The most in the world

world record
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World Records refers to the most prominent person, thing or thing in the world world record
The world has the most specific evaluation standard, and the most recognized certification authority in the world is Guinness World Records [1]
Chinese name
The most in the world
Foreign name
World Records
The largest ocean
the pacific ocean
The smallest ocean
arctic ocean
The deepest ocean
the pacific ocean
Largest sea
Coral Sea
The largest continent
The smallest continent

physical geography


Rivers, lakes and oceans

  • Largest ocean: the pacific ocean (about 18.1344 million square kilometers, accounting for about 1/2 of the global ocean area) [2]
  • Smallest area: arctic ocean (About 13 million square kilometers) [2]
  • The deepest ocean: the Pacific Ocean (the deepest depth is 11034m)
  • The most latitudinal ocean: Atlantic
  • The Arctic Ocean, the Ocean with the Broadest Longitude
  • The highest latitude ocean: the Arctic Ocean
  • Largest sea: Coral Sea (Pacific, about 4.791 million square kilometers)
  • Smallest sea: Marmara Sea (Turkey, 11350 km2)
  • The deepest sea: Coral Sea (Pacific Ocean, average depth 2243m)
  • The shallowest sea: Azov Sea (Europe, average 8m, deepest 14m)
  • The lightest sea: the Baltic (In Europe, the salinity of seawater is only 7-8 ‰, and the salinity of each bay is lower, only 2 ‰)
  • The saltiest sea: Crimson Sea (The salinity in the north is 42 ‰)
  • The deepest trench: Mariana Trench (Pacific Ocean, - 11034 m)
  • The youngest sea: the Red Sea (40 million years old) [3]
  • The most transparent sea: Sargasso Sea (North Atlantic, maximum 72 meters)

Land and island

  • Largest continent: Asia (About 44 million square kilometers, accounting for about 1/3 of the world's land area) [2]
  • Smallest continent: Oceania (8.97 million square kilometers)
  • The highest latitude continent: Antarctica
  • The continent with the widest latitude: Asia (about 81 ° N in the north and 11 ° S in the south) [4]
  • The continent with the widest longitude: Antarctica
  • Asia, the continent with the longest east-west distance [4]
  • The continent with the most tortuous coastline: Europe
  • The continent with the straightest coastline: Africa


air temperature
  • World "hot pole": Basra Iraq )Highest record: July 8, 1991, 58.8 ℃
  • World "Cold Pole": South Pole Nearby( Dongfang Station )Minimum record: July 21, 1983, - 89.2 ℃
  • Areas with the largest annual temperature difference: Upper Jansk (January - 47 ℃, July 16 ℃, absolute temperature difference 105 ℃, Russia)
  • Areas with the lowest annual temperature difference: Quito (January is 13.4 ℃, August is 14 ℃, and the annual temperature difference is only 0.6 ℃, Ecuador
  • World "dry pole": Atacama Desert (In South America, the average annual precipitation is less than 0.1 mm, and it never rained in 1991 from 1845 to 1936) [2]
  • World "Rain Pole": Kilapenzi (India, 26 461.2 mm rainfall from August 1960 to July 1961) [2]
  • World "wet pole": Weale Alai (located in the United States Hawaii

Mountains and peaks

mountain range


  • The largest basin: Siberia Basin (central Russia), nearly 7 million square kilometers
  • Lowest basin: Turpan Basin (China) Minimum - 154 meters
  • Highest basin: Qaidam Basin (China) about 2600~3000 meters

Waterfalls and hot springs

  • The waterfall with the largest drop: Angel Falls (also known as: Angel Falls , on Venezuela , 979.6 m high)
  • The widest waterfall: Iguazu Falls (Located at the junction of Brazil and Argentina, about 4km wide)
  • The world's largest hot spring waterfall: Luoji Ninety nine Li Hot Spring Waterfall [6]
hot spring
  • Hot springs with the largest daily water yield in the world: spiral headdress ·99 Li Waterfall Hot Spring [7]


natural disaster

  • Maximum magnitude earthquake: Chile Earthquake (Grade 9.5)
  • The earthquake with the largest number of deaths: In July 1201, all cities in the eastern Mediterranean region were damaged by the earthquake, which caused about 1.1 million deaths, mainly in ancient Egypt and Syria. [8]
  • The earliest earthquake record in China:《 Secretary Zhu Nian 》It is recorded that "in the 35th year, the Emperor ordered Xia Hou to levy Miao" and "in the 35th year, the Emperor ordered Xia Hou to levy Miao".
  • The notes in the external notes of Tongjian refer to the Jizhong Chronicle along with the Nest, which says that the three seedlings will die in the sky, rain, blood, ice, earth, crack and spring in summer. The Taiping Emperor cited this saying: When the three seedlings were about to perish, the earthquake collapsed and the spring gushed. Emperor Shun was about in the 23rd century BC, and it has a history of more than 4000 years.
  • The earliest earthquake disaster recorded in the West: 1755 pm Portugal Lisbon Earthquake.
  • The largest earthquake and tsunami in the world: On April 24, 1971, Ishigaki Island in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan (it is estimated that the peak of the huge waves is 84.7 meters high, and the overwhelming waves throw a whole coral reef weighing up to 850 tons more than 2.092 kilometers. The waves hit by this earthquake are measured to travel at a speed of 788.557 kilometers per hour).
  • The country with the most earthquakes: Japan

Related information

human geography



  • Largest country: Russia (Europe, with a total area of about 17075200 square kilometers)
  • Smallest country: vatican (Europe, with a total area of 0.44 square kilometers)
  • Countries with the most neighbors: China Russia (14 for each)
  • Countries with the longest coastline: Australia (36375 km long coastline)
  • Most populous countries: China (In 2021, the national population will be 1443497378 [18]
  • Least populous countries: vatican (572 persons, 2011)
  • Countries and regions with the least population: Pitcairn Islands (50 persons in 2006),
  • Countries with the highest population density: Monaco (with an area of 1.95 square kilometers, 32409 people living in total, and a population density of 18533 people per square kilometer)
  • Countries with the lowest population density: Mongolia (With an area of 1564000 square kilometers, 2800000 people live in total, and the population density is only 1 person per square kilometer)
  • Countries with the highest mortality rate: Angola (In 2005, 192.50 people died for every 1000 people)
  • Countries with the lowest mortality rate: Kuwait (In 2005, there were only 2.42 deaths per 1000 people)
  • Countries with the highest birth rate: Niger (51.33 per thousand in 2005)
  • Countries with the lowest birth rate: Germany (8.33 per 1000 in 2005)
  • Countries with the lowest natural population growth rate: Germany
  • Countries with the highest infant mortality rate: Angola (187.49 deaths per 1000 births on average)
  • Countries with the lowest infant mortality rate: Singapore (There are only 2.29 deaths per 1000 births on average)
  • woman fertility rate Highest country: Niger (An average of 7.46 babies per woman)
  • Countries with the lowest female fertility rate: Singapore (On average, each woman has only 1.06 babies)
  • suicide rate Highest country: Lithuania (In 2003, on average, 42.1 people committed suicide among 100000 people every year, 74.3 men and 13.9 women among 100000 people every year)
Development and economy
  • Countries with the highest GDP: U.S.A (GDP in 2013 was 16724.27 billion US dollars)
  • Countries/regions with the highest human development index: Norway (0.955)
  • Countries with the highest GDP per capita: Liechtenstein (In 2011, according to the International Monetary Fund, it was about 143151 dollars)
  • Countries with the longest life expectancy: Andorra (The average life expectancy in 2006 was 83.51 years)
  • Countries with the shortest life expectancy: Swaziland (The average life expectancy in 2006 was 33.22 years)
  • The earliest primitive human in the world: Chinese primitive society Yuanmou Man (1.7 million years ago)
  • The youngest country in the world: Republic of South Sudan (Established on July 9, 2011)
National Anthem, National Flag
  • production Dates Most countries: Iraq (Output accounted for 3/5 of the world in 2012)
  • production Coconut Most countries and regions: Indonesia
  • Countries producing the most rice and planting it first: China
  • Countries that first planted millet: China
  • Countries that first planted coffee: Ethiopia
  • Largest rubber producing country: Thailand
  • maximum Canna hemp Country of production: the Philippines
  • Countries with the largest brown oil production: Malaysia
  • Countries with the largest production and export of corn, soybeans and cotton: U.S.A
  • Countries with the largest production of coffee, sugar cane and citrus: Brazil
  • The countries that export the most wool and sheep in the world and bauxite Lead and zinc uranium Countries with the largest nickel reserves: Australia
  • The richest countries: Switzerland (The per capita wealth is 648000 dollars)
  • Countries with the most cattle: India (About 300 million, accounting for about 1/5 of the total number of cattle in the world)
  • Countries with the most sheep: Australia (More than 200 million)
  • Countries with the most lakes: Finland (There are about 188000 lakes, known as "the country of thousands of lakes")
  • Countries with the most islands: Norway
  • Countries with the most volcanoes: Indonesia
  • Countries with the most expensive water: Kuwait
  • The northernmost country: Norway
  • The southernmost city: Ushuaia
  • Countries with the highest proportion of disabled persons: Angola
  • Countries with the most natural disasters: Japan Chile
  • Countries with the highest average altitude: Lesotho
  • Lowest country: Netherlands
  • Countries with the highest peak: Nepal
  • The world's longest Undefended Border: the border between the United States and Canada (more than 6000 kilometers long)
  • Countries with the most visa free passports in the world: Denmark (You can go to 157 countries without visa)
  • Longest border: the border between the United States and Canada (6416 km long)
  • The country where the day starts first: Kiribati (It is also the only crossing international date line Country)

