Traditional Chinese parents are always shy and tangled when they answer their children's question "Where do I come from?". With more and more attention being paid to sex education, the scale of sex education books is always concerned: what should be included in sex education books? What kind of sex education book is just right, and what kind of sex education book is too big? Let's compare and see what kind of children's sex education books in different countries are, what kind of books do you prefer, and what attitude do you have towards children's sex education?

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  • Finland
  • Talk about sex education like The Thousand and One Nights. Since the 1970s, sex education has entered the curriculum of Finnish primary and secondary schools, and even kindergartens have positive sex education books. A sex education consultation telephone and a child protection agency have been set up to help teenagers at any time. Finland has a nature education book - "Our Body". Parents can talk about it once a day like "The Thousand and One Nights", and sex education will naturally start. The Netherlands started sex education when children entered primary school at the age of 6. Like other courses, it is nothing special. Children can also make their own research reports. The actual average age at which adolescents first have sex is 17.
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  • Japan
  • The first volume of the textbook "Health" for primary schools published by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Japan has a picture of the body and sexual organs of women and men on the cover. The primary school has 1-2 hours of special lectures every year on the physical differences between men and women, the principles of menstruation and pregnancy; Junior high school also has 1-2 hours of special lectures every year, calling on students not to engage in dangerous sexual behavior, and students can also learn about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases; There are sex education courses in the physical health care class and family life class in high school, which involve contraception, abortion, venereal diseases and ethics. Every junior high school and senior high school in Japan has a "facilitator association" specially composed of experts and scholars, which is responsible for providing students with various sexual counseling, sex education, and compiling guidance manuals for sex education. Japanese students get their sexual knowledge mainly from schools.
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  • Netherlands
  • The Dutch have impressed the world with their open sexual attitude. However, the Netherlands has the lowest teenage pregnancy rate in European countries. In the Netherlands, like other subjects, children begin to receive sex education when they enter primary school at the age of 6. Children even discuss this topic with their parents at the dinner table. Education experts in the Netherlands believe that early sex education for teenagers and even children can let teenagers know how to protect themselves and help them not to regret life long regrets because of temporary sexual impulse or some ignorance of sex.
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  • Singapore
  • The Singapore Family Planning Association has formulated a series of sex education programs for adolescents, with the focus on strictly controlling sexual behavior and sexual age. By 1999, more than 9000 citizens had received sex education courses, which has produced good results. In 2004, the Ministry of Education of Singapore formulated a systematic sex education program, and designed a set of multimedia sex education textbooks "Growing Years Series" for junior middle school students, and then launched three "Growing Years Series" textbooks, which are applicable to senior primary school students, senior middle school students and students above middle school.
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  • Malaysia
  • A proposal on national sex education jointly drafted by the Ministry of Women, Family and Social Development, the Ministry of Education, non-governmental organizations and educators was adopted. Sex education will become one of the subjects in schools within two years, allowing children as young as four to learn about sex. Students will learn about human development, gender relations, marriage and family, communication skills and safe sexual behavior in sex education subjects. In Malaysia, parents will take the initiative to talk about some sexual knowledge. In junior high school textbooks, there are a lot of sexual knowledge, including contraception, pregnancy, etc. For primary school students, some brochures with pictures are used to publicize knowledge about how to protect their bodies.
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  • britain
  • Since 2011, all primary and secondary schools must set up compulsory courses of sex education to teach sex knowledge to students over 5 years old. After the student has reached the age of 15, the parents have no right to exempt the child from this course for any reason. According to the regulations, the compulsory course content of sex education will gradually deepen with the growth of students' age. In primary school, students will learn about human organs, adolescence and life; In middle school, students will learn about pregnancy, contraception, sexual relations, AIDS, homosexuality, etc.

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