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The Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor

World Cultural Heritage
The Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor( China Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan ): This road network covering an area of 5000 meters is part of the entire Silk Road, starting from the two capitals in the Han and Tang Dynasties Chang'an / Luoyang , ending in Central Asia Qihe District The 33 heritage sites included in the heritage include ancient capitals, palaces, trade settlements, Buddhist caves and temples, ancient roads, post stations, gateways, beacon towers, the Great Wall, fortifications, ancient tombs and religious buildings of various dynasties and Khan dynasties. [1] [3-4]
the Silk Road It is the longest and most influential cultural route in the world. "The Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor" runs from Xi'an/Luoyang along the traffic trunk line Hexi Corridor , going out of Yumen Pass, to the north and south of Tianshan Mountain, to the Chu River basin, to Taraz The overall line of the (China's) Luoyang Basin, Guanzhong Basin, Hexi Corridor, Tianshan Mountains and (Central Asia's) Qihe District And other geographical environment elements, as well as the main heritage types and representative remains of the Silk Road, such as the remains of central cities and towns, religious transmission sites, commercial settlements sites, traffic and defense sites, and associated sites along the route from the first two to the sixteenth century, truly reflect the historical process of the emergence and development of the "Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor", and cross East Asia The space scope in Central Asia and extending to the west; It truly reflects the value characteristics of the largest trade, religion, technology, art and other cultural and civilization exchanges between Asia and Europe in human history in this section; It truly reflects the overall value and dynamic characteristics of the heritage as a long-distance transportation system for human beings, as well as the cross regional, extensive civilization and cultural exchanges through this system. [31]
In 2014, the Silk Road: the road network of the Chang'an Tianshan Corridor was approved by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to be included in the World Heritage List as a cultural heritage. [3]
Chinese name
The Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor
Foreign name
geographical position
Protection level
World Cultural Heritage
Approval time
June 22, 2014
Heritage number
one thousand four hundred and forty-two

Historical evolution

Map of the Silk Road
Hexi Corridor is an important route of the Silk Road. It was opened 2000 years before the Silk Road was described in literature. It is not for exporting silk, but for importing Hetian jade. The Jade Road was opened 4000 years ago, and the Silk Road has been prosperous since its rise. Until the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the first goods transported on this road were still jade. [5]
In the Western Han Dynasty, people called Xinjiang and even more distant places Western Regions In the third year of Jianyuan (138 BC) and the fourth year of Yuanshou (119 BC) of the Western Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian went to the Western Regions twice. Sima Qian Zhang Qian's first westward journey was called the "hollow journey", which marked the beginning of the Silk Road. Zhang Qian twice went to the Western Regions as an envoy. He led a large number of people and horses to visit many countries in the Western Regions with tens of thousands of livestock, high-quality silk, rare and exotic goods. After these two missions, the western countries sent envoys to pay a return visit. Since then, the exchanges between the Han Dynasty and the western regions have become more prosperous. At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, the Silk Road was once cut off.
In the 16th year of Yongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty (73 years), Ban Chao Follow the general Sinus concretion They attacked the Northern Huns and were ordered to visit the Western Regions, reopening the channel that had been isolated from the Western Regions for many years. Since then, the Silk Road has gradually extended from Asia to Europe. The Silk Road has broken the boundaries between countries and is an important link for the integration of ancient civilizations in the world. [6]
The period of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties was an important period for the development of the Silk Road, which was manifested in the opening of new transportation routes and the extension of the Silk Road beyond the traditional Silk Road after the Han Dynasty. [9] The Silk Road is still composed of the eastern, middle and western sections. Starting from Chang'an, passing Longyou, Hexi Yumen Pass Yangguan section is the east section, from Yangguan of Yumen Pass to Congling (today's the pamirs Area) is the middle section, and the west section is the west section of each route that crosses Congling. During the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the situation of the Hexi Corridor and the Western Regions, which were at the crossroads of the Silk Road, was turbulent (more than 300 years of great division). However, the management and governance of the Hexi Corridor by various regimes were not interrupted, and the trunk line of the Hexi Corridor was still an important channel for transportation between China and the West. Central Asia is a transit point for the transportation between China and South Asia, West Asia and East Rome. The land transportation between China and the West has experienced ups and downs for several times. The Silk Road transportation continues to develop, and its control over countries in the Western Regions and the Silk Road has weakened. [8]
During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Silk Road was once again connected, crisscrossed and formed a network, presenting a prosperous scene. From the Sui Dynasty to the early Tang Dynasty, the main routes of the Silk Road include Hexi Road, Longyou Road, Tuyuhun Road, Huihe Road, etc. The vast territory of the Sui and Tang dynasties made the relationship between the Central Plains and the northwest frontier area unprecedented close. After the government of the Tang Dynasty set up the state capital in Mobei, it opened a post road from Mobei to the mainland. After the Tang Dynasty pacified the Western Turks, the traffic network between the places north of Tianshan Mountains was formed. In the meantime An Shi Rebellion The Tibetan barrier led to the changes of the Silk Road, but it never stopped. The smooth and prosperous Silk Road in the Tang Dynasty had a profound impact on the exchange and development of ideas and cultures between the East and the West. [12] The Tang Dynasty was a golden age for the development of the Land Silk Road, and economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West flourished. [10] Since the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, it has been an important transition period of the overland Silk Road. The grand occasion of the Silk Road of "countless bells passing through the moraine, and we should carry white trains to Anxi" no longer exists, and the Silk Road is gradually heading towards a low point. [11]
In the Song Dynasty and later, the Silk Road declined significantly and was gradually replaced by the Maritime Silk Road. The territory of the Song Dynasty was far less than that of the Tang Dynasty. The northwest was controlled by the Western Xia Dynasty, and the overland Silk Road was interrupted.
In the Yuan Dynasty, long-distance trafficking activities of international caravans flourished again in the vast region of Europe and Asia, and Dadu in the Yuan Dynasty was indisputable as the oriental international trade center. However, the reign of the Yuan Dynasty was less than a hundred years old, and the official exchanges between the East and the West at that time were more cultural and religious than merchant oriented, which reflected the decline of the Silk Road from one side. However, compared with the previous dynasties, the Maritime Silk Road in the Song and Yuan Dynasties has made great progress and rapid development.
During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the overland Silk Road basically declined. In the early Ming Dynasty leader of Ming naval expeditions The success of Yuanhang is an official large-scale navigation activity that has never been organized in history, and it can be seen as a sign of the prosperity of the Maritime Silk Road. [12] [30]
On September 7 and October 3, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered speeches at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan and the Indonesian Congress, respectively, and proposed joint construction“ Silk Road Economic Belt ”And the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road"“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Initiative. The Silk Road is reborn. [13]
 The Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor
The Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor

