the Military Commission, the Reform and Establishment Office of the Military Commission, the International Military Cooperation Office of the Military Commission Military Commission Audit Office, General Administration of Military Commission Organ Affairs


After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the total length of transportation lines has increased greatly, and it has a transportation network comparable to that of developed countries. The transportation trunk line continues to extend to inland and border areas, the transportation network continues to expand, and the transportation capacity is also gradually improved.
In 2023, the total volume of cargo transportation will be 55.7 billion tons, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year. The turnover of cargo transportation was 24771.3 billion ton kilometers, up 6.3%. The port handled 17 billion tons of goods, an increase of 8.2% over the previous year, including 5 billion tons of foreign trade goods, an increase of 9.5%. The port container throughput reached 31.034 million TEUs, up 4.9%. The total number of passengers transported throughout the year was 9.3 billion, an increase of 66.5% over the previous year. The passenger transport turnover reached 2861 billion person kilometers, up 121.4%. [91] [147] [161]




Education in China is based on Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China Responsible education. Implemented since 1986 Nine year compulsory education The education stage is divided into kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, senior high school and university. China has a large number of universities, and the number of college students is the first in the world. Some universities offer postgraduate education and have doctoral programs. [92-93]
In 2023, there will be 1.302 million graduate students enrolled in graduate education, 3.883 million graduate students in school, and 1.015 million graduates. The number of general and vocational college students enrolled was 10.422 million, the number of students at school was 37.75 million, and the number of graduates was 10.470 million. Secondary vocational education enrolled 6.165 million students, 17.379 million students and 5.371 million graduates. Regular senior high schools enrolled 9.678 million students, 28.036 million students and 8.604 million graduates. The junior high school enrolled 17.546 million students, 52.437 million students and 16.236 million graduates. Ordinary primary schools enrolled 18.779 million students, 108.36 million students and 17.635 million graduates. Special education enrolled 155000 students, 912000 students and 173000 graduates. There are 40.930 million preschool children in the kindergarten. The consolidation rate of nine-year compulsory education is 95.7%, and the gross enrollment rate of senior high school is 91.8%. [129] [148] [183]


With the development of society and the progress of economy, the central government of China has relaxed its control over the media year by year. The Chinese media has shown a certain degree of vitality and diversity, and also discussed social issues and public policies with a certain degree of openness. [94]

Press and Publications

Since the reform and opening up, the Chinese government has attached great importance to the press and publication work and made a series of major deployments and decisions, which has brought the Chinese press and publication industry into a new stage of rapid, healthy and sustainable development. China's book, newspaper, electronic publishing and printing industries have all entered the forefront of the world and become a veritable publishing power. [95]

public health

Since the reform and opening up, China's health service has made remarkable achievements. A medical and health service system covering both urban and rural areas has basically taken shape. The ability to prevent and treat diseases has been constantly strengthened. The population covered by medical security has gradually expanded. The level of health science and technology has rapidly improved. The health level of the people has significantly improved. The main health indicators of residents are in the forefront of developing countries. [96]
By the end of 2023, there will be 1.071 million medical and health institutions in China, including 39000 hospitals, 12000 public hospitals and 27000 private hospitals; There are 1.016 million primary medical and health institutions, including 34000 township hospitals, 37000 community health service centers (stations), 362000 outpatient departments (stations), and 583000 village clinics; There are 12000 professional public health institutions, including 3426 centers for disease prevention and control and 2791 health supervision centers (centers). There are 12.47 million medical technicians, including 4.78 million licensed doctors and assistant licensed doctors, and 5.63 million registered nurses. There are 10.2 million beds in medical and health institutions, including 8 million hospitals and 1.51 million township hospitals. In the whole year, 9.56 billion people were diagnosed and treated, and 300 million people were discharged. [129] [183]

Labor employment

China has implemented the employment priority strategy, adhered to economic development to drive employment, formulated and implemented a series of macro policies to promote employment, constantly strengthened and improved macro-control, maintained sustained, rapid and healthy economic development, and laid a solid foundation for expanding employment. Since 2008, China has maintained an average annual urban employment increase of more than 11 million people and transferred more than 8 million agricultural labor force. The number of urban and rural employees increased from 755.64 million at the end of 2008 to 764.2 million at the end of 2011. [97]

