Seven Emotions Internal Injury

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The internal injury of seven emotions is due to the change of emotions, which causes the essence of the viscera Dysfunction The cause of disease. Seven emotions internal injury causes disease. Because it directly damages visceral essence, it can cause or induce multiple emotional illness and Physical and mental diseases
Chinese name
Seven Emotions Internal Injury
Internal meridian
Terminology of Traditional Chinese Medicine


It is a pathogenic factor that causes the disorder of the function of zang fu essence and qi to cause disease occurrence or induction.


seven human emotions It refers to the seven normal emotional activities of joy, anger, worry, thinking, sadness, fear, and surprise. It is the physiological and Psychological activities Everyone has different responses to external environmental stimuli emotional experience Generally, it will not cause or induce disease. Only strong and lasting emotional stimulation, beyond the physical and mental health of the human body adaptability , damage the viscera, essence and qi of the body, resulting in Dysfunction , or the human body is Qi deficiency The seven emotions are called "seven emotions internal injury" when the disease occurs or is induced due to the weakness of zang fu essence and qi and the low adaptability to emotional stimulation.

Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine


1、 Relationship between seven emotions and visceral essence

Emotional activities from viscera essence to external environmental factor The viscera essence and qi are the internal physiological basis of emotional activities. Because the human body is centered on the five internal organs Organic entirety Therefore, emotional activities are most closely related to the five viscera essence. The Great Theory of "Simple Questions: Yin and Yang Should Be Like" said: "People have five internal organs Five Qi With joy, anger, sorrow and fear. " The five zang organs store essence, which turns into qi. The movement of qi responds to the external environment and generates emotional activities. Therefore, the essence and qi of the five zang organs can produce corresponding emotional activities, as stated in the Great Theory of Simple Questions on Yin Yang Correspondence: the liver is determined to be angry, the heart is determined to be happy, the spleen is determined to be thinking, the lung is determined to be worried, and the kidney is determined to be afraid. The rise and fall of the five viscera essence and the coordination of its storage and discharge, HP operation It plays a fundamental role in the generation and change of emotions. If the deficiency and excess of the five zang organs, essence, qi, yin and yang, and their functions are disordered, and the movement of qi and blood is disordered, abnormal emotional changes can occur. For example, according to Lingshu Benshen:“ Deficiency of liver qi Fear, anger Deficiency of heart qi It is sad, but in fact it is always laughing. " "Suwen · Tiaojing" said: "If you have more blood, you will be angry; if you don't have enough, you will be afraid."
On the other hand, the changes in the external environment are too strong, the emotions are too intense or continue to be confused, which can lead to yin and yang of viscera essence Dysfunction , Qi and blood are out of balance. If you are overjoyed, you will be shocked and sad. If you are angry, you will hurt your liver Deliberation hurts the spleen , excessive fear hurts the kidney, etc.
In the generation and change of emotional activities, the heart and liver play a more important role. Heart hides God It is the master of the five zang organs and six fu organs, controlling and regulating all the physiological functions and psychological activities of the body. All kinds of emotional activities are created under the command of the mind and the spirit Coordination role Results. Various environmental factors acting on the human body can affect the zang fu organs, essence, qi and their functions, and can also affect the mind and generate corresponding emotional activities. For example, the Analects of Classics, Diseases, Emotions and Nine Qi says: "The heart is the main driver of the five internal organs, and the president's soul has the same ambition. Therefore, if you worry about the heart, the lung should respond, if you think about the heart, the spleen should respond, if you anger the heart, the liver should respond, and if you fear the heart, the kidney should respond. Therefore, the five ambitions can only be driven by the heart." The generation of normal emotional activities depends on the enrichment of the five internal organs and the smooth flow of qi and blood, and the liver is responsible for relieving, It can regulate the flow of qi, promote and regulate the flow of qi and blood, thus playing an important role in regulating emotional activities and maintaining a comfortable mood.