Site layout

The Silk Road starts from Chang'an, the ancient capital of China (now Xi'an, Shaanxi) in the east, extends to the Mediterranean region in the west, and extends southward to the Indian subcontinent. The Silk Road is the longest and most influential cultural route in the world. It is a road of integration, exchange and dialogue between the East and the West. It has made important contributions to the common prosperity of human civilization for two thousand years.
Silk Road: The road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor spans nearly 5000 kilometers and spans the Eurasian continent. There are 33 representative sites, including central town sites, commercial settlement sites, traffic and defense sites, religious sites and associated sites. There are 22 archaeological sites and ancient buildings in China, involving Henan Province, Shaanxi Province, Gansu Province and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. There are 8 heritage sites in the Republic of Kazakhstan and 3 heritage sites in the Kyrgyz Republic. [3]

Main attractions



The People's Republic of China Domestic 22 The application sites for World Heritage cover Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Xinjiang from east to west:
The Republic of Kazakhstan Domestic co ownership 8 places Heritage site:
There are 3 places in Almaty: Kaialik Site , Talgar Site, Karamorgan Site;
There are five sites in Jiangbul Prefecture: Aktobe Site, Kuran Site, Ornek Site, Akyatas Site and Kostobe Site.
Kyrgyz Republic Domestic co ownership 3 places Heritage site:
Chuhe Prefecture: Suyab (Ak Beisim Site), Balashagun City (Brana Site), New Town (Kelasnaya Rishka Site). [3]