administrative division

  • The northernmost capital: Iceland capital Reykjavik
  • The southernmost capital: the capital of New Zealand Wellington
  • The westernmost and easternmost capital: Fiji capital Suva
  • Capital with the highest altitude: bolivia capital La Paz
  • The nearest capital to the equator: Ecuador capital Quito
  • Regional city with the largest land jurisdiction area: China Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Hulunbeier City (263900 square kilometers)
  • Smallest city: Netherlands Hague Madrodin Lilliput (only 1.8 square kilometers)
  • The southernmost city: Argentina Ushuaia
  • The northernmost city: Norway Svalbard Islands Longyeartown (Located at 78 degrees north latitude)
  • The city furthest from the sea: Urumqi
  • The northernmost town with the most dense population: Svalbard Islands, Norway New Olsson
  • The city that first reported the time with flowers: Geneva
  • The most densely populated island: Ap Lei Chau (Hong Kong, with an area of 1.3 square kilometers and a population density of 60000 people per square kilometer)
  • The most densely populated city: Male Maldives 469800 people in total, with a population density of 48007 people per square kilometer)
  • Areas with the highest population density: Mongkok (Hong Kong, China) (the average density is 130000 people per square kilometer)
  • Areas with the lowest population density: Antarctica (with an area of 14 million square kilometers and a non permanent population)
  • The largest administrative division: Republic of Saha (with an area of 3.1 million 3200 square kilometers)
  • Administrative divisions with the largest population: Uttar Pradesh (The total population is about 199.6 million)
  • The city with the lowest female fertility rate: Tokyo (0.22 babies per woman on average)
  • Cities with the highest GDP in the world: New York (GDP in 2012 was 3725 billion US dollars)
  • The world's most populous metropolitan area: Tokyo Metropolitan (36.8 million permanent residents)
  • The largest urban agglomeration in the world: Northeast America Atlantic Coastal urban agglomeration (40 cities in total (refer to cities with more than 100000 people). The urban belt is 965 kilometers long, 48 to 160 kilometers wide, and covers an area of 138000 square kilometers, accounting for 1.5% of the area of the United States.
  • The world's largest city circle: Shanxi Province, China Taiyuan City Circle (156700 square kilometers, 36.108 million people in 2012)
  • Cities with the highest per capita GDP in the world: New York ($61000 in 2008)
  • The country with the highest total nominal GDP in the world: the United States (US $16724.27 billion) (2013)
  • The country with the highest total PPP GDP in the world: China (2014)
  • The city with the most skyscrapers in the world: Hong Kong, China (with more than 500 skyscrapers over 150 meters)
  • The country with the largest economic production scale in the world: China
  • The highest density and breadth in the world Skyline : Hong Kong, China - the calculation method is equal to the sum of the heights of all buildings (in meters, excluding the spires) equal to 90 meters or 295 feet after deducting the minimum value. Independent towers are calculated at half their height.
  • Cities with the most consulates in the world: New York (154)

mineral products

  • The country with the most abundant iron ore: Brazil
  • Countries with the largest phosphate reserves: Morocco
  • Largest manganese storage country: South Africa (about 5.5 billion tons)
  • The largest depository country: South Africa (accounting for 3/5 of the amount of metal mined)
  • Countries with the most abundant oil resources: Saudi Arabia
  • Countries with the most phosphate: Morocco
  • Rare earth ore The richest country: China
  • The country and region with the most abundant coal mines: Shanxi Province, China Jinzhong Jiexiu City (accounting for 40.2% of China's total exports and 39.6% of the world's total exports)
  • Silver ore Most abundant country: Mexico
  • The largest natural diamond producing area: Australia (diamond production is 37.4 million carats, accounting for 34% of the world's total diamond production)

Other information

  • maximal Delta Ganges River Delta (The total area is about 70000 square kilometers)
  • First established national park Yellowstone national park (Established in 1872)
  • Longest current: Antarctic circulation (up to 21000 km)
  • Maximum current: Gulf Stream (It is 60-80 kilometers wide and 700 meters thick, with a total flow of 74 million to 93 million cubic meters per second, nearly twice as large as the Kuroshio in the North Pacific, the second largest ocean current in the world, and 80 times more than the total amount of all rivers on land. It can be called the "giant" in ocean currents.)
  • maximal Wetland Pantanal Wetland (with a total area of 242000 square kilometers)
  • Largest independent rock: Australia Ayers Rock (perimeter is about 9.4 km)
  • The oldest text: Cuneiform



Astronomical research

Astronomical instrument

celestial bodies

fixed star
Solar system planets
  • The planet with the largest mass: Jupiter (about twice the total mass of the other seven planets)
  • Planets with rings: Saturn, Jupiter Uranus Neptune
  • The fastest planet: Mercury (88 days)
  • The largest planet: Jupiter (1316 times larger than Earth)
  • Smallest planet: Mercury (5.62% of the Earth's volume)
  • Brightest planet: Venus
  • The planet with the most moons: the first is Jupiter, with 63 moons, and the second is Saturn 56.
  • The brightest planet seen with the naked eye: Venus
  • The first planet calculated: Neptune
  • The most beautiful planet: Saturn
  • The fastest rotating planet: Jupiter (rotates 9 hours, 50 minutes and 30 seconds a week)
  • The planet with the slowest rotation: Venus (243 days, 225 days for official transfer)
  • The largest satellite in the solar system: Ganymede (0.0704 times of the earth)
  • volcano The most active satellites: Io
  • The first human satellite: the moon
  • The nearest planet to the earth: the moon