Business environment

On March 5, 2024, Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council, introduced in the government work report that in the past year, we have deepened reform and expanded opening up, and continued to improve the business environment. We introduced the overall work plan for building a unified national market, and sorted out a number of policies and regulations that hinder fair competition. We will launch policies to support the development of state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and foreign-funded enterprises, establish a regular communication and exchange mechanism between government and enterprises, carry out special actions to clear up outstanding enterprise accounts, and strengthen the rectification of illegal charges. We will deepen reforms in finance, taxation, finance, agriculture, rural areas, and ecological and environmental protection. We will promote foreign trade to stabilize its scale and optimize its structure, and the export of electric vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic products will grow by nearly 30%. We will improve policies to attract foreign investment and expand institutional openness. The high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative was solidly promoted, and trade and investment with the countries jointly built grew rapidly. [1] [184]

International Relations

China belongs to Third World Countries , follow stand on one 's own Our foreign policy of peace, proceeding from the long-term and fundamental interests of our own people and the people of the world, takes opposing hegemonism, maintaining world peace, developing friendly cooperation among countries and promoting common economic prosperity as the fundamental goal of our foreign work. In handling state to state relations, China has always advocated non-interference in each other's internal affairs The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence As a guide, instead of taking the differences and similarities of social systems, ideologies and values as the standard Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council And many member states of international organizations. [98]
Summary of the date when China established diplomatic relations with other countries (as of January 24, 2024)
country (Date of establishment of diplomatic relations and remarks)
Afghanistan (1955.1.20)
United Arab Emirates (November 1984)
Oman (1978.5.25)
Azerbaijan (1992.4.6)
Pakistan (1951.5.21)
Palestine (1988.11.20)
Bahrain (1989.4.18)
North Korea (1949.10.6)
East Timor (May 20, 2002)
Philippines (1975.6.9)
Georgia (1992.6.9)
Kazakhstan (1992.1.3)
South Korea (February 24, 1992)
Kyrgyzstan (February 5, 1992)
Cambodia (July 19, 1958)
Qatar (July 9, 1988)
Kuwait (March 22, 1971)
Laos (April 25, 1961)
Lebanon (November 9, 1971)
Maldives (October 14, 1972)
Malaysia (1974.5.31)
Mongolia (1949.10.16)
Bangladesh (1975.10.4)
Myanmar (June 8, 1950)
Nepal (1955.8.1)
Japan (1972.9.29)
Saudi Arabia (1990.7.21)
Sri Lanka (1957.2.7)
Tajikistan (January 4, 1992)
Thailand (1975.7.1)
Turkey (August 4, 1971)
Turkmenistan (January 6, 1992)
Brunei (1991.9.30)
Armenia (April 6, 1992)
Uzbekistan (February 2, 1992)
Singapore (1990.10.3)
Syria (1956. 8.1)
Yemen (1956. 9.24)
Iraq (August 25, 1958)
Iran (August 16, 1971)
Israel (January 24, 1992)
India (April 1, 1950)
Indonesia (April 13, 1950)
Jordan (1977.4.7)
Vietnam (January 18, 1950)
Algeria (December 20, 1958)
Egypt (1956.5.30)
Ethiopia (1970.11.24)
Angola (1983.1.12)
Benin (November 12, 1964)
Botswana (January 6, 1975)
Burkina Faso (established diplomatic relations on September 15, 1973, suspended diplomatic relations on April 4, 1994, and resumed diplomacy on August 26, 2018) [99]
Burundi (December 21, 1963)
Equatorial Guinea (1970.10.15)
Togo (1972.9.19)
Eritrea (1993.5.24)
Cape Verde (1976.4.25)