scenic spot

The Silk Road: the main scenic spots of the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor
Luoyang City Site in Han and Wei Dynasties
Luoyang City Site in Han and Wei Dynasties , located in the east of Luoyang, the city site is in the north Mang Mountain , south Luohe River The existing pattern and relics of the site are mainly from the Northern Wei Dynasty, while the remains of the Western Jin Dynasty, the Cao Wei Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty and earlier periods are distributed or superimposed. Luoyang City in the Han Dynasty covered an area of about 10 square kilometers in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and expanded into a triple city in the Northern Wei Dynasty, covering an area of nearly 80 square kilometers.
The site of Luoyang City in the Han and Wei Dynasties is located in the Luoyang Basin in the Central Plains. It is the capital site of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Cao Wei Dynasty, the Western Jin Dynasty, and the Northern Wei Dynasty in the development history of Chinese civilization from the first to the sixth century. It is the eastern starting point of the Silk Road during this period. [14]
Luoyang City Site in Han and Wei Dynasties
Site of Dingdingmen, Luoyang City, Sui and Tang Dynasties
Site of Dingdingmen, Luoyang City, Sui and Tang Dynasties , located in Luoyang City, is the main south gate of the outer city of Luoyang in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and is located at the southernmost end of the urban axis of Luoyang City. The main pier and abutment of the site of Dingdingmen in the Tang Dynasty is 44.5 meters long from east to west, and 21.04 meters wide from south to north. Three gateways are separated by two partition walls in the pier and abutment, and bricks are wrapped around the pier and abutment. The camel hoof prints found in the south of the gate site are unique physical evidence of the commercial activities along the Silk Road with camels as the main means of transport, which confirm the close contact between the Western Regions and the Central Plains, and are closely related to the prosperous commodity exchange activities on the Silk Road.
The Dingdingmen Site of Luoyang City in the Sui and Tang Dynasties is the southern entrance and block site of Luoyang City, the capital of the eastern starting point of the Silk Road from the 7th to the 10th century. It is located in the Luoyang Basin in the Central Plains and the southern area of Luoyang City Site in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It is a representative relic of the eastern starting point city in the Silk Road's heyday, which proves the civilization level of the empire in the heyday of the development of the oriental agricultural civilization, It shows the ritual characteristics and influence of the capital city culture of the Tang Dynasty, and is closely related to the prosperous commercial exchanges on the Silk Road. [14]
Site of Dingdingmen, Luoyang City, Sui and Tang Dynasties
Hanguguan Site of Xin'an Han Dynasty
Hanguguan Site of Xin'an Han Dynasty It is located in Chengguan Town, Xin'an County, Luoyang City, and was built in the third year of Yuanding in the Western Han Dynasty (114 BC). It is the defense capital of the Han Empire in the Central Plains from the second to the third century ago, as well as the remains of an important pass that Luoyang must pass from the capital of the Silk Road to the west when it was the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty.
The Hangu Pass Site of the Han Dynasty, with a series of existing artificial facilities and relics, such as the pass building and the pass wall, the Que Platform, the ancient road site, the building site, the long wall site and so on, forms an overall pattern with the confrontation between the south and north mountains and the intersection of two rivers, revealing the characteristics of the pattern of the pass facilities controlling traffic in the Han Dynasty, and witnessing the traffic management system in the large-scale traffic security system of the Han Empire The defense system and its guarantee for long-distance transportation and communication on the Silk Road. [14]
Hanguguan Site of Xin'an Han Dynasty
Shihao Section Site of Xiaohan Ancient Road
Shihao Section Site of Xiaohan Ancient Road , located in the Central Plains Qinling Mountains The hilly area in the eastern part was formed in the first two centuries and has been used for a long time until the 20th century. It is an integral part of the transportation arteries connecting Chang'an and Luoyang during the Han and Tang Dynasties, and is a precious material evidence of the long-term and long-distance transportation guarantee system of the Silk Road.
The ruins of Shihao section of Xiaohan Ancient Road have been used for more than 20 centuries with rare remains of ancient ruts, hoof prints, cisterns, etc., which have been preserved so far. They have become rare road relics to ensure long-term, long-distance transportation and communication of the Silk Road. The data range of the wheel spacing reflects the history of the ancient road since the Warring States Period; Most of the unearthed objects were from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, reflecting that the Republic of China (1930s) was still in use. [14]
Shihao Section Site of Xiaohan Ancient Road
Ruins of Weiyang Palace in Chang'an City of the Han Dynasty
Weiyang Palace , the main palace of the Western Han Dynasty, the political center and national symbol of the Han Dynasty, was built in the seventh year of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty (200 BC) by Liu Bang, an important official Xiao He Supervised by, built on the basis of Qin Zhangtai, it is located in the highest southwest corner of Chang'an City in the Han Dynasty Longshouyuan It is also called Xigong because it is west of Anmen Street in Chang'an City. Weiyang Palace is the eastern starting point of the Silk Road. In the second year of the Jianyuan era of the Western Han Dynasty (139 BC), Zhang Qian received the will of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty from Weiyang Palace to send an envoy to the Western Regions, thus starting the journey of hollowing out, demonstrating the development level of oriental civilization at the eastern end of the Silk Road, and witnessing the dual starting point value of time and space of Chang'an City of the Han Dynasty in the development of the Silk Road. Chang'an City of the Han Dynasty is opposite to the ancient Roman City from east to west, and is called "East Chang'an, West Rome". [17]
On March 4, 1961, the site of Weiyang Palace was announced by the State Council as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [15]
Ruins of Weiyang Palace in Chang'an City of the Han Dynasty
Tomb of Zhang Qian
Tomb of Zhang Qian , located in Raojiaying Village, Bowang Town, Chenggu County, Hanzhong City, is the tomb of Zhang Qian, a diplomat, explorer and pioneer of the Silk Road in the Western Han Dynasty. The tomb is a brick chamber tomb with a ramp, sitting west to east. Tamping the sealed soil, covered with bucket, and the plane is rectangular. Since the Han Dynasty, the tomb has been described in historical documents, and its evolution is clear. In the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), the Northwest Associated University conducted a preliminary excavation of the tomb path of Zhang Qian, and unearthed the seal mud engraved with the Han Dynasty's Li Dynasty's "Wanwang Inscription", as well as cultural relics such as gray pottery pieces, clay pots, Han Wuzhu coins, which proved the authenticity of the tomb from the perspective of archaeology and was closely related to the opening of the Silk Road, a major world historical event of cultural exchanges between East and West. [16]
Tomb of Zhang Qian
Daming Palace Site in Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty
Daming Palace Site in Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty , located in Taihua South Road, Xincheng District, Xi'an, was built in 634, the eighth year of Zhenguan in Tang Dynasty. The plane of Daming Palace site is roughly rectangular in north-south direction, covering an area of about 3.4 square kilometers. The remains of its palace buildings witness the development of oriental farming civilization, the civilization level of the Tang Dynasty and its ritual cultural characteristics. The ruins of Daming Palace in Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty include: 17 palace gates and other gate sites such as Danfeng Gate, 15 palace walls, 59 architectural sites such as Yuan Hall, Linde Hall and Sanqing Hall, 32 sites of water systems and bridges such as Taiye Pool and Longshou Branch Canal, and 38 sites of roads (including corridors) such as imperial roads, totaling 161 sites. [17]
Daming Palace Site in Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty
Big Wild Goose Pagoda
Big Wild Goose Pagoda , located in the Great Ci'en Temple in Xi'an, also known as the "Ci'en Temple Tower", was built in the third year of Yonghui in the Tang Dynasty (652) Xuanzang The seven storey pagoda built by the Dharma Master to preserve the scriptures, Buddha statues and relics brought back to Chang'an from India via the Silk Road. With a total height of 64.7 meters, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda is divided into three parts: the pagoda temple, the tower body and the tower base. With a brick surface and earth core, it is the oldest and largest existing brick pagoda of the Tang Dynasty with imitation wooden square pavilions in China. The Big Wild Goose Pagoda is an important example of the integration of ancient Indian pagoda architecture and Chinese traditional wooden architecture, a relic of religious and cultural exchanges on the Silk Road, and a model of Chinese ancient wooden structure pavilion style brick towers, which completely retains the magnificent style of the Tang Dynasty pagoda. [17]
Big Wild Goose Pagoda
Little Wild Goose Pagoda It is located in the site of Jianfu Temple, 1.5 kilometers away from the south gate of Xi'an, and its real name is "Jianfu Temple Tower". Built during the reign of Emperor Jinglong in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, the pagoda was built to store Buddhist scriptures brought back from Tianzhu by the eminent monk Yijing of the Tang Dynasty and to worship Buddhist relics. The Little Wild Goose Pagoda was originally composed of a tower base, a tower body and a pagoda temple. The tower body has 15 floors. The current tower brake has been destroyed, with a total height of 43.3m. The Little Wild Goose Pagoda is an early masterpiece of Chinese dense eaves brick pagoda architecture. Jianfu Temple "Yanta Morning Bell", one of the "Eight Scenic Spots in Guanzhong", is an important historical and cultural landscape in the ancient capital Xi'an. The architectural form of the Little Wild Goose Pagoda with dense eaves and brick pagodas is a precious example of the early introduction of Indian pagodas into Chang'an, China, which embodies the cultural exchange and integration between the East and the West. The existing Small Wild Goose Pagoda in the Tang Dynasty is an important part of Xi'an Museum, and it forms a unique urban museum with Jianfu Temple's ancient buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties, museums and cultural landscape. [17]