  • The darkest galaxy found: Segue 1
  • The nearest galaxy to the Milky Way: Big Small Magellanic Clouds
  • The largest galaxy discovered: ABELL2029 (about Galaxy 60 times)

Other information

  • The largest planet discovered: WASP-17b (The diameter is more than twice the diameter of Jupiter, but the mass is only 50% of Jupiter.).
  • The highest volcano has been found: Olympus Mons (Mars) Ireland , more than 3 Everest in height)
  • Section one Space stations: Salute 1 (successfully launched by the former Soviet Union in April 1971)
  • The first man-made satellite: man-made earth Satellite-1 Former Soviet Union Launched on October 4, 1957)
  • The most powerful rocket: Saturn 5
  • The most famous astronomical telescope: Hubble Space Telescope (Launched by the United States on 24 April 1990)
  • The first man-made probe to cross the asteroid belt: Pioneer 11
  • The coldest place in the universe: Sagittarius Boomerang Nebula
  • The first person walking in space: Former Soviet cosmonaut Lieutenant Colonel A. Leonov
  • The first person to enter space: Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin
  • People who stay in space the longest: Sergei Krikalev
  • The farthest man-made aircraft to the earth: Voyager 1 (Launched on September 5, 1977, it had flown about 16.7 billion kilometers away from the sun by October 9, 2009, and Third cosmic speed And fly away from the solar system)




The largest animal ever: Blue whale (The female of the largest subspecies, South Blue Whale, is 26 meters long on average and weighs 120 tons, of which the largest individual is 33.58 meters long and weighs 239 tons)
The animal with the largest reproductive organ: the blue whale (the male reproductive organ is 3 meters long, and the unilateral testicle weighs about 45 kilograms; according to the test, the amount of semen ejaculated by the blue whale each time reaches 20 liters, which weighs about 70 kilograms.)
Largest land animals: African steppe elephant (average weight up to 8 tons)
The largest land mammal in history: Tianshan Junggar Indricotherium (It is estimated that the maximum weight of Dzungariotherium? Tienshanense can reach 24 tons, but the classification is still controversial.) Or Nashi Ancient rhomboid tooth image (Palaeoloxodon? Namadicus, alias Nama elephant According to a leg bone, it is estimated that the long nosed animal weighs at least 22 tons, but there is still a suspicion of "satellite" [9]
Highest land animals: giraffe (Average height: 5m)
The most primitive mammalian egg laying animals in existence: platypus
Animals with the warmest fur: Polar bear
The animal with the longest hair: Ovibos moschatus, whose hair can be up to 70cm long.
The largest living carnivore on land: polar bear
The largest feline ever: Puma (Panthera leo atrox, also known as ferocious lion)
maximal Artiodactyla Animal (weight): Hippo
The smartest animal: dolphins (except people, whose brains are even bigger than people)
Largest birds: ostrich (The average height is 2.5 meters, and the maximum weight can reach 155 kg) The largest bird: Collie bird (More than 1m long, weighing about 18kg, living in southeast Africa)
The bird with the longest wing: wandering albatross (Diomedea exaulans wing spread 2-3 meters)
Biggest beaked bird: Toucan (mouth length 24cm, width 9cm)
The smallest bird: Cuba Bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae)
The highest flying bird: Black and white vulture (Gyps rueppellii, 1973, when flying at an altitude of about 11000 meters, they were sucked into the jet engine of the aircraft)
The most hardy bird: penguin
The biggest egg laying bird: ostrich (8cm wide, up to 1.5kg in weight. The egg shell is about 15-16cm long in longitudinal diameter and 11-13cm long in transverse diameter)
The animal with the largest cell: ostrich (egg cell)
The largest fish in existence: Whale shark (The average length is 8 meters, and the maximum length can reach 20 meters)
The animal with the largest bite force ever&the largest fish in history: Megalodon Carcharodon megalodon, The maximum length is 20m, the maximum weight is 50 tons, and the bite force is 28 tons per square centimeter)
The fastest running animals on land: Cheetah (Up to 130 km/h)
Fastest marine animal sailfish (Up to 109 km/h)
Fastest flying animals: Sharp tailed Swift (The fastest speed can reach 100 meters per second)
Animals with the largest bite force: Bay crocodile (More than 1 ton per square centimeter)
The oldest creature: Lingulate shellfish (450 million years old)
maximal jellyfish Arctic Jellyfish (canopy diameter up to 2.5 meters) or Nomura's jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai, The umbrella cover has a diameter of more than 2m and weighs up to 200kg)
The lowest multicellular animal: Sponge animal
Animals with the most teeth: snail (25600 teeth in total)
maximal spider Tarantula (Maximum body width: 35cm, weight: 200g)
Longest mollusk: Antarctic sour squid (maximum 17 meters)
Animals with the most feet: Millipede (700 feet)
Longest insect: stick insect (Maximum length over 30cm)
The most ingenious nesting insect: bees
The insect with the strongest flight ability: locust (can fly for nearly 10 hours every day)
The fastest crawling insects: cockroach
Insects with the most eyes: dragonfly (Each compound eye consists of 280000 eye lenses)
Insects most harmful to human beings: mosquito (Three million people died of the diseases they spread within one year)
The strongest insect: Dung beetle (It can support or drag objects equal to 1141 times of its own weight)
The most peculiar fish: a hippocampus
The fish with the most peculiar eyes: flounder
The most poisonous fish: Scorpion
The farthest fish: Flying fish (Record: 11 meters high, more than 1000 meters away)
The fish with the strongest discharge capacity: electric eel (The maximum voltage can reach 800 V when discharging)
Fish that spawn most: an ocean sunfish (300 million eggs can be laid at one time)
Largest insect: stick insect
maximal Amphibian Giant salamander (i.e. giant salamander)
Largest reptile: Saltwater alligator (The longest can reach more than 8 meters)
The most primitive reptiles: Spotted Wedgetooth lizard
The largest snake ever: Titan python (over 15m in length and 1000kg in weight)
Largest lizard: komodo dragon
The lizard that can change color most: Shelter (or called chameleon
toxicity The strongest Sea serpent Aipysurus duboisii Aipysurus duboisii , LD50 value exceeds 0.044mg/kg)
The most toxic snake on land: Slender scale taipan snake or Inland taipan snake Oxyuranus microlepidotus , LD fifty Value=0.025mg/kg ratio Rattlesnake The toxicity is 300 times stronger, about equal to King Cobra 20 times)
The snake that killed the most people: Russell Vipers (average 1750 people killed each year)
The largest bird ever: Sang's Pseudotoothed Bird (adult wingspan 6.1~7.4 meters)
The largest flying animal ever: Aeolus pterosaur (Wing span 15m)
The largest carnivore on land is also the largest carnivorous dinosaur in history: Acanthosaurus (up to 18 meters long)
The largest land animal in history: A. fragillimus (58~62 meters, 139~192 tons, but the fossils are lost, and the authenticity cannot be verified)
Smallest dinosaur: Compsognathus [10]
The smartest dinosaur: Wounded Teeth Dragon (IQ up to 5.3)
The dumbest dinosaur: Stegosaurus
The animal with the largest claws: Therizinosaurus (paws 75 cm long)
The slowest animal: Three-toed sloth (speed 100 m/h)
Animals with the longest hibernation time: Dormouse (5-6 months hibernation time)
Mammals with the shortest gestation period: Dahur pika (15 days of pregnancy)
Longest centipede: knot chest centipede (up to 2.59 meters extinct)
The largest animal in space: Chimpanzee Ham (Launched into space in 1965)
Animals with the strongest vitality: Water bearworm
Largest frog: Giant harmonic frog (The maximum length from nose tip to anus can reach 33cm, and the maximum weight can reach 3kg)
The smallest frog&vertebrate: the Amau child frog (Paedophryne amauensis, only 7.7 mm in length)
The heaviest cow: a cow in England Charolais , whose name is Phil Marshall. In 2009, only 8 year It's 1, 67 tons.
Animals with the shortest lethal time of toxin: Australian jellyfish
The largest catfish: Italian Robert Mantova caught it on the River Po, weighing 250 pound (Contract 113 kg . )。
Longest lived animals: Turritopsis nutricula (will return after sexual maturity polyp State, and will repeat indefinitely, that is, never die)
Fastest horse: England Thoroughbred horses (Introduction of Arabian horse lineage)
The most durable horse: Mongolian horse