Gambia (established diplomatic relations on December 14, 1974, suspended diplomatic relations on July 25, 1995, and resumed diplomatic relations on March 17, 2016 [100]
Congo Brazzaville (1964.2.22)
Congo (Kinshasa) (1961.2.20)
Djibouti (1979.1.8)
Guinea (1959. 10.4)
Guinea Bissau (1974.3.15)
Ghana (1960.7.5)
Gabon (1974.4.20)
Zimbabwe (1980.4.18)
Cameroon (March 26, 1971)
Comoros (November 13, 1975)
Cote d'Ivoire (March 2, 1983)
Kenya (1963.12.14)
Lesotho (April 30, 1983)
Liberia (1977.2.17)
Libya (August 9, 1978)
Rwanda (November 12, 1971)
Madagascar (1972.11.6)
Malawi (December 28, 2007)
Mali (1960.10.25)
Mauritius (1972.4.15)
Mauritania (July 19, 1965)
Morocco (1958.11.1)
Mozambique (1975.6.25)
Namibia (1990.3.22)
South Africa (January 1, 1998)
South Sudan (2011.7.9)
Niger (1974.7.20)
Nigeria (February 10, 1971)
Sierra Leone (July 29, 1971)
Senegal (December 7, 1971)
Seychelles (June 30, 1976)
Sao Tome and Principe (established diplomatic relations on July 12, 1977, ended diplomatic relations on July 11, 1997, and resumed diplomatic relations on December 26, 2016 [101]
Sudan (1959.2.4)
Somalia (1960.12.14)
Tanzania (1964.4.26)
Tunisia (1964.1.10)
Uganda (1962.10.18)
Zambia (1964.10.29)
Chad (December 28, 1972)
Central Africa (1964.9.29)
Albania (1949.11.23)
Ireland (June 22, 1979)
Estonia (1991.9.11)
Andorra (1994.6.29)
Austria (May 28, 1971)
Belarus (February 20, 1992)
Bulgaria (1949.10.4)
Belgium (October 25, 1971)
Iceland (December 8, 1971)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (April 3, 1995)
Poland (1949.10.7)
Denmark (May 11, 1950)
Germany (October 11, 1972)
Russia (1949.10.2)
France (1964.1.27)
Finland (October 28, 1950)
Netherlands (1972.5.18)
Montenegro (July 6, 2006)
Czech Republic (1949.10.6)
Croatia (1992.5.13)
Latvia (1991.9.12)
Lithuania (1991.9.14, On November 21, 2021, it will be reduced to the agency level [133]
Liechtenstein (September 14, 1950)
Luxembourg (November 16, 1972)
Romania (1949.10.5)
Malta (1972.1.31)
Macedonia (October 12, 1993)
Moldova (January 30, 1992)
Monaco (January 16, 1995)
Norway (1954. 10.5)
Portugal (1979.2.8)
Sweden (May 9, 1950)
Switzerland (September 14, 1950)
Serbia (1955.1.2)
Cyprus (December 14, 1971)
San Marino (May 6, 1971)
Slovakia (1949.10.6)
Slovenia (May 12, 1992)
Ukraine (January 4, 1992)
Spain (March 9, 1973)
Greece (1972.6.5)
Hungary (1949.10.6)
Italy (1970.11.6)
UK (1972.3.13)
European Union (1975. 5 -)
North America
Antigua and Barbuda (1983.1.1)
Barbados (1977.5.30)
Bahamas (1997.5.23)
Belize (established diplomatic relations on February 6, 1987, and suspended diplomatic relations on October 23, 1989)
Dominica (March 23, 2004)
Costa Rica (June 1, 2007)
Grenada (October 1, 1985)
Cuba (1960.9.28)
Canada (1970.10.13)
United States (1979.1.1)
Nicaragua (established diplomatic relations on December 7, 1985, suspended diplomatic relations on September 9, 1990, and resumed diplomatic relations on December 10, 2021) [134]
Mexico (1972.2.14)
Saint Lucia (Established diplomatic relations on September 1, 1997 and suspended on May 5, 2007)
Trinidad and Tobago (1974.6.20)
Jamaica (December 21, 1972)
Panama (2017.6.12) [102]
Dominican (2018.5.1) [103]
El Salvador (2018.8.21) [104]
Honduras (2023.03.26) [164]
South America
Argentina (1972.2.19)
Brazil (1974.8.15)
Peru (November 2, 1971)
Bolivia (1985.7.9)
Colombia (1980.2.7)
Ecuador (1980.1.2)
Guyana (1972.6.27)
Suriname (1976.5.28)
Venezuela (1974.6.28)
Uruguay (1988.2.3)
Chile (1970.12.15)
Australia (December 21, 1972)
Papua New Guinea (October 12, 1976)
Fiji (1975.11.5)
Cook Islands (July 25, 1997)
Micronesia (September 11, 1989)
Niue (December 12, 2007)
Samoa (1975.11.6)
Tonga (December 1998)
Vanuatu (1982.3.26)
New Zealand (December 22, 1972)
Solomon Islands (2019.9.21) [105]
Kiribati (1980.6.25-2003.11.292019.09.27 recovered [106]
Nauru (July 21, 2002, resubmitted on April 24, 2024)
Source of table content: [107] [180-181]


