
[qī yào]
Sun, moon, water, gold, fire, wood and Saturn
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Qiyao, also known as Qizheng Seven latitudes , Qiyao, etc., are the ancient Chinese people who will( Mars ), Chenxing( Mercury ), Suixing( Jupiter ), Taibaixing( Venus ), Zhenxing( Saturn )Is called Five Stars , also known as five-star Five obsidities , plus the sun star( day ), Taiyin( month ), collectively called Qiyao. Five celestial bodies other than the sun and moon can also be observed with the naked eye. The ancient Chinese saying "fire, water, wood, gold and earth" refers to these five planet [1]
Chinese name
turnkeys Seven latitudes Qiyao
A general term for the sun, moon and five planets
Chinese people's worship of ancient stars and nature

The original meaning of Yao

Two meanings of Qiyao
① The ancients collectively referred to the sun, the moon and the five planets (gold, wood, water, fire and earth).
② Refers to Big Dipper : Escape seven obsidities at the middle level. [2]


Qiyaozhan in Ancient China astrology Both are very important. The Book of Changes: "When the sky hangs down, we can see (now) good or bad luck and saints Five Stars of the Sun and the Moon It is like good or bad luck. Because of its change to occupying, the seven have their own different policies, so it is called the seven policies. The gains and losses are governed by politics, so it is called politics. " Shangshu Shundian 》"In Yuheng, the seven policies of Qi" Confucius said: "The seven policies of the sun and the moon are different from each other." Kong Yingda Shu: "Seven policies, seven of which are based on Jiheng If we observe it, we must be in the sky. We know that the seven political systems are the sun, the moon and the five stars. Wood speaks of the stars, fire speaks Glowing Stars , Tuyue Saturn Gold is the white star, and water is the morning star. "
Qiyao originated from the ancient Chinese people's attitude towards stars Nature worship , traceable Zhou Dynasty since Han Dynasty It is widely used, Liu Xiang : "There are seven obsidians in the sky and five elements in the earth."; The Two Law Calendar of Records of the Later Han Dynasty: "The first lunar month of the first lunar month, the first lunar month of the first lunar month, is the winter solstice. The beginning of Qiyao starts from the beginning of the ox." Liu Hong There are also works on Qiyao. "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Biography of Liu Tao": "It is appropriate to return to the original dynasty, take advantage of the auxiliary royal family, go up to Qi Qiyao, and go down to Wanguo."《 Jin Shu 》Volume XXII: "The splendor of the seven splendors will restore the brightness and smooth communication. I have a guest, who should be the owner of the state. The state has already drawn a picture, and then it will be a great feast. The people who are good to me will respect virtue and yield." Eastern Jin Dynasty Fanning The Preface to the Spring and Autumn Valley and the Liang Dynasty: "Yin and Yang are evil, and the seven obsidities are surplus." Yang Shixun Shu: "The seven stars are called Yao because the sun and the moon shine all over the world." The five stars refer to fire, water, wood, gold and earth. [1]

Week or week

The calendar concept of "Qiyao" as a week was introduced into China from India. It seems that the concept of "week" and the concept of "week" in Europe originated from the same lunar calendar Two river basin Ancient Babylon Civilization Sunday It must be Sunday in English, and it must be Monday. More specifically, no matter what day it is Latin And Chinese The planets are all the same), seven are Greece and Civilization of the Two River Valley The commonly used number is also the lucky number of the region. However, the origin is still controversial in the academic circle. This concept was developed during the Tang Dynasty in China. It was combined with Qiyao to call it Yaori. Later, it was introduced into Japan. It was the same until the end of the Qing Dynasty Republic of China Change to week in the future, and replace with numbers Star name , later widely adopted. East Asia The real implementation in daily life is to Europe Reintroduced into the West after the colonial wave Week system But now Chinese has become a week, Japan And Korean Peninsula Then continue to use the ancient name Japanese occupation During the period, the seven political systems were used, and now they are changed to weeks. [1]
Comparison between Seven Policies and Week