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There are 4 ways to judge whether a newborn baby is hungry and full

   First move: look at the weight

It is reliable to judge whether the baby is full by the baby's weight gain and daily behavior. If the baby is in good spirits and happy mood when he is sober, and his weight increases day by day, it means that the baby is full; If the baby's weight increases slowly for a long time and the possibility of suffering from a certain disease is ruled out, it is generally believed that the baby is not full when he is full.

   The second move: listen to the crying

When breast-feeding, the baby does not leave the breast for a long time. After breast-feeding, the baby cries, which is the expression of his satiety.

   The third move: look at the way of feeding

After feeding, the baby can sleep quietly until the next feeding. Or sometimes, after a puff, the baby vomits out the nipple and cries, without gaining weight, which is a sign that the baby is not full.

If it takes a lot of effort to suckle, and the baby falls asleep soon after sucking, and wakes up crying after less than 1~2 hours of sleep, or sometimes sucks violently, this is also a sign that the baby is not full.

   The fourth move: watching defecation

Abnormal stool, constipation and diarrhea. Normal stool should be in the form of yellow ointment. When the milk is insufficient, the stool will be secretive, thin, green or more frequently, and the amount of discharge is less each time, which is the manifestation of the baby's hunger.

New fathers and new mothers, it's certainly not easy to be a new father and mother. Every bit of joy is in my heart, and caring for the baby is also a worry. I will take you to learn, and I hope I can give you some help!

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