Largest plants and trees: General Sherman Tree (volume up to 1489m ³, weight 3000 tons)
Smallest tree: Dwarf willow (no more than 5cm high)
Largest flower: Magnolia flower (up to 11 kg)
Smallest flower: Watermeal
The smelliest flower: Carrion flower
The shortest lived flower: Grape FLOWER
Largest leaf: Wang Lian leaf
Largest seed: Big Coconut (40 to 50 cm in diameter and 15 to 30 kg in weight at maturity)
Smallest seed: Variegated orchid (It is about 0.5mm long and 70 μ m in diameter, and can only be seen clearly under a microscope or magnifying glass)
The plant with the most peculiar fruiting habits: peanut (flowering on the ground, fruiting underground)
contain Vegetable protein Crops with the highest quality: soybeans (36.3 g protein/100 g soybeans)
The oldest seed plant: Ginkgo biloba (appeared on the earth 200 million years ago)
The oldest crop: peas (11000 years old)
Plants with the best fiber quality: ramie
Planting tea plant The earliest region: Guangxi
The most drought tolerant crops: Millet
Most productive grain crops : Corn
Crop with the largest sown area: wheat
contain vitamin C Most vegetables: pepper
Fruit with the most vitamin C: kiwi
The vegetable with the lowest calorie: cucumber
The most expensive grass: Black grass (An average of more than 30 US dollars per gram)
The thickest tree: Baiqi big millet (trunk circumference can exceed 55 meters)
Highest tree: Australian almond eucalyptus (Up to 156 meters)
Trees with the highest average height: Redwood (Average height exceeds 100 meters)
The tree with the longest leaves: Long leaf coconut (up to 27m)
The deepest rooted tree: South Africa Orris One near Dade Fig tree (The root is more than 120 meters underground)
The tree with the largest crown: Ficus benghalensis (Its crown can cover about 10000 square meters of land)
Trees with the largest water storage: Spindle tree
Plants with the strongest water absorption ability: Sphagnum (It can absorb 20-25 times of its own weight of water, which is Absorbent cotton 2.5 times)
The oldest tree: Pinus spinosa (The tree is up to 6400 years old; another tree is in West Africa Canaria Of Dracaena Dracaena , who has lived for more than 8000 years, but unfortunately was destroyed by a storm in 1868)
Heaviest wood: ferreous mesua (Its trunk is up to 30 meters high, and the wood is hard, so it will not float in the water if it is placed in the water)
Lightest wood: balsa (Only 0.1 ton per cubic meter)
The saltiest tree: Wood salt tree (The salt content is almost the same as ordinary edible salt)
The sweetest tree: Maple (sugar content up to 85%)
Hardest wood: Birch (twice as hard as ordinary steel plate and three times as hard as oak tree)
Brightest tree: Magic tree (In the evening, you can see the characters in regular script size smaller than 5 under the tree)
The most poisonous tree: Curare wood (i.e Seeing blood sealed the throat , whose sap is white, but extremely toxic, which can lead to cardiac disorder and sudden stop.)
The most fire-resistant tree: Pinus densiflora
The tree most sensitive to fire: Fire tree (Origin Angola , as long as someone ignites a fire under the tree, he will immediately spray a special liquid and put out the fire)
The most precious tree: metasequoia And ginkgo biloba (known as "the world's rare living fossil" and "plant panda")
The most aristocratic tree: Sandalwood (A biologist once said humorously that sandalwood is a noble among nobles. It is a very beautiful and beautiful tree. It never "parasitizes", nor does it pick up incense carelessly. Therefore, it often Caesalpinia pulcherrima and Callicarpa It is very hot)
The slowest growing tree: Erweiziga tree Sitka Spruce (The height per hundred years is only 28 cm, and the diameter is 2.5 cm)
The fastest growing tree: Malaysia Lishaba An anonymous tree (9.2 meters long in a year)
The fastest growing herbs: Phyllostachys pubescens (1 meter long in one day and night)
maximal tea plant : Yunnan, China Menghai A tea tree (32m high, 2.98m thick trunk, 14cm long leaves, 6cm wide, about 1700 years old)
The oldest and largest Chestnut Czech Republic A chestnut tree (trunk circumference 700 cm, tree age more than 500 years)
Oldest Litchi tree Song Jiaxiang (The trunk circumference is 7.1 meters, and the tree age is more than 1200 years)
Oldest olive Yugoslavia Deria Beach An olive tree (up to 2400 years old)
maximal grapewine : UK England Of Grape Trees (shade covers an area of more than 460 square meters. The longest branches reach more than 90 meters)
Most diverse pear tree : One of the shopping malls in Henan, China Artificial miscellaneous Cross pear tree (can produce 24 pears of different shapes, such as Sydney, Mingyue, Laiyang Kondeli pear Etc.)
The loneliest plant: Uniflora
The most spiritual plants: mimosa (If the leaves of mimosa are touched, they will close up immediately. The greater the force of touch, the faster the closing, and the whole leaf will fall.)
The highest forest in the world: alpine forest in southeast Tibet
The lowest forest in the world: Hainan Qinglan Port mangrove Bamenwan Mangrove

science and technology



The country with the largest number of Internet users: China (with 591 million Internet users and 464 million mobile Internet users) (as of the end of June 2013)
World's most visited website: Facebook (836.7 million independent visitors) (December 2013)
The website with the highest daily sales volume of e-commerce: China (Alibaba Group's Taobao and Tmall), with a 24-hour turnover of 57.1 billion yuan in 2014
The mobile phone with the largest sales volume: Nokia 1100 (220 million units sold)
The fastest computing computer in the world: Tianhe-2 (floating point computing speed of 3386 billion times per second) (by the end of 2014)


The only place preserved in the world Zoroastrianism Building: Jiexiu Zoroastrian God Building
Highest building: Burj Khalifa Tower (formerly known as Dubai Tower, including 828m high antenna) (temporary)
Highest launch tower (since record): Warsaw Radio Tower (646.38m high, collapsed in 1991)
Highest tower (temporary): KVLY - TV Antenna tower (KVLY-TV mast, USA, 628.8m high)
The highest radio and television sightseeing tower: Guangzhou New TV Tower (600m, Guangzhou, China)
Largest gold glass screen wall building: Zhonggang City
The first high-tech building: Pompidou National Cultural Center (Built in 1971)
The largest solar energy building (office building): Sun Moon Altar · Micro row Building (located in China Sun Valley 2010 World Sun City Congress host city
The boldest future building: Japan's Fuji Mountain Tower (with a height of 4000 meters, which can accommodate 1 million people, and is expected to be completed within 100 years)


