Bad living habits

Chinese words
zero Useful+1
Bad living habits are Chinese words, which refer to all habits (including physical health and mental health )。 Common situations include: not folding quilts, not eating breakfast, and not walking on the couch Cross one's legs , Life Overstrain Etc.
Chinese name
Bad living habits
Foreign name
Bad habits
Habits of work and rest
Fold the quilt before getting up
eating habits
Skip breakfast
Behavioral habits
Cross your legs
Psychological habits
Excessive tension in life



Habits of work and rest

1. Fold the quilt before getting up
The human body itself is also a Pollution source During a night's sleep, the skin of the human body will excrete a large amount of steam And make the quilt damp to varying degrees. Human respiration and distribution Chemistry discharged from the pores of the whole body material There are 145 kinds, from sweat There are 151 kinds of chemical substances evaporated in. The quilt absorbs or absorbs water and gas. If the quilt is not allowed to emit, it will be immediately folded, which will easily make the quilt damp and polluted by chemical substances.
Ordinary people Take a nap at the desk There will be a temporary Blurred vision The reason is that the eyeball is compressed, causing corneal deformation and radian change. If you press your eyes every day, it will cause Intraocular pressure If it is too high, your eyesight will be damaged in the long run.
3. Fall asleep
Prone sleeper Spinal curvature , increase the pressure of muscles and ligaments, so that people still can not rest when they sleep. In addition, it will increase the pressure on the chest, heart, lungs and face, resulting in Facial edema , bloodshot eyes.
4. Don't wash your face before going to bed
The cosmetics left on the face will cause acne and eye of a needle Such inflammation can also make the eyes inflamed and cause skin sensibility Reaction.
5. Don't brush your teeth before going to bed
Brushing teeth before going to bed is more important than brushing teeth after getting up, because the bacteria left in the mouth and on the teeth residue Have a strong influence on teeth and tooth age at night Corrosion
6. Sleep late
Sleeping late Cerebral cortex If the inhibition time is too long, it may cause a certain degree of artificial brain dysfunction, resulting in Understanding and Memory loss , will also make immunity Descending, disturbing the body's Biological rhythm , make people lazy, produce inertia, and urinary system It is also disadvantageous. In addition, blood circulation Poor nutrition delivery throughout the body will also affect metabolism. Because the doors and windows are closed at night to sleep, the indoor air is cloudy in the morning, which is easy to cause lovesickness cold cough etc. Respiratory diseases Occurrence of.

eating habits

1. Skip breakfast
Many people have the habit of skipping breakfast or eating only a small amount of milk. Research confirms that human body Fasting Too long with gallstone The formation of is closely related. This is because when the human body is on an empty stomach bile Decreased secretion in bile choline The content of cholesterol If the content of cholesterol in the bile remains unchanged over a long period of time Saturation state As the normal proportion of choline and cholesterol in bile decreases, cholesterol is easy to precipitate and form Cholesterol calculus In view of this, in order to ensure good health, we should eat breakfast on time every day.
2. Relax after dinner waist belt
Loosening the belt after a meal can reduce the intraperitoneal pressure, Digestive organ Activity of ligaments Load capacity Increase, so as to accelerate the intestinal peristalsis, which is easy to occur Volvulus , make people abdominal distention abdominal pain , vomiting, and easy to suffer Gastroptosis Etc.
3. Sleep after meals
Sleeping after a meal will make the brain blood flow to the stomach. As the blood pressure decreases, the oxygen supply of the brain will also decrease, resulting in extreme fatigue after a meal, which is easy to cause heartburn and indigestion And get fat. If the blood supply is already insufficient, it is easy to fall asleep after a meal. This static state can easily lead to apoplexy
4. Satiate
Suffering from satiety Memory decline , slow thinking, inattention, and reduced stress ability. Often eat a full meal, especially a full dinner, because Caloric intake Too much will lead to excess fat in the body, high blood fat and Cerebral atherosclerosis It will also cause a substance called "Fibroblast Growth Factor" to grow tens of thousands of times in the brain, which is a kind of promoting Arteriosclerosis Of protein Cerebral arteriosclerosis Results in Cerebral hypoxia And lack of nutrition, impact Brain cell Metabolism. Frequent satiety can also lead to gallstones cholecystitis diabetes And other diseases, which make people prematurely aging and shorten their life span.
5. Eat sugar on an empty stomach
More and more evidence shows that the longer the appetite for sugar on an empty stomach, the more Degree of damage The heavier. Because protein is Life activities As a result, long-term sugar on an empty stomach will affect various normal functions of the human body, weaken the human body and shorten its life span.
6. Eating too salty food
Sodium retention in human body, easy to form or aggravate hypertension and heart disease