Little Wild Goose Pagoda
Pagoda of Xingjiao Temple
Xingjiao Temple, also known as the "Xingjiao Temple for Protecting the Country of the Tang Dynasty", is located at the bank of Shaoling Yuan, about 20 kilometers south of Xi'an City. It was built in the second year of General Zhang of the Tang Dynasty (669), and is the burial place for the remains of eminent monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty. In the first year of Tang Linde (664), Master Xuanzang passed away and was buried in Bailuyuan; In the second year of the General Manager of the Tang Dynasty (669), he was moved to Fengqiyuan in Fanchuan and built a five story stupa. In the next year, a temple was built for the stupa as a memorial. Emperor Suzong of the Tang Dynasty wrote the word "rejuvenation of education" in the stupa, which means rejuvenation of Buddhism. "The Temple for Protecting the Country and Revitalizing Education in the Tang Dynasty" got its name from this. Xingjiao Temple Tower is the oldest existing pavilion style tower in China, which shows the development and influence of Buddhism after it was introduced to Chang'an along the Silk Road. [17]
Pagoda of Xingjiao Temple
Binxian Dafo Temple Grottoes
Binxian Dafo Temple Grottoes Located at Xilan Road, 10 kilometers west of Binzhou City, the Temple Grottoes were first excavated in the Northern Dynasty, and were largely excavated in the early Tang Dynasty. It was basically completed in the second year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty (628). It was built by Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, to commemorate the soldiers who died in the battle of shallow water in Binzhou and the battle of Wulongshan under his command, and was named Yingfu Temple. It was renamed Qingshou Temple in the Northern Song Dynasty. Since the Ming Dynasty, it has been commonly known as the Great Buddha Temple, named after the tall and exquisite statue of Amitabha Buddha. [18]
Binxian Dafo Temple Grottoes
Yumenguan Site, located in Dunhuang City, Gansu Province, is the most important pass relic set up in the western end of the Hexi Corridor in the Han Dynasty. It is a symbol of the east-west traffic boundary in the geographical region. Remains mainly include Xiaofang Pancheng Site, Dafang Pancheng Site, the side wall of the Great Wall of the Han Dynasty and the beacon tower site (including 20 beacon towers and 18 sections of the Great Wall). Unearthed cultural relics include more than 2400 slips and letters, silk fabrics, weapons, accumulated wages, chicory, farming tools, grain, pottery, lacquer ware, etc. [20]
Yumenguan Site
Hanging Spring Site
Hanging Spring Site It is located on the Gobi Desert at the north foot of Sanwei Mountain, 64 kilometers southeast of Bahu Village, Mogao Town, Dunhuang City. The site consists of dock yard, stables, ash area and its ancillary buildings. The site is 150 meters long from east to west, 150 meters wide from south to north, and covers an area of 22500 square meters. Unearthed bamboo slips and documents recorded in the Han Dynasty Post station Ruins. In the Western Han Dynasty, it was called "Xuanquan Pavilion" and "Xuanquan Place"; in the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was called "Xuanquan Post"; in the Tang Dynasty, it was called "Xuanquan Post"; in the Qing Dynasty, it was called "Ershi Temple" and "Hanging Water". It is the only post station site on the "Silk Road" certified by archaeological excavation, which is of great significance to the study of the history of east-west transportation and the post system of the Silk Road. [21]
Hanging Spring Site
Maijishan Grottoes
Maijishan Grottoes , located in the north of the west end of Qinling Mountains, 28 kilometers away from the urban area. It was chiseled in the late Qin period of the Sixteen Kingdoms. After continuous digging and renovations in more than 10 dynasties, including the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Five Dynasties, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty, it became second only to Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes There are 194 caves, more than 7800 clay sculptures and stone carvings, more than 1000 square meters of murals, and 8 cliff pavilions. It is famous at home and abroad for its exquisite clay sculpture art. It is known as the "Oriental Art Sculpture Museum". It is a wonderful work of art on the ancient Silk Road Yungang Grottoes Henan Longmen Grottoes It is also known as the four largest grottoes in China, and the Maijishan Grottoes are unique with their unique clay sculpture art. [22]
Maijishan Grottoes
Suoyang City Site
Suoyang City Site The main remains include Suoyang City site, agricultural irrigation canal system relics, Suoyang City tombs and other sites. Archaeological survey and exploration preliminarily speculated that the city site was from the 7th to the 13th century. Suoyang City Site is a typical specimen in the process of desertification evolution of ancient oases in China. It is an ancient cultural heritage site integrating ancient city sites, ancient channels, ancient reclamation areas, ancient temples, ancient tombs and other relics. It has preserved relatively intact ancient military defense, agricultural irrigation system and urban building system, reflecting the defense characteristics of border cities in the Hexi Corridor, It is an outstanding example of human defense and safety system under long-distance traffic and communication conditions. [19]
Suoyang City Site
Gaochang Old City , located 40 kilometers southeast of Turpan Flaming Mountain Next, it is divided into outer city, inner city and palace city. The city walls are well preserved. The outer city is slightly square, with a perimeter of about 5000 meters, accounting for 2 million square meters of the ground. The city wall is rammed. The wall base is about 12 meters thick and 11.5 meters high. There is a prominent pier - "horse face" building outside the city wall. There are two gates in the west city, and a winding urn can be seen along one of the gates. The temple area is to the southeast and south of the outer city. The temple area in the southwest is large. Seen from the ruins, there are temple gates, yards, main halls, and tower bases of multi-storey Buddhist niches. In the niches, you can also see the remaining colorful murals and Buddha statues. In the southeast and northeast of this site, there are "fang" and "shi" sites, which may be small handicraft workshops. The inner city is in the middle of the outer city, south of the palace city. The old city of Gaochang is the hub of east-west traffic since the Han and Tang dynasties, and an important gateway on the ancient Silk Road. [23]
Gaochang Old City
jiaohe ruins It is the transportation artery of the Silk Road, an important witness in China's more than 5000 years of civilization history, and has important historical value. Jiaohe Ancient City is not only the most well preserved urban relic in China, but also the largest, oldest and best preserved raw earth building city in the world, known as "the most perfect ruins in the world". It is located in Yarnaizigou Village, about 10 kilometers west of the urban area of Turpan, with a total area of about 37.6 hectares. The city site is wide in the middle, narrow at both ends, and runs from southeast to northwest. Looking down, it looks like a large willow leaf. Because the river flows around the city, it is called "Jiaohe". The city site includes five parts: residential area, storage area, government office area, temple area, and burial area. The functional areas are clear, which are generally relics of the Tang Dynasty, and the architectural form is similar to Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty. [24]
jiaohe ruins
Kizilgaha beacon , located in Yixihala Township, Kuqa City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and on the impact platform at the mouth of Yanshui Ditch at the southern foot of Queletag Mountain. Fengsui is magnificent and tall, built in the Han Dynasty.
Beacon fire is a measure of ancient military information alarm. According to historical records, raising fire at night is called "beacon", and setting off smoke during the day is called "Sui". It is the earliest and best preserved beacon tower site on the northern route of the ancient Silk Road, and is located in the golden section of the northern route of the Silk Road, with superior geographical conditions and high tourism value. [25]
Kizilgaha beacon
The site of Subashi Buddhist Temple is located on the alluvial platform on both banks of Kuqa River (Tongchang River) 20 kilometers north of Kuqa County, bordering on the Turtag Mountain in the north and the gravel gobi in the south, with an existing area of nearly 200000 square meters. The Buddhist temple site was built in the Wei and Jin Dynasties and flourished in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It was burned by war in the 9th century and abandoned in the 13th and 14th centuries. [26]
Beiting Ancient City Site
Beiting Ancient City Site It is the site of the Beiting Grand Protectorate of the Tang Dynasty and the only way to the north of the ancient Silk Road. The site is divided into two cities, one inside and one outside, one large and one small. There are moats, horse faces, enemy towers and turrets on the inner and outer city walls. [27]
Beiting Ancient City Site
Kaialik Site
Kaialik Site , located on the northernmost branch of the "Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor", is the first site after entering Kazakhstan from China, and was once the capital of the Central Asian Karuks. The site dates from the 8th to the 13th century and is located in Almaty, Kazakhstan, 190 kilometers northeast of Tardykorgan. The buildings in the site area were built in the 8th century. Before the 11th century, it was ruled by the Karahan Dynasty. [28]
Kaialik Site
After the Silk Road went out of the border, it was the Shaye City in Central Asia that was related to Tang poetry. The site of Shaye City is near Tokamak in present-day Kyrgyzstan. In the Tang Dynasty, Shaye was a military town under the Anxi Prefecture Protectorate. [29]