2、 Pathogenic characteristics of internal injuries of seven emotions

Because emotional activities are carried out inside and outside the body environmental change As a result, the living and working environment has changed dramatically, interpersonal relationship Bad, as well as the deficiency of essence and qi in the internal organs of the body, and the disharmony of qi and blood, can lead to the disorder of the seven emotions reaction, thus leading to the occurrence of diseases. Whether seven emotions can cause disease, except for the emotion itself Reaction intensity , mode, and individual psychological feature Physiological status is closely related. Seven emotions internal injury includes two aspects: one is to cause disease or induce disease; Second, it affects the development of the disease and Reversion
(1) Direct injury to internal organs
The seven emotions are the complexity of the body to the changes in the internal and external environment Psychological reaction , based on visceral essence. Therefore, the extreme condition of the seven emotions can directly damage the internal organs. And because the heart is the master of the zang fu organs, the emotional injury must first affect the heart and spirit, and then act on the corresponding zang fu organs, leading to the abnormal metabolism of essence and qi and the disorder of qi.
1. Seven emotions damage the corresponding viscera
I.e Five Zang Organs Owner Seven emotions damage the corresponding viscera. The seven emotions belong to the five zang organs. If the seven emotions react too much or too little, the corresponding zang organs can be damaged. Internal Classic《 Three causes, extreme and one disease syndrome 》Such medical books have stated that, if you are determined to be happy, you will be surprised; if you are too happy or surprised, you will be sad; The liver is determined to be angry, and excessive anger will hurt the liver; The spleen is determined to think, and over thinking hurts the spleen; The lung is determined to be sad and worried, and too sad will hurt the lung; If the kidney is determined to fear, it will hurt the kidney.
2. Seven emotions first affect the mind
When the seven emotions are too intense to hurt people, they first act on the mind, producing abnormal psychological reactions and mentality For example, "The Soul Pivot · God" says: "Those who are afraid of thinking will hurt the mind... For those who are happy, the God will be afraid to disperse and not hide; for those who are worried, the Qi will be blocked and not work; for those who are angry, the confusion will not be cured; for those who are afraid, the God will be afraid and not accept." Excessive joy can lead to mental disorder and mental disorder; A fit of rage can lead to mental impulse and loss of reason; Too much fear can lead to loss of airs. As stated in Suwen · Ju Tong Lun, "fear leads to no reliance on the heart and no return of the mind", "thinking leads to the existence of the heart and the return of the mind", it also clearly points out that fear and thinking first damage the mind and then affect the corresponding viscera. Therefore, the Analects, Diseases, Emotions and Nine Qi explains that "although the five zang organs belong to each other, if we ask for the cause, it will all start from the heart." Qing Dynasty· Fei Boxiong "Yi Chun Yi" said: "Although the wounds of the seven emotions are divided into five internal organs, they must belong to the heart."
3. Many feelings are intertwined, and the liver and spleen are sad
The seven emotions can hurt people either with a single emotion or with more than two emotions, such as sadness, anger, surprise, etc. Multiple emotions are intertwined to cause disease, which can damage one or more viscera. If you are too surprised or overjoyed, you can hurt your heart and fatigue your kidneys; Too much anger can not only hurt the liver, but also affect the heart and spleen; Worrying about internal injury can not only hurt the spleen, but also affect the heart and lungs. As the heart, liver and spleen play an important role in human physiological activities and mental and psychological activities Emotional internal injury , the most vulnerable and sad liver and spleen three viscera: too surprised and easily sad, can cause restlessness palpitation , insomnia, forgetfulness, and even insane Isopathy; Too much anger hurts the liver, Stagnation of liver qi , two threats can be seen Distention pain Chest tightness heave a deep sigh Obstruction and delayed menstruation in the pharynx dysmenorrhea amenorrhoea , the crux of the matter. Sorrow easily hurts the spleen, Spleen dysfunction , visible Anorexia Abdominal distention , large Loose stool Diarrhea.
4. Viscera susceptible to damage and latent disease
Latent disease refers to the disease that has occurred but is not obvious clinical manifestation Of the disease. The viscera of latent disease refers to the viscera where the latent disease is located. The internal injury of seven emotions not only damages the three viscera of the heart broken liver and spleen, but also easily damages the viscera of the underlying disease. For example, once suffered from Chest arthralgia True heartache Dinner headache Although the clinical symptoms of patients with other diseases and syndromes have disappeared, they are most likely to appear the clinical symptoms of the original disease syndrome first in case of emotional stimulation. In case of emotional stimulation, patients with chest stuffiness are likely to have chest tightness first Chest pain Isosymptom; True heartache patients are prone to Precordial pain , even pain in both arms; It's easy for patients suffering from diarrhea to appear first abdominal pain , diarrhea and other symptoms; Headache tends to occur first migraine And other symptoms.
(2) Affect viscera and qi