The tallest skyscraper: Burj Khalifa (162 floors, total height 828m) (temporarily
The tallest skyscraper: Dubai Tower
Highest floor height: Burj Khalifa Tower (Above 600m)
Collapsed tallest building: The World Trade Center Twin Towers (USA) (441m)
The country with the most skyscrapers in the world: China (about 1318) [11]
The thinnest skyscraper: Diwang Building (The ratio of width to height is 1:9)
The world's longest serving skyscraper: Empire State Building (1931-1972)
The earliest skyscrapers: Family Insurance Building (1885)
The fastest elevator skyscraper: Burj Khalifa (17.4 meters per second)
Skyscrapers with the longest antenna: Freedom tower (Under construction, 127m antenna)
The highest twin tower: Kuala Lumpur Oil Twin Towers (452m)


original Stone arch bridge : China Zhaozhou Bridge (About 1400 years ago)
The longest cross sea bridge: Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge (total length of 55km)
Longest Suspension bridge : Akashi Strait Bridge in Japan (3911m in total length)
The longest three tower cable-stayed bridge: Hong Kong, China Tingjiu Bridge (1.86km in total length)
Longest Cable-stayed bridge : Chinese Sutong Bridge (total length 32.4km, main span 1088m)
Longest concrete cable-stayed bridge: America Yangguang Viaduct (8.85km in total length)
The widest bridge: Australia sydney harbour bridge (49m at the widest part)
Suspension bridge with the largest pier span: Akashi Strait Bridge in Japan (main span of 1991 meters)
Highest bridge: Beipanjiang Bridge (565m vertical height from bridge deck to valley bottom)
Highest overpass: Kuala Lumpur Oil twin towers Of Air corridor (170 m above the ground)
The longest sightseeing bridge: Sky Bridge (616m in total length)
The longest bridge for both driving and railway: Seto Bridge (Great Seto Bridge, Japan, 13.1km long)
The longest suspension bridge for both traffic and railway: Hong Kong Tsing Ma Bridge (2.16km in total length)
The longest cable-stayed bridge for both traffic and railway: Hong Kong Kishuimen Bridge (0.82km in total length)
Double deck concrete bridge with the largest span: Macao Xiwan Bridge


Highest railway: qinghai-tibet railway (The highest point is at 5072m above sea level Tanggula Mountain Pass
Longest railway: Siberian Railway (9288 km in total, 7 days in total)
The longest plateau railway: Qinghai Tibet Railway (1956 km long)
The railway station with the highest altitude: Tanggula Station (5072m above sea level)
Longest Plateau permafrost Tunnel: Kunlun Mountain Tunnel (4648m above sea level, 1686m in total)
The deepest railway station: Moscow Subway Shengli Park (Park Pobedy, 97m from the ground)
The longest railway bridge in the permafrost zone: Qingshuihe Bridge (total length 11.7 km)
The railway station with the highest passenger flow: China Beijing Station (3.48 million person times a day)
The railway station with the most platforms: Grand Central Station (There are 44 platforms and 67 tracks in total)
Maximum scale, adopt BOT Public works of model (construction, operation and transfer): Taiwan High Speed Railway


The longest subway (city): Shanghai Metro Line 11 (72km long, still extending)
The longest subway (country): there is a subway in Britain that passes through 8 cities (with a total length of nearly 100 kilometers and a total of 458 stations)
The shortest subway: Istanbul Metro (total length 573m)
Metro system with the longest operating mileage: Shanghai Metro (548km)
The earliest subway: London Metropolitan Railway (Completed in 1863)
Metro system with the most stations: New York Metro (468 stations in total)
Metro with the highest passenger flow: Beijing Metro (98.25 million passengers per day)
The fastest subway: San Francisco subway (maximum speed 128km/h)


Longest road tunnel: Laerdal Tunnel (24.51km in total length)
Longest subsea tunnel: Aokan subsea tunnel in Japan (The total length is 53.85km, and the submarine part is 23.3km)
The longest distance at the seabed: Anglo French submarine tunnel (The total length is 50.45km, and the submarine part is 37.9km)
The longest double hole highway tunnel: Qinling Zhongnanshan extra long highway tunnel (total length 18.04km)
Fenghuoshan Tunnel
Longest water tunnel: New York Delaware Tunnel (total length 169km)
Frozen soil tunnel with the highest altitude: Fenghuoshan Tunnel (Located at 4909m above sea level, with a total length of 1338m)
The busiest two line cross sea tunnel: Hong Kong Cross Harbour Tunnel The longest plateau frozen soil tunnel in the world: Kunlun Mountain Tunnel


The largest airport passenger terminal: Beijing Capital International Airport (The total construction area is 986000 square meters, and the north-south length is about 2900 meters)
The most expensive airport: Hong Kong International Airport (About HK $160 billion)
International airport with the highest altitude: La Paz International Airport (Bolivia, 4061m above sea level)
The busiest airport in the world: Atlanta Hazfeld Jackson International Airport (USA)
The busiest airport in the world: Memphis International Airport (USA)
The world's busiest airport for cross-border passenger traffic: London London Heathrow International Airport (UK)


The earliest underground pedestrian passage: Jiexiu Zhangbi Ancient Castle Underground Passage (built in 619)
The largest crane system: Ngong Ping 360 (Hong Kong)
Largest bus stop: Tel Aviv Central Bus Station (Covering an area of 230000 square meters)
The largest vehicle maintenance center: Hong Kong Kowloon Bus Tuen Mun General Repair Center
Steepest street: located in New Zealand dunedin Of Baldwin Street (Baldwin Street, 161.2m long, 19 ° at the steepest slope)
Longest domestic highway: Interstate Highway System (75376 km in total)
Largest building: Everett Factory (Everett Plant, volume 13.3 million cubic meters)
The largest existing palace: Ming and Qing Dynasties the Imperial Palace (Beijing, China) (with an area of 720000 square meters)
Highest palace: Potala Palace (Located at 3700m above sea level)
The largest square: Xinghai Square (covering an area of 1.1 million square meters)
The oldest existing stone bridge: Tumena single hole stone bridge (Built about 850 BC)
The longest city wall and the highest observatory Buildings: the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty (8851km long)
The highest observatory: the United States University of Denver Observatory (4297m above sea level)
Highest freestanding building: Burj Khalifa Tower (formerly known as Burj Dubai, including 828m high antenna)
Highest self-supporting tower: Tokyo Tower (332.6m high)
The heaviest bronze ware: Houmu Wuding (Former name simuwu Tripod 832.84 kg)
The longest outdoor covered pedestrian escalator: Hong Kong Central to Banshan Escalator System (800 meters in total)
The largest wooden building: Japan's Dongda Temple (57 meters long, 50 meters wide, 49 meters high, with a 15 meter high Buddha statue in the hall)
Highest stone building: America Monument to Saint Hassett (173.7 m high)
The largest stone building and Pyramid : Mexico Pyramid of Churula (Cholula, with a volume of 4.45 million cubic meters, and a Catholic church built on the top)
The highest pyramid: Khufu Pyramid (The current height is 138.8 meters, the original height is 146.6 meters, the volume is 2.3 million square meters, and the floor area is 52900 square meters)
The oldest wooden building: Falong Temple (Built in 607)
Largest statue: America Indian Chief Crazy Horse Peak (192 meters long and 169 meters high)
Highest view ferris wheel : Beijing, China—— Chaoyang Park Ferris wheel (208m)
The largest open-air bronze Buddha: Hong Kong Big Buddha (26 meters high, 220 tons)
The highest statue and standing Buddha: Ushiku Daibutsu (120m high)
The heaviest statue: New York, USA Statue of Liberty (The whole building with base weighs more than 24000 tons)
The highest stone Buddha: Sichuan, China Leshan Giant Buddha (71 m high)
Smallest park: America Mill End Park (The area is only 0.29 square meters)
Largest park: Yellowstone National Park (with a total area of 8956 square kilometers)
Residential projects with the largest number of buildings: Hong Kong Mei Fu New Estate (109 seats)
The most expensive toilet: Hong Kong Jinzhizun Tourism Exhibition Hall (HK $38 million)
The football field with the largest number of seats: Mexico Azdi Stadium (114465 people can sit at most)
Largest church: St Peter's basilica (covering an area of 23000 square meters)
Highest church: Germany Ulm Cathedral (161.5 meters high, once the highest building in the world from 1890 to 1908)
The largest hydropower station and the largest artificial connector: China Three Gorges Hydropower Station (The dam is 2335m long, 115m wide at the bottom, 40m wide at the top, 185m high, and the total storage capacity is 39.3 billion m3)
Largest office building: America the Pentagon (Covering an area of 3.8 million square meters)
Highest chimney: the chimney of GRES-2 Power Station in Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan (419.7m high)
The largest Buddhist architectural complex: Mount Wutai, China (with a total area of 2837 square kilometers)
Longest single residential building: Marx Mansion, Vienna, Austria (1100 meters in total length)
Largest hemispherical building: Sweden Stockholm Sphere Arena (Stockholm Globe Arena, volume up to 600000 m3)
Highest residential building: Queensland First Floor Q1 323m high, the second highest building in the southern hemisphere)
Highest hospital: Gais Hospital (143m high)
The earliest university: Al Karaouine University (Established in 859 AD)
Largest aquarium: America Georgia Aquarium (Georgia Aquarium, with about 30000 cubic meters of space for breeding 500 kinds of silted marine organisms, and 100000 animals in total)
The largest artificial cave: the Russian "Peace" diamond mine (about 1600 meters wide and 533 meters deep)
The largest temple: Angkor Wat (Covering an area of 82 hectares)
Owners with the most housing estates in the world: Hong Kong Housing Authority (More than 212 housing estates)
The longest rubber dam: Yihe River in Linyi, Shandong Xiaobudong Rubber Barrage (1247.4 m in total length)
Highest flame: 2008 Beijing Olympic Flame (climbing Mount Everest)
Largest network encyclopedia Wikipedia (The total number of entries reached 6.6 million and the total number of pages reached 20 million in 2007)
Best selling book: Bible (historical circulation is difficult to calculate, about 2.5 billion copies exist)
The largest encyclopedia: Yongle Grand Ceremony (22877 volumes in total, 12000 volumes)
The most comprehensive encyclopedia: Encyclopedia Britannica (101230 articles in 32 volumes)
Highest sightseeing elevator: Hunan Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan Bailong tourist elevator built in the scenic spot
Fastest Supercomputer Tianhe No.2 Supercomputer system (operation speed can reach 549 million times per second)
Longest street: Beijing Chang'an Street and its east-west routes (longer than Canada Central Street)


