
When little life came to a strange world crying, the new mother also opened a new life. Many new mothers found their skin suddenly dark, dark circles under their eyes, thick legs and fat waist, as if the glory of the past had passed away. Don't worry. Please put aside your anxiety and listen to Miss P's special skill for beauty after childbirth, so that you can recover your skin and body, and be more beautiful and confident than before pregnancy.

Let's talk with Mr. P about postpartum beauty and fashion.

   True name: Liu Zhiping

   birthday: February 8th

   occupation: Stylist

   Favorite colors: Black, white

   Favorite leisure ways: Travelling and daze

   If you like: Beauty affects your life

   Artist modeling: Big S Xu Xiyuan, Little S Xu Xidi (exclusive), Wu Zongxian, Aya, He Jiong, etc

 Create Spicy Mom S

Mr. P, who has been engaged in overall modeling for many years, is the professional stylist of many artists. He also went to the front of the stage from behind the scenes and participated in the recording of TV programs of "Beautiful People" and "Beautiful Beauty". In his opinion, every woman has a beautiful dream in her heart. Whether she is going to be a mother or has been a mother, she should start from every detail, use beautiful and happy positive energy to infect your loving family around her, and grow up with her baby with a beautiful hot mother mentality.

Sina parenting: What do you think of a real hot mother?

Mr. P: In my mind, the real hot mom must play a good role and have a happy family. I think we must have our own hobbies and have your own independent life. For the young hot mom now, you can take good care of the baby, the family and yourself.

Sina parenting: Who is the star hot mom that impressed you most?

Mr. P: What impressed me most was Xiao S, because she still had videos before her production, including many endorsement advertisements related to her mother. It may not be convenient to wear beautiful high-heeled shoes before production, but in order to take photos, she will still show a more beautiful face at the moment of shooting.

Sina parenting: What are you satisfied with modeling hot moms?

Mr. P: Taiwan's Golden Melody Awards should be hosted by Xiao S, because she gave birth to her first child at that time, and everyone paid close attention to her. On the same day, she was still nursing, so we designed a very interesting part. When it was time to nurse and nurse, we made a mechanism in our clothes that would immediately spray milk. We have designed that mechanism for a long time.

 Beauty is the first step to becoming better

For the future, Mr. P hopes that there will be more opportunities in the future life, which can really affect many friends who are interested in fashion. During the interview, he always said: "If you want to make your life better, I think changing your appearance is your first step. It actually represents an attitude towards life."

Sina Child Care: Does Fruit Slice Care the Face Effectively?

Mr. P: If you use fruit to moisturize your face, you must remember to mash the fruit rather than slice it. Because slice fruit is hard to absorb when it is stuck on your face, try to mash it to make the juice appear.

Sina parenting: does new mother need to apply fruit mask every day?

Mr. P: If your skin is particularly dry and you choose fruit as a natural ingredient and natural method, you can do it every day, which will not harm your skin. But if your skin doesn't need so much nutrients, in fact, I think young mothers can do it two or three times a week.

Sina parenting: Postpartum mothers are easy to have dark circles under their eyes due to poor rest. How to effectively remove them?

Mr. P: The most effective way is massage. After applying some moisturizing eye cream, new mothers can use the fingertips of their index fingers, middle fingers and ring fingers to massage. The fingertips are placed at the lower edge of the eyes with dark circles and eye bags to tap it.

 What will happen if you choose again

   If he didn't do fashion related work, Mr. P said frankly that he might be an architect who could design buildings or designs, but he would not be a designer.

  Speaking of the work of architect, Mr. P laughed that when he was in junior high school, he was taken by his father to work in the company and used computers to draw the facade. When talking about the structure of a house he once painted, Mr. P couldn't help smiling: "The structure of a painting looks simple, but in fact it needs to be enlarged all the time. There will be many screws in it. As long as the size of the screw is wrong, you can't finish it in the end."

"In retrospect, I think it's fun. This job requires you to focus on many details, each of which must be calculated accurately, and then the facade can be shaped. Now I think about it, which is quite training." Speaking of this, Mr. P has more gestures, and it can be seen that it is pride from the bottom of my heart.

 Create highlights of parent-child style

If the mother and the baby attend the parent-child party together and want to attract everyone's attention, they can work on some common elements of the baby and themselves. Mother and son can have some of the same elements in color, style and style. When others see them, they think that mother and son have a good understanding, which is the feeling of a family.

In these parent-child activities, mother can use your color to increase these good looks without too much makeup. If your mother has warm skin, it is recommended to use some peach and bright orange for reference to make her look healthy.

If your mother's skin is fair, you can use some peach pink and pink, and some romantic princess colors, which can make your mother look softer and softer. As long as the mother happily plays with the baby, I believe all eyes will see your family.

Past reviews

 Wang Xuechun: Let Fairy Tale Picture Books Calm Child Care Anxiety _ Sina Child Care _

 Wang Chaoge: independence, better parent-child relationship _ Sina parenting _

 Wang Fang: Love children, stay away from "tiger mothers" _ Sina parenting _