Qi of viscera The movement and change of the spirit play an important role in the generation of emotional activities. But the internal organs Lifting access Exercise is regulated by the mind. Therefore, emotion causes the first heart ache, and then affects the viscera qi mechanism, leading to abnormal rise and fall of the viscera qi mechanism and corresponding clinical manifestations. For example, Su Wen · Ju Tong Lun said: "... All diseases originate from Qi, Anger makes you angry If you are happy, your breath will be slow; if you are sad, your breath will disappear; if you are afraid, your breath will fall Astonishment leads to confusion …… Thinking is enraged 。”
Anger leads to anger: refers to excessive anger Liver qi The relief is too much, and the gas engine goes up and down, even Blood goes against Qi , and go up Pathogenesis Change. The main clinical manifestations are: Head distension Headache, blushing Eye redness haematemesis , very faint Collapse; If concurrent Liver qi inversion , abdominal pain and diarrhea can also be seen. The Simple Question - Anger Connecting to Heaven said: "When you are angry, you will lose your breath, and Blood Aster On top, people will faint. " The Suwen · Tiaojing Theory said: "Anger leads to qi inversion, even hematemesis and dinner catharsis." The Suwen · Tiaojing Theory said: "When blood and qi go together, it is Syncope If you faint, you will die violently; if you recover your qi, you will live; if you do not, you will die. "
Joy leads to slow breath: it refers to excessive joy and sadness, which leads to laxity of the heart, and the heavy heart Catarrh Or absent-minded changes in pathogenesis. Clinically, it can be seen that the spirit can not concentrate, even the mind is disordered and frenzied, or the heart and qi are broken with sweating, weak breath, weak pulse, etc., such as《 Huainanzi · Spiritual Training 》He said, "The sun is falling with great joy."
Grief dispels qi: excessive Sorrow and sorrow for the lung , leading to the pathogenesis changes of lung loss and lung gas consumption injury. Clinically common Depression , listlessness, shortness of breath, chest tightness, fatigue, laziness, etc. "Su Wen · Ju Tong Lun" said: "Sorrow means the heart is anxious, the lungs are lifted, and the upper energizer is blocked, Rongwei It doesn't dissipate. The heat is in the middle, so the gas disappears. "
Fear leads to anger: it refers to excessive fear of hurting the kidney, resulting in Kidney qi Loss of solidity, Air depression The pathogenesis changes below. Two fecal incontinence can be seen clinically Spermatorrhea Etc. The Soul Pivot - God said: "If you don't understand fear, you will hurt your essence, Spermatic wound Resonic acid Flaccid syncope , from the bottom to the top. "
Startle criterion Gas disorder : refers to the sudden shock and heartbreak of the kidney, which leads to restlessness and chaos of qi, Kidney qi is unstable Pathogenesis changes of. Clinically, we can see palpitations, confusion, even confusion, or incontinence. "Su Wen · Ju Tong Lun" said: "If you are scared, your heart will have nothing to rely on, your mind will have nothing to return to, and you will have nothing to worry about, so your anger will be confused."
Thinking leads to qi stagnation: It refers to the pathogenesis change caused by excessive thinking about the sad spleen, which leads to stagnation of heart and spleen, and transportation of dereliction of duty. Clinically visible Mental malaise Unresponsive . Do not think of food, abdominal distension, anorexia, loose stools and other symptoms.
Emotional internal injury can lead to viscera Gas turbine imbalance , and the imbalance of the gas engine can hinder the gasification process of the body, causing semen Qi Blood Body Fluid The metabolic disorder of, which secondary to a variety of diseases. Stagnation of qi After a long time Exothermic heat Firemaking If the qi engine goes against the trend, it will be more exciting. It can also transform heat into fire, so that the fire will become endogenous. Blood essence The release and distribution of body fluid may be impeded due to stagnation of qi, resulting in stagnation of essence stasis of blood Phlegm retention And phlegm and blood stasis can lead to accumulation of symptoms tumour Etc. Therefore, it is caused by emotional internal injury pathological change It is quite complex. The occurrence or induction of many diseases are related to it.
(3) Frequently emotional illness card
Emotional disease, first seen in Ming Dynasty· Zhang Jiebin Analogy 》, refers to the disease syndrome with abnormal emotional performance related to emotional stimulation. Emotional diseases include: ① diseases and syndromes caused by emotional stimulation, such as Depression syndrome , insanity, mania, etc.; ② Diseases and syndromes induced by emotional stimulation, such as chest pain, heartache vertigo hypertension Disease), etc Physical and mental diseases ;③ Diseases and syndromes caused by other reasons but with abnormal emotional performance, such as Quench thirst Malignant tumor , chronic liver and gallbladder diseases, most of them have abnormal emotional performance, and their condition also changes with their emotional changes. For the treatment of emotional diseases, psychological counseling And emotional adjustment is a necessary means of treatment.
(4) The change of seven emotions affects the condition
The change of seven emotions has two effects on the condition of the patient: first, it is conducive to the recovery of the disease. Positive and optimistic mood, appropriate response to seven emotions, anger when angry, sorrow when sad, anger but not depression, is conducive to the improvement of the disease and even recovery. The second is to aggravate the disease. Depression, pessimism and disappointment, or seven emotions Abnormal fluctuation , which may aggravate or worsen the condition. Understanding the positive and negative effects of the seven emotions activity on the condition has practical guiding significance for grasping the development and change of the condition and taking comprehensive and correct treatment.