
A woman is weak, but a mother is strong. She gave up pursuing her dream and took over a family. She has always been brave and strong, supporting her husband's career, loving children and family. She is our model parent - Ran Yingying.

Today, we will walk into Ran Yingying's parenting world and listen to her unique parenting philosophy.

   full name: Ran Yingying

   birthday: October 9, 1984

   nation: Tujia nationality

   occupation: host

   University one is graduated from: Peking University

   Husband: Olympic champion Zou Shiming

   Son: Zou Mingxuan, Zou Minghao

   Hosting program: "When the transaction is in progress", "Announcement Inquiry", "Hong Kong Stock Direct Train", etc


 "Love each other in the dark room

Baby, you are really naughty sometimes. Xuanxuan is lively and active, and Haohao is a bit like his father. He looks quiet but has a stubborn spirit. You often play together, like inseparable twins, but like all brothers and sisters in the world, you will also lose temper with each other, never give in, and fight almost every day. When you don't know how to compromise with each other, your mother will put you in a small dark room.

Sina parenting: Why would two children be locked in a small dark room when they didn't understand how to compromise with each other?

Ran Yingying: When children don't know how to retreat, locking them in the dark room is to let them know how to care for each other when they encounter difficulties. They are the closest brothers. I hope to cultivate a house of mutual love, where they embrace each other, establish deep feelings, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, and love each other.

Sina parenting: What are the important principles for you to get along with your children?

Ran Yingying: The first principle of my life with children is equality. I am a mother for the first time, and they are also sons of others for the first time. In this definition, we are equal. I never thought that because I'm your mother, you should listen to me. But because you are my son, I learned to respect you, because you are crying, I understand the reason, because you are angry, I want to know why. I want to be friends with you.

 Learning efficiency is a magic weapon

The growth that children bring to me is to treat each other sincerely. I will never lie to my children that, Xuanxuan, you go to bed quickly. If you go to sleep, we can go to the playground. But if he really sleeps, I break my promise, and I never do it. I will do what I promised them.

Sina parenting: Will Xuanxuan and Haohao ask how they came to you?

Ran Yingying: My son told me, Mom, where do I come from? I seriously told him how his parents got married, how they got you, and how they got their brother.

Sina Child Care: Have children ever had any problems they feared in their growth?

Ran Yingying: In recent years, my son asked me the most questions and was also the most afraid question. In a very public place, he would have a sense of fear. Mom, why does this aunt know me? Why did the elder brother and sister know me?

Sina parenting: How do you answer the question of children?

Ran Yingying: I will tell him in good faith that I said, son, because you were on a program called "Where is Dad?", everyone watched TV and knew you. But it doesn't mean anything, just because you and your father went to draw a prize, went on a trip, and were recorded. Next year will be your classmate. He said so, he was very happy.

 Just be happy, kid

   Compared with the previous education changes, Ran Yingying thinks it is more important for children to be happy. The real education is the communication of the soul. We should be grateful for the growth and change brought by children. The world is changing, and maternal love remains unchanged. The road of education is very long, and the road of company is very long. We would like to have each other's love as partners! To grow, bear and become better together!

  One day my child came to me and asked me, Mom, our teacher asked us to write our homework and what we wanted to do when we grew up. Our classmates all have many dreams. Some people want to say that I want to be a doctor, a teacher, a dancer. Mom, what do you think I should do? I want to say, baby, I just hope you can be happy.

When she really started raising children, Ran Yingying began to have a new and changing understanding of the nature of education. Ran Yingying said that before marriage, she was a person who devoted herself to her career. She was kind to her children but lacked patience. Now that there are Xuanxuan and Haohao, Ran Yingying said that she will suddenly find that many times, if you stick to it for one minute, you will understand the real reason, and maybe you will succeed in gaining their trust in you.

Past reviews

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 Dai Yuqiang: Treat children like "cat father" _ Sina parenting _

 Wang Fang: Love children, stay away from "tiger mothers" _ Sina parenting _


