It seems that "men's problems" just need to ask the dads. But in the face of such small people, dads began to lose their way. Chicken erection, color preference, foreskin problems, how to care, what should be paid attention to at ordinary times... Because Baobao is so small, these problems become more difficult to ponder or urgent. Little chicken, big question, let's have a look at the things about little chicken!

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   Those things that hurt chickens (picture)    How to protect boys and chickens    Do diapers threaten chickens?

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Structure of chicken

The baby's penis is basically the same structure as the adult's.
The front end is the glans; The outer layer is usually called foreskin; The narrow place below the glans is called coronary groove. It is composed of two penile cavernous bodies and one urethral cavernous body, as well as fascia and skin wrapped outside. There is also a thin cavernous artery in the cavernous body of the penis. In addition, the scrotum is composed of fascia and skin containing smooth muscle fibers. The skin is thin and soft, and the left and right halves respectively contain the testes and epididymis on both sides. The scrotum contains the testis that will produce sperm in the future.
From its structure, it can be seen that the chicken and scrotum are full of tendons and fibrous tissue, and exposed outside the body, so they are very sensitive and fragile. [ detailed ]

Observe chicks by age

   0-1 years old: often touch scrotum within 3 months
When a boy is born, he should touch his scrotum carefully to see if there are two testicles the size of small peanuts. Generally, when the fetus develops to the ninth month, the testis can fall into the scrotum. However, about 3% of the boys completed it 1-2 months after birth. If two testes are still not felt after three months of birth, cryptorchidism should be suspected and treatment should be given as soon as possible. The age of operation is about two years old.
   1-3 years old: pay attention to the "sequence" of urination
If a baby in this age group sees a large, triangular foreskin cyst before urinating, it is likely that balanitis of the foreskin causes urethral orifice or anterior urethral stricture. This situation needs to be checked and treated in the hospital. [ detailed ]

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1. Control water temperature

The boy's external genitalia is the place where his body temperature is low, and he is most afraid of heat. The temperature of the water used to clean the boy's external genitalia should be controlled within 40 ℃ to avoid scalding the baby's delicate skin. In fact, the most ideal temperature is about 37 ℃, which is closest to the baby's temperature. Some people even suggest using 32 ℃~35 ℃ water. [ detailed ]

4. Clean

Gently lift the baby's penis and gently dip the root with a piece of soft gauze. Then clean the baby's scrotum. There are many wrinkles, which is easy to hide sweat stains. The lower part of the scrotum is also a place where sweat and dirt are easy to hide, including the area near the groin, so you should focus on wiping. [ detailed ]

2. Don't exert yourself

The baby's external genitalia are full of nerve tissue, and the skin is very fragile. You need to pay special attention to the gentle, steady and gentle manipulation, which will avoid squeezing or pinching the baby's external genitalia, including the penis and scrotum, due to temporary tension. [ detailed ]

Key points: cleaning foreskin

Use your right thumb and forefinger to gently hold the middle part of your baby's penis, gently push the foreskin backward toward his body, and then gently rinse in clean water. When pushing back the baby's foreskin, you should stop immediately when you feel resistance. Do not push or pull forcefully to avoid discomfort to the baby, or even damage the baby's fragile body tissues. [ detailed ]

3. Avoid over stimulation

The baby's external genitalia will expand after being heated, and the urethral orifice will also open. Over stimulation may increase the chances of urinary system infection. Some experts believe that excessive stimulation of the baby's external genitalia will stimulate the activity of the baby's sexual tendency and increase the risk of premature sexual maturity. [ detailed ]

5. Care after washing

Please avoid meeting pudenda when applying talcum powder. It is easy to make diapers more damp, and it is also easy to mix with sweat to form small lumps and block pores. The diapers and pants should be loose, and the perineum should not be wrapped too tightly. If your baby doesn't use diapers, after he urinates, you'd better dry his urine with a clean dust-free paper towel to keep the local dry. [ detailed ]

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Can chicks "dew"?

Too much exposure to the baby's genitals can easily cause external bacteria and pathogens to invade the body through the delicate vaginal mucosa and skin, making the baby sick. When boys are young, they usually have too long foreskin, which is easy to accumulate dirt. If they contact with unclean external environment, such as adults' hands and faces, they are more likely to cause infection. Chickens are one of the weakest parts of the baby's body, and are also the most vulnerable parts. The collision, bumping, stabbing, pinching, scalding, rubbing, etc. of external objects will hurt. The bites of mosquitoes and the scratches and bites of some pets, such as cats and dogs, will affect health and even cause lifelong disability. [ detailed ]

Why is the chicken "ugly"?

The baby's skin is white, tender and tender. Why is only the skin color of the chicken dark? The skin color of chicks varies from person to person. Some people have heavy pigmentation and some people have shallow pigmentation, which is normal. Parents should not care too much. If the skin of the child's back or buttocks is dark, I'm afraid parents will not feel too strange! Like the color of the skin, the shape of the chick is also different. [ detailed ]

How is the baby's chicken smaller?

Did you find your baby's belly bulging? That is because the subcutaneous fat of the baby's abdomen is too thick. If you try to gently press the root of the baby chicken, you may find that the chicken suddenly grows a lot - in fact, it is just because the chicken is buried under the baby's fat stomach, so it usually looks very small. If the baby's penis is really small, as long as the baby can urinate normally and smoothly without any discomfort, it means that he has no problem and need not worry too much. [ detailed ]

Chicken often "stand up"?

Baby chicks will have erections similar to those of adults. The normal physiological reason is that chicks' stand up '. There are two thin cavernous arteries in the cavernous body of the penis. When it is congested and infuses blood into the cavernous body, the erectile phenomenon we see will appear. This phenomenon is more common in children, and is a manifestation of the growth and development of children's genitals. No matter whether the baby is excited or relaxed, as long as there is congestion in the cavernous body of the penis, the chick will stand up. Even if there is no stimulation, the chick will erect many times in a day; Occasional external stimuli, such as friction and touch, will also cause some external stimuli. [ detailed ]

Is it necessary to circumcise?

Circumcision, multi finger circumcision. It is mainly aimed at the condition that the foreskin is too long and has affected the baby's urination and other physiological life. If the baby is 3 years old and the foreskin still cannot retreat behind the glans to expose the glans, it is a true phimosis. At this time, the corresponding foreskin separation or circumcision operation should be carried out under the guidance of the doctor. If these conditions do not exist, there is no need to circumcise for "physiological development". [ detailed ]

What if children like to play chicken?

The process of children's growth is a process of constantly exploring the external world and their own world. Therefore, children's exploration of sex is part of their exploration of the unknown world. Theoretically, when he was seven or eight months old, Hao Hao's small hand should occasionally touch his own genitals, but at this time, like touching his eyes and ears, he was totally unconscious exploration. Slowly this kind of exploration began to increase driven by curiosity, but still not driven by sexual desire and fantasy; They only produce sensory pleasure reactions, and do not cause various complex emotional reactions. [ detailed ]

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