Historical culture


The concept of the Silk Road

The "Silk Road" has a broad and narrow sense. Broadly speaking, it includes the Land Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road. Generally speaking, the traditional Silk Road refers to the Land Silk Road in a narrow sense. The overland Silk Road originated in the Western Han Dynasty. It refers to the transportation and trade routes that started in Chang'an or Luoyang, ancient China, through the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province and today's Xinjiang region, crossed the Pamir Plateau, entered Central Asia, Iran and other places, and connected Asia and Europe. In a broad sense, the "Silk Road" has become a synonym for economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West in ancient times, that is, all transportation routes from ancient China to neighboring countries, whether land or sea, are called the "Silk Road". [7]
According to the description of the German historian Holman in the book "The Ancient Silk Road between China and Syria", it was found that after the further expansion of the Silk Road, it extended the route of the Silk Road through Central Asia to the west coast of the Mediterranean Sea and Asia Minor.
The traditional Silk Road, which originated in Chang'an, the ancient capital of China, is an ancient and long commercial road, and also a road connecting Asia and Europe and connecting eastern and western civilizations. The Silk Road has broken the boundaries between countries and is an important link for the integration of ancient civilizations in the world. For thousands of years, there have been nomadic nations or tribes, free travelers, busy profit seeking businessmen, envoys, diplomats and devout believers who have made pilgrimages to religious holy places, opening up economic and cultural communication and exchanges among countries along the Silk Road. [6]