Longest passenger plane: Boeing 747-8 (76.4m in total length)
Largest transport aircraft and aircraft: An-225 dream conveyor (total length 88.74m, width 84m and height 18.1m)
maximal liner Ocean Oasis (The gross tonnage is 225000 tons, the length is 361.8 meters, the widest part is 63.4 meters, and the height is 72 meters)
Longest cruise: Queen Mary 2 (total tonnage 151400 tons, total length 345 meters)
The largest and longest boat tanker Sea Giant (564739 tons in gross tonnage, 458.5 meters in total length)
The oldest active service submarines : Taiwan, China Sea lion class submarine (Over 60 years of service since 1945)
The submarine with the deepest working depth: the Soviet Union M-class nuclear submarine (1200 meters, the whole boat is made of titanium alloy)
The largest submarine: the Soviet Union Typhoon class ballistic missile nuclear submarine (172.8m in length, 23.3m in width, 18500t in water displacement, 26500t in submarine displacement, all of which are conservative estimates)
Largest warship: Aircraft carrier Ford
Largest aircraft carrier: Aircraft carrier Ford (112000 tons in gross tonnage, 337m in total length)
Longest aircraft carrier: USS Enterprise (CVN-65) (Retired) (342.3m in total length)
Largest warship: Yamato class battleship (Full load displacement 71659 tons, total length 263 meters)
Largest passenger aircraft: Airbus A380 (Up to 850 passengers)
Fastest helicopter: US X-2 high-speed attack helicopter (Flight speed up to 463 km/h)
Highest helicopter: France SA-3158 "Ostrich" helicopter (rising to 12442m)
The farthest helicopter: America OH-6 helicopter (The straight-line voyage is 3561.55 km)
Largest helicopter: MiV-12 heavy transport helicopter (The maximum takeoff weight is 105 tons, the main rotor diameter is 35 meters, and the fuselage is 37 meters long)
The fastest vehicle on land: Sonic Wind Land Speed Vehicle (Maximum speed reaches 3218 km/h)
Bugatti Veyron Supersport
The fastest mass production vehicle on land: Bugatti Weilong SuperSports (Extreme speed 434.211km/h)
The fastest means of transportation on land: JR maglev train (Average speed 581 km/h)
The fastest railway train: French high-speed train V150 (On April 3, 2007, a record of 574.8 kilometers per hour was set)
Fastest elevator: Burj Khalifa Sightseeing platform elevator (speed up to 1044 meters per minute, 17.4 meters per second)
Highest elevator: the elevator shaft of the observation platform of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai Taipei 101 building 448m record at the time of construction.)
The fastest human travel: Apollo 10 (On the way back from the moon to the earth on May 26, 1969, the speed was 39897 km/h)
The largest military Aerocraft C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft (75.54m long, 67.88m wingspan, 19.85m high)
Best selling civil aviation aircraft: Boeing 737 The aircraft was delivered in 1969, and the order for the 6000th aircraft was received in 2006.
The most expensive aircraft: B-3 bomber (The cost absolutely exceeds B-2)
"Dawn Goddess" hypersonic strategic reconnaissance aircraft (R&D cost is about 4.4 billion to 8 billion dollars, and purchase of 24 aircraft is about 10 billion to 24 billion dollars)
Civil aviation engines with the highest thrust: Strange GE90 (The test thrust can reach 127900 pounds, or 569 kN)
The most expensive car: Rolls Royce Silver Charm (The most expensive price is 1.5 billion yuan)
The longest bus queue: Qatar (325 buses from Qatar's MOWASALAT bus company line up on a road in Doha)
The fastest bomber: B-3 bomber (Up to 12 under full open of dual engines Mach


The hardest substance in the world: Polymeric diamond nanorod (A substance harder than diamonds was developed by German scientists in 2005, Mohs hardness More than 10)
The brightest light in the world: laser (The brightness of laser is hundreds of millions of times higher than that of sunlight. It is not a natural light source. Laser has the characteristics of high brightness, single color, strong directivity, etc.)
The earliest proof in the world Law of free fall People: Galileo (Galileo was a great Italian physicist and astronomer. In 1590, he carried out the famous experiment of "two iron balls falling at the same time" on the Leaning Tower of Pisa.)
The first person in the world to prove the existence of atmospheric pressure: Otto Von Guericke (In Germany on May 8, 1654 Magdeburg He conducted a famous experiment in history: Magdeburg hemispheres test 。)
The world's first scientist to win the Nobel Prize in Physics: Wilhelm Konrad Rntgen (He invented the existence of X-ray through experiments, so Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences On November 12, 1901 Stockholm Grant him The nobel prize in physics 。)
The earliest microscope in the world was born in the Netherlands at the end of the 16th century. Its inventor was the eyewear dealer Zacharias Jensen and his son Jiang Sheng. This microscope can magnify objects more than ten times.