China has rich tourism resources. The People's Republic of China acceded on December 12, 1985《 Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage 》, become a contracting party [37] On October 29, 1999, China was elected World Heritage Committee member [43] In 1986, China began to UNESCO Apply for world heritage projects. By September 2023, the number of world heritage sites in China has reached 57, including 39 cultural heritage sites, 14 natural heritage sites, and 4 natural and cultural heritage sites. [108] [175]
China's World Heritage
logon name
Login Type
C: Cultural heritage
N: Natural heritage
NC: Double heritage
Login year
Extension year
It covers 17 provinces, cities and autonomous regions, including Liaoning, Jilin, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Gansu, Xinjiang, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan and Qinghai.
Beijing Dongcheng District Shenyang, Liaoning
Gansu Dunhuang
Xi'an, Shaanxi
Shandong Tai'an
jiuzhaigou Scenic Attraction
Sichuan Songpan
Hebei Chengde
Qufu, Shandong
(Potala Palace)
Year 2000( Jokhang Temple
2001( Roblinka
Tibet Lhasa
Lushan Mountain National Scenic Area
Jiangxi Jiujiang
Mount Emei Scenic spots, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Spot
Sichuan Leshan , including Emeishan City
Lijiang, Yunnan
Shanxi Pingyao
Suzhou, Jiangsu
Chongqing Dazu
Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui Xidi Hong village
Luoyang, Henan
Hebei Zunhua
Nanjing, Jiangsu
Shenyang, Liaoning New guests
Shanxi da tong
Jilin Ji'an And Liaoning Huan Ren
Chengdu, Sichuan Aba , Ya'an Ganzi
Anyang, Henan
Yunnan Stone Forest Guizhou Libo Chongqing Wulong
Guangdong Kaiping
Fujian Longyan Zhangzhou
Mount Sanqingshan National Scenic Area
Jiangxi Shangrao
Shanxi Five sets
Dengfeng“ In heaven and earth ”Historical buildings
Henan Dengfeng
Fujian Taining Hunan Xinning Guangdong Benevolence Jiangxi Guixi Jiangshan, Zhejiang, Guizhou Chishui and good at swimming
Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Inner Mongolia Zhenglan Banner
Xinjiang Aksu Ili Bayingolin Changji
Honghe Hani Terrace cultural landscape
Yunnan Red River
Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang
the Silk Road Chang'an -Road network of Tianshan Corridor
China (Shaanxi Province, Henan Province, Gansu Province, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region)
Kazakhstan( Almaty Jiangbul Prefecture
Kyrgyzstan( Chuhe Prefecture
Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou
Gulangyu Islet : Historic International Community
Guizhou [170]
Jiangsu [171]
Zhejiang [172]
Fujian [173]
Yunnan [174]



Calligraphy painting

Chinese characters evolved from pictures and symbols. The writing and development of Chinese characters led to the emergence of calligraphy. There were great calligraphers in all dynasties of China, whose calligraphy art and style became typical representatives of the calligraphy of their dynasties. People's love for calligraphy has been spreading. [109]
Contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting are quite active. The National Art Museum of China and other art museums continuously hold individual exhibitions or group exhibitions for years; Every year, Chinese paintings go abroad and are exhibited in Japan, South Korea, the United States, Canada and Europe. In addition to Chinese paintings, oil paintings, prints painting in water colours Western painting has also developed in China. [109]
With the development of the art auction industry, the gallery industry is also gradually in line with international practices. The art fairs held once a year in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are another way to trade works of art. Shanghai Art Fair is the most comprehensive art fair in Asia. [109]
The Picture of the River during the Qingming Festival, painted by Zhang Zeduan in the Northern Song Dynasty (part)

industrial art

Square Pot in Spring and Autumn Period
There are many kinds of Chinese arts and crafts with superb skills, and many works can be called unique. Arts and crafts can be divided into two categories: special crafts and folk crafts.
Various folk handicrafts made by cutting, binding, knitting, embroidery, carving, sculpture, painting and other techniques are in various forms, with strong local flavor and national style.