Origin of name

The term "Silk Road" is a German geographer Richthofen It was proposed in 1877, mainly referring to the traffic routes between Chang'an, China and Central Asia. In his book "China, the Results of Personal Travel and Research Based on It", Zhang Qian, the minister of the Western Han Dynasty, was sent to the Western Regions as the beginning of the Silk Road, and the Silk Trade Road connecting China to Central Asia and India via the Western Regions was named Seiden strassen. [6]
At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, some western explorers investigated in Xinjiang, Gansu and other places and found many relics of ancient China's exchanges with Asia, Africa and Europe, and widely used the name "Silk Road" in related works. They also included in the scope of the Silk Road the areas that could be reached by cultural exchanges between the ancient Central Plains and the West represented by the silk trade, It not only makes the concept of the "Silk Road" more popular, but also further expands its connotation of space, time and load. In this way, the "Silk Road" has become the general name of the land artery starting from China, traversing Asia, and then connecting Africa and Europe. Since then, the Oasis Road, Desert Road, Grassland Road, Tubo Road, and Sea Road of the "Silk Road" have appeared, and the connotation of the "Silk Road" has been further expanded. At the same time, with the in-depth study of the history of Sino Western relations, the "Silk Road" began to be seen as a bridge for political, economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West. As a result, the "Silk Road" has become a synonym for cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. [30]
Before the name "Silk Road" officially appeared in China, it was used for short or substitute names such as "Silk Road", "Silk Road", "Silk Road", "Silk Road", etc. February 24, 1943《 declare 》First, use the word "Silk Road". Subsequently, the concept of "Desert Road", "Oasis Road", "Grassland Road" and other branch roads continued to deepen, as well as "Jade Road", "Spice Road" and "Fur Road" classified by exchange of goods. Although "silk" is not the bulk commodity of Sino Western trade in the whole historical period, and "the Silk Road" also has a variety of titles, no title or name can replace "the Silk Road". Named after the "Silk Road Economic Belt" and the "Maritime Silk Road"“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”The initiative is a reflection of the current reality of this historical name. [7]

Role of the Silk Road

"The Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor" is composed of the starting section of the entire Silk Road from the second century to the sixteenth century and the traffic network distributed in the Tianshan Mountains. It is a part of the "Silk Road" that has a prominent position, long traffic distance, rich communication content, far-reaching influence, and particularly magnificent and colorful travel landscape. It enters the Tianshan Mountains from Chang'an/Luoyang in ancient China to the west via the Hexi Corridor. The road network spans nearly 5000 kilometers, with a total length of more than 8700 kilometers. It is composed of representative relics distributed in China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan and the traffic exchange relations formed between them during the 18 century history. The types of remains include many archaeological sites and various religious buildings and remains, such as the capital cities or palace cities, central towns, commercial settlements or towns, Buddhist cave temples, ancient roads, post stations, passes, beacon towers, the Great Wall, castles, tombs, etc. in different historical periods on the Asian continent; Along the way, there are mountains and plains, forests and grasslands, deserts and gobi, oases and river valleys and other landforms with Asian inland characteristics.
The "Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor" is an important part of the "Silk Road". It not only has a starting position in the entire communication and transportation system of the "Silk Road", but also has established long-distance trans regional transportation due to the interaction between people and nature through various ways, connecting a variety of civilization zones, and carrying out continuous and extensive commerce and trade between the East and the West Religious, scientific, technological, cultural and other exchange activities have a wide and important influence and role in nomadic and settlement, East Asia and Central Asia and other civilization exchanges, and have witnessed the main context and important historical stages of human civilization and cultural development in Eurasia during the first two to sixteenth centuries, as well as the prominent multicultural characteristics; It has promoted the coordination and common prosperity of various civilizations among continents, and is an outstanding example of establishing long-distance east-west transportation, carrying out extensive exchanges and dialogues among human civilizations and cultures on the Asian continent.
the Silk Road It is the longest and most influential cultural route in the world. "The Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Mountain Corridor" runs from Xi'an/Luoyang along the traffic trunk line Hexi Corridor , going out of Yumen Pass, to the north and south of Tianshan Mountain, to the Chu River basin, to Taraz The overall line of the (China's) Luoyang Basin, Guanzhong Basin, Hexi Corridor, Tianshan Mountains and (Central Asia's) Qihe District And other geographical environment elements, as well as the main heritage types and representative remains of the Silk Road, such as the ruins of central towns, religious transmission, commercial settlements, transportation and defense, and related relics along the route from the first two to the sixteenth century, which have been preserved so far, truly reflect the historical process of the emergence and development of the "Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor", and cross East Asia The space scope in Central Asia and extending to the west; It has truly preserved the special material evidence that witnessed the ancient peoples and their civilizations along the route; It truly reflects the mutual support and utilization relationship between human beings and the natural environment through overcoming the barriers of gobi, desert and mountains, maintaining rivers and oases, and the common development of the whole land use area in long-distance communication activities; It truly reflects the value characteristics of the largest trade, religion, technology, art and other cultural and civilization exchanges between Asia and Europe in human history in this section; It truly reflects the overall value and dynamic characteristics of this heritage as a long-distance transportation system for human beings, as well as the cross regional, extensive civilization and cultural exchanges through this system. Therefore, the road network as a whole has a high degree of authenticity. [31]

