Infection hazard

09:30, March 28, 2019 | play second

How to prevent

Authoritative vocalization

Vaccination is an economical and effective means to prevent pneumococcal infection
 Vaccination is an economical and effective means to prevent pneumococcal infection

What exactly is pneumococcus? What kind of disease will be caused by pneumococcus infection? Yang Ming, director of pediatrics and medical doctor of Beijing United Family Hospital, taught everyone how to prevent pneumococcal infection. [Details]

Sina parenting | 06:30, December 28, 2018
Pneumococcal diseases requiring high priority of vaccine prevention
 Pneumococcal diseases requiring high priority of vaccine prevention

Vaccination is one of our greatest public health achievements in the 20th century. Thanks to the introduction of vaccination, more than 3 million people worldwide are saved from death every year. What is the difference between Class I vaccine and Class II vaccine? What are the precautions before and after vaccination? What diseases need special attention in winter and spring? Wang Lin, director of the health care department and chief physician of the Capital Institute of Pediatrics, shared the effective method of "keeping infants away from infectious diseases" for parents, and reviewed the core content together [Details]

Sina parenting | 16:27, April 11, 2019

popular science knowledge

Hand washing and ventilation can prevent pneumococcus? You are so naive
 Hand washing and ventilation can prevent pneumococcus? You are so naive

Although pneumococcus has the word "pneumonia", it can not only invade the respiratory system of the human body, but also many different parts of the human body, which may lead to non invasive and invasive diseases such as bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia, bacteremia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, pleurisy, etc. [Details]

Sina parenting | 14:52, April 11, 2019
Spend small money to do big things - pneumococcal vaccine says no to baby's natural enemies!
 Spend small money to do big things - pneumococcal vaccine says no to baby's natural enemies!

Among the bacteria that are eyeing infants, pneumococcus is a very difficult opponent. First of all, it is a very common bacterium. It lives in our nasopharynx and may be carried by healthy people. For infants, it may become an impossible time bomb to prevent. [Details]

Sina parenting | 15:01, April 11, 2019
Smart mothers choose to invest in the health of their babies, so that their babies can win at the starting line of health
 Smart mothers choose to invest in the health of their babies, so that their babies can win at the starting line of health

According to the data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), pneumococcal related diseases are the number one "killer" of children under 5 years of age in the world, causing about 2 million deaths of children under 5 years of age every year. On average, one child dies every 15 seconds of pneumococcal diseases. [Details]

Sina parenting | 15:05, April 11, 2019
Experts remind to prevent and protect the baby from pneumococcal invasion in spring
 Experts remind to prevent and protect the baby from pneumococcal invasion in spring

Spring is the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases and infectious diseases. Pneumococcus, as one of the main pathogens causing acute respiratory infection, can cause children's pneumococcal disease, which is the bacterial respiratory disease with the highest incidence in children. Infants have a high incidence of pneumococcal infection due to poor respiratory barrier function and underdeveloped immunity. [Details]

Sina parenting | 15:11, April 11, 2019

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