China has maintained its unique system, unique thinking and unique style in the contemporary music culture of the world, so it is a component with unique contributions to the world music. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the history of Chinese music has entered an unprecedented new stage and opened a new and more brilliant chapter. In vocal music, instrumental music, large-scale music genres, as well as opera, dance drama, film music and other aspects, great development and achievements have been made. There are some works of Chinese contemporary music that can be listed in the classic treasure house of world music. [110]
Pop music appeared in the 1930s and was transferred to Hong Kong and Taiwan in 1949. In 1977, Hong Kong and Taiwan pop music began to enter the mainland. The 21st century presents a state of integration, infiltration and mutual influence. [111]


Beijing Opera Farewell My Concubine
Chinese traditional drama has a unique name - drama, which, together with Greek tragicomedy and Indian Sanskrit drama, is called the three oldest dramatic cultures in the world. There are more than 300 kinds of Chinese operas. The main means of Chinese operas is to express the plot in the form of singing and dancing. Peking Opera, originated from Kunqu Opera, is the most popular and influential opera( Kunqu Opera It is an older dramatic art. This kind of stage art combining singing, reading, doing and playing was formed in Beijing in the early 19th century. After more than 200 years of practice, more than 1000 plays with deep artistic value have been accumulated, forming a set of musical boards and performance programs.
On the basis of inheriting the tradition, local operas are constantly reforming and innovating. The more active local operas are Yueju Opera Huangmei Opera Sichuan Opera , Henan Opera Guangdong opera Etc. Tibetan Tibetan drama It has a strong religious color and Tibetan national characteristics, and its performance is bold and unconstrained with unique characteristics.
Drama was introduced from abroad at the beginning of the 20th century. Since 1920s, realism and expressionism have appeared on the stage of drama; By the 1930s, Chinese drama had become mature. Drama master Cao Yu's trilogy of this period《 thunderstorm 》、《 sunrise 》And《 a wide field 》With its profound connotation and sophisticated skills, it is considered to be a classic of Chinese drama. The Beijing People's Art Theatre, founded in 1952, represents the highest level of Chinese drama《 teahouse 》、《 Dragon Beard Ditch 》And other plays enjoy high reputation.

song and dance

The Chinese classical dance, a set of retro Chinese dance system established by the dance troupe of the Central Academy of Drama, is a Chinese style dance with unique rhythm, body language and aesthetic characteristics, which is based on Chinese operas and adopts the training dance of world ballet.
In the 1990s, such as Taiji Impression, Mythical China《 thinking of an old acquaintance on seeing a familiar scene 》, Red Fan, Chuanyin, Sleepless Night《 tide 》, "Two Bodies" and other novel works. At the same time, the Chinese Dance Orchestra began to enter the international arena and won many international awards. In the 21st century, large-scale dance dramas began to emerge, such as《 Ma Le Visits the Horizon 》、《 Dream Dunhuang 》、《 Farewell to my concubine 》、《 Porcelain soul 》、《 A handful of wild jujube 》Such folk dance dramas with Chinese classical dance style, or《 The red lantern is hung high 》Such a ballet with national characteristics, as well as a modern dance drama with such personality expression as Thunder and Rain, has gradually won the audience's favor.