Cultural relic value

At the 38th World Heritage Conference, China Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan The three countries jointly declared the "Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor" as a world heritage site and achieved success. This document jointly submitted by China, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan cultural heritage The project was officially included in the World Heritage List. This is China's first transnational joint application for World Heritage and the first section of the Silk Road heritage listed in the World Heritage List.
From Qiuci (today's Kuqa County) in the west to Luoyang in the east, there are a series of pagodas and huge and complex cave temples, recording the spread of Buddhism from India to the east through the Karakoram region, and the evolution of pagodas in architectural design after absorbing local ideas. Other religious buildings reflect the coexistence of many religions (and many ethnic minorities) along the corridor. Large scale commercial activities have nurtured large, prosperous and prosperous cities and towns, reflecting the communication between settled society and nomadic society in various ways. In addition to the transportation of goods and people, the Silk Road is also an exchange channel for ideas, beliefs and technological innovation. For example, knowledge related to agriculture and urban planning has changed many basic aspects of urban space and people's lives. [3]

World Cultural Heritage


Heritage description

From Qiuci (today's Kuqa County) in the west to Luoyang in the east, there are a series of pagodas and huge and complex cave temples, recording the spread of Buddhism from India to the east through the Karakoram region, and the evolution of pagodas in architectural design after absorbing local ideas. Other religious buildings reflect the coexistence of many religions (and many ethnic minorities) along the corridor. Large scale commercial activities have nurtured large, prosperous and prosperous cities and towns, reflecting the communication between settled society and nomadic society in various ways. The Silk Road is a road of integration, exchange and dialogue between Eastern and Western civilizations and cultures, and has made important contributions to the common prosperity of mankind for nearly 2000 years.
the Silk Road Witnessed the period from the first two centuries to the sixteenth century, Eurasia Communication between economic, cultural and social development, especially between nomadic and sedentary civilizations; It is an excellent example of long-distance trade promoting the development of large towns and cities, and water conservancy management system supporting transportation and trade. At the same time, it is Zhang Qian as an envoy to the Western Regions And other major historical events, which deeply reflect Buddhism Manichaeism Zoroastrianism Zoroastrianism In ancient China and Central Asia And other regions. World Heritage Committee He believes that the Silk Road is a road of integration, exchange and dialogue between the East and the West, and has made important contributions to the common prosperity of mankind for nearly 2000 years.
Selection criteria (ii): "The Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor" shows many civilized regions in Asia and Europe during the period from the first two centuries to the 16th century, with the scale of the huge regional road network spanning East Asia and Central Asia, the lasting use time, the rich variety of relics and their internal dynamic relationships, diverse communication contents, and diverse geographical environment In particular, the interaction and influence between nomadic grassland civilization and settled farming, oasis or animal husbandry civilization, including the interaction of people's values revealed in religious beliefs, urban culture, architectural design, living methods, commodity trade, ethnic exchanges, etc. It is an outstanding example of human beings in Asia and Europe carrying out extensive civilization and cultural exchanges through long-distance transportation.
Selection criteria (iii) "The Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor" is an important witness to the tradition of economic and cultural exchanges and social development in Eurasia during the first two to sixteenth centuries. In particular, a series of capital cities, central towns and settlement sites distributed along the road network have provided special witness for the ancient peoples and their civilizations that have disappeared or developed in many industries in the Asian continent, especially in Central Asia, and the Chinese civilization that continues to this day in East Asia, revealing the agricultural civilization of the Central Plains, grassland nomadic civilization The dialogue process of exchanges, conflicts, compatibility and integration among the Western Oasis civilizations, as well as several important historical stages and prominent multicultural characteristics experienced in this process.
Selection criteria (v) "The Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor", through a series of measures to rely on, utilize and transform the natural environment, including the successful development of land use in desert areas, has jointly supported the travel and transportation under desert conditions, and finally enabled the cross continental cultural routes to be connected, It is an outstanding example of human interaction with the natural environment for long-distance transportation and communication.
Selection criteria (vi) Many sites and relics of the "Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor" are directly related to a large number of related unearthed cultural relics, bamboo slips, historical documents and travel notes, and the "Zhang Qian's sinking into the Western Regions" event, which is a milestone in the history of human civilization and cultural exchanges in Eurasia; It is directly related to the spreading events and modes of Chinese Buddhism, which have a significant impact on East Asian culture; It is directly related to the intercontinental trade tradition with silk as the bulk trade (such as silk horse exchange) and the unique business tradition of the Sogdians on the Silk Road; At the same time, a large number of cultural relics, bamboo slips, documents, archaeological materials and other precious materials unearthed in other places along the line can also provide substantive evidence for the extensive cultural and cultural exchanges in Asia and Europe, including species, customs, arts, science, technology and other exchanges between the East and the West, revealing the social, political, economic Culture and many other aspects of the extensive and profound impact. [4]