Behavioral habits

1. Grow a beard
Beard has adsorption Hazardous substances Performance. When a person inhales, harmful substances adsorbed on his beard may be inhaled respiratory tract Inside. According to the quantitative analysis of the air composition inhaled by bearded people, it is found that the inhaled air contains dozens of harmful substances, including phenol toluene acetone , Yiwuwen Diene Etc Carcinogen Inhaled by people with beards Air pollution index , 4.2 times that of ordinary air. If you have a beard on your chin Moustache , which pollution index Up to 7.2 times. Plus smoking and other factors, the pollution index will be as high as 50 times of ordinary air.
Seesaw Cross one's legs Will make the legs Poor blood flow , affecting health. If it is a venous tumor arthritis neuralgia Venous thrombosis For patients, walking on the legs will make their condition more serious. in especial Leg length People or pregnant women are easy to get venous thrombosis.
3. Squint and wipe your eyes
Squint your eyes, Canthus Fish tail wrinkles are easy to appear. habituation Squinting can also cause eye muscle fatigue, dizziness and headache. rub the eyes The bacteria will infect the eyes from the hands, causing inflammation, broken eyelashes or falling off.
4. Too long hot bath time
In tap water, chloroform And trichlorene are harmful substances that are easy to volatilize in water. Because water drops have more opportunities to contact with air in ice bath, these two harmful substances are released a lot. According to the collected data display If hot water bath is used, only 25% chloroform and 40% trichlorene will be released into the air; When bathing with hot water, the chloroform released into the air will reach 50%, and the trichlorene will reach 80%.
5. Gambling
The reason why gambling is harmful to a person's physical and mental health is that gambling itself is a strong stimulus. Long term gambling can make central nervous system High for a long time Nervousness , easy to cause hormone Increased secretion, vasoconstriction , increased blood pressure, faster heartbeat and breathing, etc Cardiovascular disease The incidence of Peptic ulcer and tension headache

Psychological habits

1. Life Overstrain
be engaged in mental labour And some young and middle-aged people in business, their life machine is overloaded all day long. Because of their strong psychological competitiveness, they are under tremendous pressure both physically and psychologically. Excessive brain power and physical labor After that, the anti fatigue and disease prevention ability will be weakened, which may lead to a variety of diseases.
2. Don't take a bath when you have a cold
In fact, cold patients should bathe more than healthy people. Human body in the same Viruses The products of inflammation and toxins generated in the course of the struggle of the skin and sweat are eliminated together. Bathing washed away these wastes and enhanced immunity. Scientists believe that water, soap and bath products are "drugs" to eliminate inflammation and promote health. But they do not advocate the regular use of antibacterial soap. Although antibacterial soap can kill bacteria, it is not conducive to protecting skin from infection.
3. Eat Greasy food Will get fat
The fat of food will not deposit within a reasonable range. As the fuel of cells, fat is quickly consumed by the body. A diet that is rich but not rich in sugar will not promote fat deposition. On the contrary, non greasy sweets will enhance the process of fat deposition. If your weight is not ideal, you should first eat less sweets. Sweets carbohydrate About 30% will be converted into fat for deposition.
4. Scrape off Axillary hair Can reduce sweating
Shaving armpit hair has no effect on preventing sweat, but after shaving armpit hair, armpit Because the discharged water cannot be hidden, it leaves sweat stains on the clothes. Moreover, shaving armpit hair is also easy to cause Hairy root abscess The correct way is to clean the sweating armpit before the sweat decomposes.
5、 nose bleeding Raise your chin when
The only advantage of this method is that it will not drain the nosebleed to the floor, but will not stop the nosebleed. Instead, it will let the nosebleed flow into the throat, and may even cause vomiting and suffocation. The correct approach is to nose bleeding Put a small cotton ball into your nostril and gently press nosewing , and tilt the head forward, or Upper circumference An ice towel or Wet towel It can also stop bleeding.
6. You should brush your teeth more to prevent decay
In fact, don't brush your teeth more than twice a day. Those teeth Enamel This is especially true of very thin people and people who have had their teeth filled. If you smoke heavily, you can brush your teeth three times a day, no more. The friction material contained in toothpaste can grind off the enamel and make the teeth lose Protective layer , opposite Tooth decay Create conditions.
7. Brush your teeth immediately after meals
Brushing your teeth immediately after eating will make the acid in the food erode the enamel, which will only strengthen the damage of the acid in the food to the teeth. The correct way is to rinse your mouth first and brush your teeth after half an hour.
8. Forbear urination
Forcible urination may cause Acute cystitis , frequent urination Urinalgia , abdominal distension and pain. A research report released by American scientists points out that people who have the habit of holding their urine suffer from Bladder cancer 5 times more likely than the average person. When holding urine, the urine stored in the bladder cannot be discharged in time, resulting in artificial urine retention. If you hold your urine frequently physiological sphincter and detrusor Often in a state of tension; If you hold your urine for too long Urine output The continuous increase will also make the internal pressure rise gradually, which will happen after a long time Bladder neck Obstructive symptoms, resulting in dysuria , obstruction, or urine leakage urinary incontinence Waiting for problems. stay Uroschesis It is also easy to cause concurrent infection and stone , which may also affect renal function