Realistic themes have become the mainstream of Chinese film development. In the new upsurge of film creation from the mid-1980s《 Old Events in the South of the City 》、《 Wild mountain 》、《 Furong Town 》, The Founding Ceremony《 A decisive battle 》They have become the representative works of this period. These works have high-level attainments in reflecting the depth and breadth of life, realizing the diversification of themes, styles and styles, and exploring and innovating the film language. During this period Zhang Yimou Chen Kaige Huang Jianxin The rise of others has attracted international attention.
In the late 1990s, a group of filmmakers born in the 1960s and 1970s became the sixth generation of directors in the Chinese film industry, represented by Jia Zhangke Wang Xiaoshuai Zhang Yuan wait forsomeone. Their film works tend to be civilian, mostly in documentary style. director Feng Xiaogang It has become the representative with the highest box office record of commercial films in China.
The influential international film festivals in China include Changchun International Film Festival and Shanghai International Film Festival. Golden Rooster Award ”It is the highest award for Chinese excellent films. The state has set up special programs to encourage the development of mainstream films“ Huabiao Award ”, as well as those selected by the audience“ Hundred Flowers Award ”。


China is a multi religious country. The main beliefs of Chinese religious believers are Buddhism Taoism Islamism Catholicism and Christianity Chinese citizens can freely choose and express their beliefs and religious identity. [16]
Respect and protection Freedom of religious belief It is a long-term basic policy of the Chinese government on religious issues. As a right of citizens, freedom of religious belief is guaranteed by the Constitution and laws.

science and technology

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially after the reform and opening up in the late 1970s, the scientific and technological level of the People's Republic of China has been greatly improved, and significant scientific and technological achievements have been made in the fields of computer, aerospace, bioengineering, new energy, new materials, laser technology, etc. [112]
In 2023, 66 space launches will be successfully completed. The Tianzhou VI, Shenzhou XVI, and Shenzhou XVII missions have been implemented successively, and the Chinese space station has entered the application and development stage. The world's first liquid oxygen methane rocket, Zhuque II, was successfully launched. Quantum computing prototype No. 3 in Chapter 9 was successfully constructed. The all superconducting Tokamak nuclear fusion experimental device achieves 403 seconds of stable high confinement mode plasma operation. The world's first fourth generation nuclear power plant high temperature gas cooled reactor demonstration project was put into commercial operation. The world's first 16 MW offshore wind turbine is connected to the grid for power generation. C919 large passenger aircraft was officially put into commercial operation. The first domestic large cruise ship completed its trial voyage. Endeavor manned submersible completed extreme deep diving. [183]
On June 4, 2024, the National Space Administration released the image of Chang'e-6's national flag display on the surface of the moon. The bright five-star red flag once again shines on the moon, which is the first time that China has independently and dynamically displayed the national flag on the back of the moon. [186]
Flag on the back of the moon


Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China's sports industry has developed in an all-round way, National fitness Vigorous development, competitive sports A historic breakthrough has been made. There are more than 1 million stadiums and gymnasiums, and more than 650000 social sports instructors. During the 11th Five Year Plan period, Chinese athletes won 634 world championships, setting and surpassing the world record for 88 times. The remarkable success of the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games has realized the Chinese people's expectations for a hundred years. It has become an unparalleled grand event in the history of the Olympic Games and has greatly stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm and National pride The Chinese sports delegation won 51 gold medals, 21 silver medals and 28 bronze medals, ranking first in the gold medal list. August 8 was designated as“ National Fitness Day ”And become the first national sports festival in New China. [113]
Fuwa of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
From 2007 to 2018, the People's Republic of China is the country with the largest number of international sports events; China is an important host of professional world snooker events, and also hosts F1 China Grand Prix, China Tennis Open and other important international events. [114-117]
In 1994, China began to professionalize football league matches, Chinese Jia-A League , used to be the top league of Chinese football and the predecessor of the Chinese Football Super League. In 2004, China Football Association officially launched“ China Football Association Super League ”。
By the end of 2023, there will be 4.593 million sports venues in China, covering 4.07 billion square meters, and 2.89 square meters per capita. Throughout the year, Chinese athletes won 165 world championships in 32 events, creating 20 world records. At the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, Chinese athletes won 201 gold medals with a total of 383 medals, ranking first in the gold medal list of the 11th Asian Games. China's disabled athletes won 231 world championships in 45 international events. At the 4th Asian Paralympic Games in Hangzhou, Chinese athletes won 214 gold medals with a total of 521 medals, ranking first in the gold medal list and medal list of the 4th Asian Paralympic Games. [183] [185]
Major professional sports leagues in China
First level league
Second level league
Third level league
Table Tennis
Ice hockey