Evaluation of World Heritage Committee

The Silk Road: The road network of the Chang'an Tianshan Corridor is part of the Silk Road with a road network span of nearly 5000 kilometers Chang'an / Luoyang Extend to Central Asia The zhetysu region of. The Silk Road was formed in the first two to the first century, flourished in the sixth to the fourteenth century, and was used until the sixteenth century. It is distributed in today's China, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. It links multiple civilizations and promotes extensive activities and exchanges in trade, religious beliefs, scientific knowledge, technological innovation, cultural customs, and art. The 33 components included in the road network include the capital and empire and khanate Palace buildings, trade settlements, Buddhist cave temples, ancient paths, post stations, passages, lighthouses, parts of the Great Wall, fortifications, tombs and religious buildings. [4] The Silk Road is a road of integration, exchange and dialogue between the East and the West. It has made important contributions to the common prosperity of mankind for nearly 2000 years, and witnessed the exchanges between the economic, cultural and social development of Asia and Europe during the first two to the sixteenth centuries, especially between nomadic and sedentary civilizations; It is an excellent example of long-distance trade promoting the development of large towns and cities, and water conservancy management system supporting transportation and trade; It is directly related to major historical events such as Zhang Qian's diplomatic mission to the Western Regions, and deeply reflects the spread of Buddhism, Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism and other religions and urban planning ideas in ancient China, Central Asia and other regions. [1-2]

Cultural relics protection

  • Application for World Heritage
In 1988, in order to highlight the complex cultural exchanges that occurred when China and the West met, help shape the diversity of characteristics and enrich the common heritage of Eurasia, UNESCO launched the "Road of Dialogue: A Study on the Integrity of the Silk Road" project, which stimulated the world's interest in the Silk Road.
From 1990 to 1995, UNESCO carried out five international tours, including the Desert Silk Road from Xi'an to Kashgar, the Maritime Silk Road from Venice to Japan, the Central Asian Grassland Silk Road, the Mongolian Nomadic Silk Road, and the Buddhist Silk Road in Nepal. Camel bells jingle, Qiang flute melodious, this great road of sleeping for thousands of years awakens again. The rich historical accumulation of the Silk Road made the experts who went to investigate very happy, and its rich cultural connotation attracted the attention of the world.
In 2006, under the promotion of the World Heritage Center, Central Asian countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and China formally proposed that China and the five Central Asian countries jointly declare the Silk Road as a world heritage, and adopted the preliminary action plan for the Silk Road transnational series of world heritage applications. The Chinese section of the Silk Road proposed a preliminary list of 48 heritage sites, which are distributed in six provinces and autonomous regions, including Shaanxi, Henan, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, and Xinjiang. A total of 13 heritage sites were recommended by Gansu Province to participate in the Silk Road World Heritage Application, and finally 11 were qualified after being inspected by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.
Map of the Silk Road
In April 2007, five countries, including China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, adopted the concept document of the Silk Road at the UNESCO Regional Seminar on the Application of the Silk Road for World Heritage. In 2009, the Intergovernmental Coordination Committee for the Declaration of World Heritage Sites along the Silk Road was established, which is a steering committee composed of representatives of all the States parties involved in the declaration of the Silk Road Corridor.
In 2011, the International Council of Monuments and Sites, a professional advisory body of the World Heritage Committee, put forward the concept of "corridors" for the Silk Road, confirmed 54 "corridors" on the Silk Road, and believed that these corridors had a large number of existing heritage systems with high quality. If this series of corridors are included in the World Heritage List, they will form a whole, reflecting and representing the scope, prosperity and decline of settlements and relics along the Silk Road. For this reason, experts recommend two corridors with mature conditions for applying for World Heritage as the first batch of transnational projects: one is the transnational corridor of China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan; The other is the cross-border corridor of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The plan of the six countries to jointly apply for the World Heritage has been aborted, but China's determination to apply for the World Heritage has not wavered.
At the end of 2011, the World Heritage Center made a major strategic adjustment to the Silk Road's transnational joint application for World Heritage. It was determined that China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan would apply for world cultural heritage under the name of "Silk Road: the starting section and the road network of Tianshan Corridor", and it was determined as a review project in 2014.
At the beginning of 2012, according to the work deployment and adjustment opinions of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, a total of 22 sites applying for World Heritage in Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Henan and Gansu provinces and regions were included in the First Batch of World Heritage Application List of China Section of the Silk Road.
In July 2012, through joint consultation between the UNESCO World Heritage Committee and the governments of China and five Central Asian countries, it was finally determined that China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan should jointly apply for this project. The name of the application project was finally determined as "Silk Road: the road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor". The route of the heritage project spans nearly 5000 kilometers, including five types of representative relics: central town relics, commercial city relics, settlement relics, traffic relics, religious relics and associated relics 33 places, as well as the rich characteristic geographical environment along the way, the total area of the declared heritage area is 426.80 square kilometers, and the total area of the heritage area and buffer area is 2344.64 square kilometers.
On June 22, 2014, at the 38th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee held in Doha, Qatar, according to the criteria of cultural heritage selection (ii) (iii) (v) (vi), the Silk Road: the road network of the Chang'an Tianshan Corridor was approved by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to be included in the World Heritage List as a cultural heritage. [1-3]

Tourism information

  • address
Silk Road: The road network of Chang'an Tianshan Corridor is located in Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China, Along the Silk Road in Almaty and Jiangbul States in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Chuhe State in the Kyrgyz Republic. [3]
  • traffic
You can drive to various scenic spots.