  • The country with the most elements found: Britain, 22 kinds in total.
  • The scientist who found the most elements: Jay Ossur, an American, a total of 12 kinds.
  • The most abundant elements in the crust: oxygen , which is 48.6%.
  • Elements with the least content in the crust: Astatine At any time, there is only 25 grams at most in the natural state.
  • The most abundant metal in the crust: aluminum , which is 7.73%.
  • Minimal metals in the crust: Francium Even among the ores with the highest content, there are only 0.0000000000037 grams per ton.
  • Elements with the most content in the atmosphere: nitrogen , 75. 5%.
  • Oxygen, the most abundant element in the ocean, is 85.79%.
  • Oxygen, the most abundant element in human body, is 65%.
  • The world's most expensive metal: Californium $10 million per gram, more than 500000 times more expensive than gold.
  • The most active of nonmetals: fluorine It can react with almost all elements at room temperature.
  • The most inactive of nonmetals: helium
  • Most flammable of nonmetals: phosphorus The melting point of white phosphorus is 40 ℃.
  • The simplest organic compound: methane
  • The most abundant element in the universe: hydrogen
  • Elements with the most kinds of compounds: carbon , up to six million species; There are only tens of thousands of compounds for other elements.




Language and mother tongue with the largest number of users: chinese (1.4 billion)
Language with the least number of users: Ayapanico
The most extensive second language: English (73 countries, the United Nations and regions)
Most widely used Artificial language Esperanto
The first language to have written characters: Sumerian language Or Egyptian (about 3200 BC)
Languages with the least vocabulary: Surinamese (Only 340 words)
The language with the largest vocabulary: English (about 250000 words)
The language with the largest alphabet (Pinyin): Khmer (74 letters)
The language with the largest alphabet (syllabic characters): Japanese (45 unvoiced, 20 Dullness , 5 semi voiced, 33 Obstinate sound , 1 Dial tone , 104 in total)

Obstinate sound

Languages with the least number of letters: Rotokat (Only 12 letters)
The language with the least number of consonants: Rotokat (only 6 consonants)
Languages with the largest number of consonants: Ubik (81 consonants)
Language with the least number of vowels: Ubik (2 vowels)
Language with least irregular verbs: Esperanto (Zero)


The earliest country in the world: the early dynasties and ancient times of Babylon Sumer in Cuba Egypt's First Dynasty (all around 3500 BC)
The most famous ancient capital in the world: China Xi'an
The world's oldest city: Xi'an, China (with a history of 8000 years and 7000 years of civilization)
The city with the most capital dynasties in the world: Xi'an, China (13 dynasties, 16 dynasties, 17 dynasties)
Xi'an, China (1200 years), the city with the longest capital in the world
Earliest industrial revolution Country: UK
The biggest empire: Mongol Empire (Easterners believe that the empire covers an area of about 34 million square kilometers, officially recognized as 33 million square kilometers, but some regions are controversial)
brief explanation British Empire "," territory , the trusteeship region and the protectorate constitute a great empire, which is the largest country with the largest territory area and the largest global colonial empire in history. The empire reached its peak at the beginning of the 19th century, with a population of about 400 million to 500 million, accounting for a quarter of the world's population at that time; The territory is about 33.67 million square kilometers, accounting for one fourth of the total land area of the world
The first world empire across Asia, Europe and Africa in history: Persian Empire (Established in 550 BC)
The longest east-west empire in history: Arab Empire (From Morocco to Central Asia)
The oldest empire: Byzantine Empire (435-1453 AD, 1058 years long, known as the Millennium Empire)
Longest history monarchy Emperor of Japan (The book was recorded in 660 BC)
The oldest parliament: Icelandic Parliament (930 A.D.)
The earliest existing map with a grid: Stone Maps of the Chinese Water Systems in the Song Dynasty (1142) (China)
The largest encyclopedia: Yongle Ceremony (22877 volumes, 12000 volumes)
The earliest printed maps: Six meridian diagram (Southern Song Dynasty) (China)
Earthquake with the most deaths: Jiajing Earthquake (830000 dead, also known as Huaxian Earthquake in China)
Earthquake with the highest level: Chile Earthquake (Grade 9.5)
Countries with the highest number of natural disasters: Japan
First use in history“ Sudan ”Titled monarch: Afghanistan The Ghaznavid monarch of Hamood.
The longest country in history: China (more than 5000 years of Chinese civilization)


The most expensive artwork: Leonardo da Vinci《 Savior 》(On November 15, 2017, Christie's Auction in New York closed at 450 million dollars) [12]
The largest hotel mural: Hong Kong Island Shangri La Hotel beautiful rivers and mountains of a country 》(16 floors high, 50 meters in total, 15.24 meters wide)
The most expensive Qing Dynasty porcelain auction record: Enamel bowl with spring swallow in apricot forest made by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (more than 150 million Hong Kong dollars)
The earliest oil painting: a picture of Buddha on the wall of Bamiyan cave in Afghanistan (about 650 AD)


The thickest book in the world: 33 volumes《 Encyclopedia of Great Britain
The world's largest encyclopedia ever:《 Yongle Grand Ceremony
The most popular book in the world:《 Bible
The first novel in the world:《 Tale of Genji
The earliest military works in the world:《 Sun Tzu's Art of War
The world's oldest heroic epic:《 The Epic of Gilgamesh
The most translated books in the world:《 Bible
Chinese books with the most translated languages in the world:《 The Scripture of Ethics
The earliest fable collection in the world:《 Aesop's Fables

computer game

Online games with the largest number of players:《 World of Warcraft
Online games with the largest number of online users:《 League of Heroes 》(27 million) [13]
FPS games with the largest sales volume:《 Call of Duty 》Series
Most single player players:《 Age of Empire 》Series《 Grand Theft Auto 》Series


The most profitable movie: Harry Potter Series movies: As of October 2007, a total of five movies had reached $4.47 billion (there are still two that haven't been released). Harry Potter 6 received $104 million on the day of its premiere, breaking multiple records, not to mention each one
Films with the largest box office receipts (included inflation ):《 Gone with the Wind Beauty 》(The global box office has more than 6 billion dollars)
Films with the largest box office receipts (excluding inflation):《 Avatar 》(The global box office is 2700039628 dollars)
The Chinese film with the largest box office revenue: War Wolf 2 (5.681 billion yuan)
Films with the highest production costs (including inflation):《 War and Peace 》(The production cost is about 560 million dollars)
The film with the largest production cost (excluding inflation): Avatar (production cost about 500 million dollars)
Capture Academy Awards Most movies:《 Binxu 》《 Titanic 》《 The Ring: Return of the King 》(11 awards)
The longest film series: Huang Feihong (103 films)
Films with the highest box office receipts in a week:《 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 》$397 million, breaking the record of $382 million set by Batman 6: The Dark Knight in 2008
Films with the highest box office receipts on the opening day:《 Spider-Man 》US $3841919
The movie with the highest box office revenue at the opening weekend: Spider Man, $3116516
Countries that have won the most Oscars for foreign films: Italy (12 times)
Longest cartoon:《 Miss Conch
The earliest cartoon:《 Phantom Collection 》1908 France
The longest film history: Treat insomnia 87 hours (5220 minutes)
Longest shot movie: Holocaust (Filmed for 13 years in total)
One scene was shot the most times: Kubrick (He shot 127 times in one scene in "Twinkle".)
The first Chinese American actor to enter Hollywood: Yellow willow frost
Cartoons with the highest box office:《 Disney's The Lion King