endanger one's health

Habit disease Although with genetic genes To some extent, but the most important thing is living habits: diet Exercise habits , rest and sleep are closely related. Take the most common hypertension as an example. If you often overeat, drink, lack of exercise, lack of rest due to busy work, stay up late, etc., these terrible living habits will make young people with hypertension in their families suffer from hypertension earlier. Having such living habits for a long time will make the disease worse and break out quickly Cerebral apoplexy , heart disease or renal failure Correcting bad habits will delay the onset of hypertension and avoid all complication Occurrence of.

Good habits

1、 early morning Eat more food when you wake up
This is a crucial part of burning fat faster. Breakfast plays a decisive role in the diet plan. People in Sleep state The speed of metabolism will reach the minimum. As you wake up in the morning, your metabolism will gradually return to normal.
The faster you eat breakfast after waking up, the faster your metabolism will increase. If you are a morning exercise enthusiast, make sure you eat one before exercising Banana , eat breakfast after exercise. Tea or coffee cannot replace breakfast, oatmeal Mixed fruit, or one Cooked egg and A cup of porridge bread All are good choices for breakfast.
2. Don't go to work empty handed without breakfast
If you are late for breakfast, you should prepare a piece of coarse flour bread, some fruits, such as bananas and a bottle of yogurt to take to the office in advance. Similarly, when you are hungry, you can easily get a strong breakfast to "refuel" for work in time.
3. Drink milk like a child
Drink all day Three cups Women who drink yogurt will consume 60% more fat than those who do not drink yogurt. What makes yoghurt so magical? The answer is rich in yoghurt calcium ion It acts as a catalyst for the body to burn fat faster. Yogurt with tofu and vegetables, cereal crop Food consumption will play a better role.
4. I can't sleep well get fat
People who sleep 5-6 hours a day weigh 6-8 pounds on average than those who sleep 7-8 hours a day. When the normal sleep time is deprived, the body will produce a lot of stress hormones to slow down the metabolism, and the appetite will also increase the next day. If you have to get up at 7 o'clock in the morning, you'd better go to bed at about 11 o'clock the night before yesterday. Don't watch TV before going to bed. You can take a hot bath or read a good novel.
5. Honey Human cells Faithful defender
Is bread with honey your favorite breakfast? It is better to use dark honey instead of light honey. According to an American study, dark honey, such as forest honey, can Human cells It is especially effective because it contains rich antioxidant substances to protect cells, and it is good for blood and can prevent the heart circulatory system Diseases of
6. Keep moving
Divide daily exercise into two parts, for example, 20 minutes of strength training in the morning and half an hour of walking after supper will double the speed of metabolism. That is to say, phased exercise is easier to consume calories than one-time exercise. Take 5 minutes to walk around every hour, which will also work. But don't walk into such a mistake. Don't think that exercise will work in a second.
7. The diet should be coarse rather than fine
An up-to-date scientific research It shows that the key in the process of slimming is not the amount of cellulose intake, but what kind of cellulose can play the best role in catalyzing fat consumption in the digestion process.
Scientists can learn from the Subjects insulin The observation of indicators is used to study the role of cellulose in the process of weight loss. The result is: often eat healthy, unprocessed fruits and vegetables Whole wheat bread It consumes 80% more calories than those who eat processed starch food Processed food The fiber in is directly absorbed by the human body, while the processed fiber is broken down into sugar and absorbed by the human body. With the increase of sugar content in the body, the ability of insulin to absorb fat will also increase, which will lead to the accumulation of fat in the body.
8. Five minutes of complete relaxation
When a person is completely relaxed, his body will not produce stress hormones, so he will feel comfortable and pleasant. In this relaxed state, people's tense emotions are released, and the stressed skin also gets a sense of rest. So remind yourself to relax for 5 minutes!
9. Supplement more before and after meals water content
A lot of water should be added before and after meals. When the body is short of water, the level of metabolism will be reduced by 2%. Avoid drinking tea at this time Soda water , coffee, etc caffeine Drinks. Under the action of caffeine, the body will only absorb half of the water.
10. Spiritual food
Anyone who wants to be brainy, agile and efficient should eat more carbohydrate rich foods and supplement vitamin B. Walnuts, coarse flour bread and bananas are your first choice for brain strengthening, because they provide you with mental labour Necessary spiritual nutrition.

