Beijing has applied for more than 50000 children alone for the first time. What should be prepared before the second child

Since Beijing officially implemented the policy of "two children alone" on February 21 last year, the number of applications for "two children alone" has steadily increased this year. According to statistics released by the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission recently, as of September 30, there were 53034 applications and 48392 licenses for "two children alone" in Beijing, up sharply from less than 30000 applications last year.

According to the analysis and statistics of the age group of women of childbearing age who have obtained certificates, the highest proportion is between 31 and 35 years old, with 27435 cases in total, accounting for 56.69% of the total number of certificates. The second was from 26 to 30 years old, with 11437 cases, accounting for 23.64%. In addition, 8334 cases (7.22%) were between 36 and 40 years old. And 41 to 45 years old and under 25 years old, accounting for 1.69% and 0.56% respectively. Many families are eager to have a baby/two treasures. Is your family the same? What preparations are needed before having a second child?

   Worried | Is it more difficult for hospitals to file?

According to media reports, the number of registered beds in Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital is tight, and the number of registered beds due before May next year is running out. "It can only be said that the tertiary hospitals and other good hospitals are in short supply of files. Other secondary hospitals can still afford to file. If they are scattered, they can still file." The relevant personage of the Health and Family Planning Commission said that there are more than 100 maternity hospitals in Beijing, and Beijing can accept about 200000 pregnant women every year, which has not yet reached this number.

"This shows that there is still a certain contradiction between high-quality medical resources and the needs of citizens." Lu Jiehua, a professor in the sociology department of Peking University and a demography expert, believes that the shortage of obstetric beds in large hospitals does not represent an increase in the number of births. "In general, it depends on the changes in hospitals across the city.".

   Discussion | Will you have a second child?

It has been some time since the single two child policy was launched in early 2014. However, the number of new births is lower than the official forecast. Some experts believe that at present, the fertility desire of "universal second child" is not very strong, mainly because the cost is too high to afford. In fact, in addition to economic factors, there are many other concerns about the second child, and parents need to be prepared first.

1. Older puerpera

The best age for a woman to give birth to a second child should be before the age of 30, because the fertility will decline after the age of 35, the probability of abnormal fetal development will increase, and the probability of complications during pregnancy will increase. However, modern women, especially professional women, usually get married late and give birth to their first child even when they are in their 30s. As a result, they are already elderly mothers when giving birth to their second child.

For elderly mothers, when preparing for pregnancy, you can do a pre pregnancy check to see whether it is suitable for pregnant with a second child, and check whether there are diseases that are not suitable for pregnancy. In addition, two issues need to be considered: if the first baby is delivered by caesarean section, pay attention to the time interval with the first baby, and consider the risk of uterine rupture. In principle, the second baby will be conceived two years after caesarean section; When the first child is pregnant, if there are gestational diabetes, premature delivery, threatened abortion, pregnancy hypertension, etc., pregnant with the second child needs to be more careful.

2. Psychological preparation

Have you established a regular life with your first baby? Have you arranged who will take care of the baby? Can your baby sleep all night now? Maybe now you can enjoy the world with your partner again, or you have returned to the workplace and love this job. These are the issues you need to consider before giving birth to a second child. Think about whether you can provide the time and energy needed by the baby. In addition, can your first baby accept more babies at home? Having a second child needs to think about many problems over and over again. You need to calm down and listen to your inner desires. If you want another child and your partner wants one, this may be the best time.

3. Economic pressure

Although the separate policy has released the second child policy, many families are still hesitant. The biggest reason is the economic pressure. The expectant mother has to estimate the cost of raising two children at the same time. Far from being said, the cost of raising a child today is not cheap, but the monthly milk powder and diapers cost 1000 yuan, plus the baby's clothing, toys, early education costs, other care products and so on. When you go to kindergarten, there will be expenses for primary school, middle school and university later... If you want to have a second child, you'd better calculate the economic account first. If there is too much difference, you need to think carefully.

   Before the second pregnancy | Strengthen fitness and check in advance

One more thing that Xiaobian needs to remind us is that with the improvement of living standards, some of the pregnant women's diet structure is unreasonable, and they eat too much fat and protein, which makes the fetus over develop; In addition, the increase in the number of deliveries, the change in the volume of the uterine cavity, the light reaction to early pregnancy, and the relaxation of the abdominal wall can all lead to macrosomia, which can lead to dystocia, postpartum hemorrhage, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen fitness before pregnancy, and reasonably control the weight, which is also one of the measures to ensure the smooth passage of pregnancy.

Most of the menstruating women had a history of induced abortion, induced labor, and removal of the ring before this pregnancy, which could easily lead to endometritis, which could lead to placenta previa, placental implantation and other problems. Therefore, before the planned pregnancy, the corresponding gynecological examination and B-ultrasound and other auxiliary examinations should be carried out, except for pelvic inflammatory diseases. Mild pelvic inflammation can be treated conservatively with drugs, and patients with severe disease need surgical treatment. The occurrence of various systemic diseases can be screened out by carrying out relevant examinations before pregnancy, so that corresponding treatment and preventive measures can be taken to reduce the occurrence of birth defects. Pre pregnancy examination is an important preventive measure to reduce the rate of birth defects and improve the quality of the birth population. In order to ensure the health of mothers and babies more effectively, the pre pregnancy examination should be strengthened relatively for multiparous women.

(Sina parenting comprehensive Beijing News, Sichuan Daily, Sanxiang Metropolis Daily, etc.)

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