The world's best selling album: Michael Jackson Thriller 》(The album has sold more than 111 million copies worldwide)
The world's highest selling single: lady gaga poker face
The first artist to earn hundreds of millions of dollars in a year: Michael Jackson (he is also the highest paid artist in history)
The first record renewal reached 100 million dollars: Whitney Houston
The first album sold more than one million copies in a week: Whitney Houston( The Bodyguard
The female singer with the highest single album sales: Whitney Houston (The Bodyguard is 45 million worldwide)
The soundtrack of the movie with the highest sales volume: The Bodyguard (performed by Whitney Houston)
Singers with the highest number of Chinese songs downloaded: Jay Chou [14]


Have the most domestic top football league champions: Glasgow Rangers Scotland , won 51 Scottish top league titles by 2006)
Won the most domestic top football league titles in a row: Shigan Chart (14 times successively from 1991 to 2004 Latvia Top League Champion)
The longest consecutive unbeaten record in the top football league: ASEC Mimosa( Cote d'Ivoire From 1989 to 1994)
Have the most domestic football cup champions: Lian Feifei (36 won by 2005 Irish Cup Champion)
The earliest football club: Sheffield Football Club England , officially established in 1857)
The earliest football association: The FA (England, founded in 1863)
Earliest professional football league championship for three consecutive times: Huddersfield (England, 1923/241924/25 and 1925/1926)
The most consecutive official games hat-trick Masashi Nakayama (In 1998 Japan Professional Football League 4 consecutive hat tricks)
Players scoring the most international goals: Ali Daei (Total as of March 2006: Iran National Football Team 109 goals)
The player who scores the most goals in a single game in international competitions: Ike Thompson (Australia scored 13 goals in a game against American Samoa in the 2002 World Cup Oceania Area Peripheral Match)
The game with the most goals in a single international match: 149
Fastest goal: Saudi Arabia Nawaf Al Abed In the domestic league in Saudi Arabia, he scored in the first two seconds.
The player with the highest transfer fee: Neymar (220 million euros) [15]
World Cup winning teams: Brazil National Team (5 times)
The most goals in the World Cup: Klose (16 balls)
The player with the highest score in a single basketball game: 153 points, Erman Kunter (in the 1988 Turkish professional league Fenerbahce Istanbul team, 175-99 victory over Hilalspor Izmir, personal scored 153 points)
The player with the highest score in a single NBA basketball game: Wilt Chamberlain (On March 2, 1962, on behalf of the Philadelphia Warriors New York Knicks 100 points in the team)
Players with the highest average score in NBA history: Wilt Chamberlain (50.36 points per game in 1961-62 season)
The highest scoring game in a single basketball game: 370 points (on December 13, 1983, NBA regular season Detroit PISTONS yes Denver Nuggets After 63 minutes, that is, three overtime, the Pistons won 186-184, and the score of the two teams was 145-145 at the end of the fourth quarter
Players who have won the most championship rings in NBA history: Bill Russell (11 pieces)
The coach with the largest number of championship rings in NBA history: Phil Jackson (two in the player's time, six in the Bulls and five in the Lakers) has a total of 13 more than Bill Russell
The most popular basketball team in the world: Harlem Globetrotters
NBA players with the highest scoring per game in their career: Michael Jordan (30.1 points)
The NBA player with the most number of career top kills: Michael Jordan
Players who put in the most 3-pointers in NBA regular season history: Ray Allen
Players who spend the most 3-pointers in a single season in the NBA: Stephen Curry
The first Asian player to enter the NBA: Mitsuka Geng
The first Chinese player to enter the NBA: Wang Zhizhi
The biggest difference in a single basketball game: 184 points (In the 2002 Asian Youth Women's Basketball Championship, the Japanese women's basketball team defeated the Mongolian women's basketball team 205-21.)
The maximum difference in NBA games: 68 points (on December 17, 1991, Cleveland Cavaliers Beat the Miami Heat 148-80.)
The biggest difference of the Chinese men's basketball team: 100 points( 1948 London Olympic Games Chinese Men's Basketball Team They defeated Iraq 125-25.)
The youngest regular season MVP in NBA history: Derek Ross( 21)
The youngest All Star Game MVP in NBA history: Kobe Bryant( 19)
The teams that have won the most championships in NBA history: Boston Celtics( 17 times)
Players hit the most in their career Home run Of baseball players: Wang Zhenzhi (868 home runs in player's career)
The longest played official competition: 4 hours and 52 minutes (in Taiwan on April 5, 2007 Tainan City The Lions will unite with the Brothers and Elephants in the Stick Field)
Most people at the same time Rope skipping : 3 minutes rope skipping of Tamar, Hong Kong (1060 people) (September 24, 2000)
The most expensive competition: Dubai World Cup (The total amount of prize money has climbed to an astonishing 21.25 million dollars, and the contestants are all from Arab countries and European royal families.)

emperor's mausoleum

The largest mausoleum: Khufu Pyramid (The original height is 146.59m, but the current height is 136.5m due to the peeling of the top)
The most expensive mausoleum: the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang (A total of 720000 people built it, which took 39 years to complete)
The largest mausoleum group: Ming Dynasty Tombs (Total area: about 120 square kilometers)


Most widely used guns: AK-47 assault rifle


The largest temple: Angkor Wat (Covering an area of 82 hectares)
Longest rubber dam: Linyi, Shandong Yihe River Xiaobudong Rubber Barrage Total length: 1247.4 m
The shortest war: Anglo-Zanzibar War (lasted only 45 minutes)
The Longest War: Netherlands and Britain Sili Islands The war (lasting for 335 years)
The worst war: the Second World War (The war losses are countless and cannot be estimated)
The world's largest Fruit puzzle : In Guangdong Pingyuan County The 4th Navel Orange Tourism Festival was held, and more than 370000 Navel orange , apple and pomelo. The puzzle covers an area of more than 2000 square meters, with the words "Welcome to Pingyuan, Orange Town, Guangdong".
The world's largest Paper crane Exhibition: Hong Kong Times Square Zhang Guorong Tenth anniversary exhibition, 1956912 paper cranes (the number is brother's birthday)
The world's largest bowl of meat and bone tea: The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce in Klang, Malaysia held the first meat and bone tea carnival in Klang on the evening of 22nd, launching the world's largest bowl of meat and bone tea. This bowl of meat bone tea is made by 5 local companies BAK-KUT-THE Store use 500 kg . Pork, 450 litre Meat and bone tea soup and 50kg medicinal materials, with a diameter of 182.88cm, high 91.44cm, has been listed in the Malaysian Record Book and will be declared to the world Guinness Book of Records
The most flights in the world Paper lanterns : On December 8, 2009, thousands of Indonesian people gathered in the capital Jakarta On the nearby Carnaval coast, thousands of paper lanterns were released into the night sky.
The most expensive cigarette [16] Cohiba (Kohiba). (Also called Gaussbar
The strongest wine: American Golden Grain gin

human beings

  • The highest person ever recorded by Guinness: Robert Pershing Wadro (2m 72)
  • The highest person in the Guinness Book of Records: Leonid Stadnik (2m 56)
  • The tallest woman: Yao Defen (2m 36)
  • The shortest person in the Guinness Book of Records: He Pingping (74.16 cm)
  • The person with the longest leg: Svetlana Pankratova (leg length 120cm) [17]
  • The tallest child: Silva (14years2m04)
  • The first people to climb Mount Everest: Edmund Hillary (successfully climbed on May 29, 1953)
  • People with the most prominent eyeballs: Kim Goodman (Eyeball protrusion 11 mm)
  • The person with the longest tongue: Nick Stoeberl (10.1cm)
  • The person with the biggest mouth: Francisco Domingo Jojim (mouth width 17 cm)
  • The person with the longest hair: Xie Qiuping (3.869m)
  • The world's tallest living woman: Rumeisha Gelgi (2.1516m) [19]