Other introductions

Seven beauty habits
Habit 1, two drinks in the morning and evening plain boiled water
What a woman should do is to have at least one drink in the morning and one drink in the evening plain boiled water The water temperature should not be too high. A cup in the morning can clean the intestines. Replenish the water lost at night. A cup at night can ensure that the blood will not be too thick due to lack of water overnight. Sticky blood will accelerate the brain's hypoxia and pigment deposition, making aging come ahead of time. Therefore, the role of drinking water every night cannot be underestimated.
Habit 2, a tomato
In fruits and vegetables, Tomatoes yes vitamin C The highest content, so ensure at least one tomato every day, which can meet the vitamin C requirements of the day.
Habit 3. A cup of vinegar
Women are still a little jealous. Eating vinegar in three meals every day can delay Angiosclerosis The occurrence of the disease has been a common sense of health care repeated many times. If the tap water quality of your residence is hard, you can put a little vinegar in the daily facial wash water to improve your face.
Habit 4, one cup Yogurt
From the perspective of calcium supplementation, women are the most vulnerable group to calcium deficiency, and the calcium supplementation effect of milk is better than any food, especially yogurt, which is easier to be absorbed by the human body. Therefore, women should guarantee a cup of yogurt every day. I usually drink yogurt at night, so that I can absorb it better.
Habit 5. A bottle of mineral water
It must be the real mineral water, which contains trace element and mineral It is what the skin needs most. After washing the face, lie on your back, wet a piece of clean gauze with mineral water, and then apply it on the face. After the gauze becomes dry, wet it again. Repeat this process, it is equivalent to a nutritional supplement of trace elements for the face. Once in Friend's house Take a bath. Their neighborhood is underground mineral water. After washing, they found that their skin was very slippery. They didn't feel a little dry after washing. If you want to apply your face as required, you can imagine the effect!
Habit 6. A bag of tea
Women must drink tea. If there is no stomach problem, Green Tea and Oolong Tea best. Especially for those women who want to lose weight and face the computer every day, tea is the most natural and effective weight-loss agent. Nothing can eliminate intestinal fat better than tea.
Habit 7. A simple mask
Before going to bed every night, a simple mask should be made. For example, a simple mask made with the remaining milk or yogurt is very good. It should be drunk every day anyway. Its role is to eliminate the dirt deposited on the face, and make the skin do a "tight exercise", then apply skin care products, so that the skin at night can be most scientifically repaired.
In addition, women's Sleep time It should not be too late, especially after 11:00 p.m., because the best time for skin repair is from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next day, and the repair in sleep is effective. If you fall asleep longer than midnight, even if you get up late the next day and sleep longer, you have missed the best time to maintain your skin.