Father donates liver to cure a 6-month sick daughter (picture)

11:18, July 16, 2015    Zhengzhou Daily Collect this article      
 Half year old Xiao Xinyi is about to receive her father's liver transplant Half year old Xiao Xinyi is about to receive her father's liver transplant

News from our newspaper (reporter Zhang Liwen/picture): "If you give up, the child will have to endure six months of pain from now to death. His whole body will itch and he will cry all day. How can I bear to give up? No matter how difficult it is for the child, he will have to be treated." Yesterday, Sun Hongtao, who was waiting in Shanghai to donate his daughter's liver, spoke calmly about his choice.

Sun Hongtao's daughter Xinyi was born in January 2015, and the whole family was full of joy when she was born. A month later, the girl's jaundice has not returned. When she went to Zhengzhou Children's Hospital, the doctor said it was probably biliary atresia or hepatitis syndrome. Later, they went to Shanghai for further examination, and diagnosed biliary atresia type III, which can only be done with liver transplantation. Since the baby can only be operated after six months, he took the baby back to his home in Xinmi after checking in Shanghai. After returning home, the baby's belly became bigger and bigger, and his eyes and body became yellow. By the time he was four or five months old, he would be crying all day and his voice would be hoarse. When you are six months old, your height and weight are the same as one or two months old. Through constant searching, they learned that Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College specializes in liver transplantation for children with biliary atresia, with a success rate of more than 90%. Not long ago, a family of three came to Shanghai again.

It is understood that Sun Hongtao has completed the preoperative examination, about 10 days after the operation, and has been successfully matched before. "To transplant part of my liver to my daughter, I need to rest in Shanghai for two months. After the transplant, my daughter will take anti rejection drugs all her life. Renting a single room in Shanghai will cost at least 3000 yuan per month, and living in Shanghai for two months will cost more than 10000 yuan, not including nearly 200000 yuan for surgery." Sun Hongtao, who came from a rural family in a poor mountain area in Xinmi, worried about money.

Sun Dapeng, Sun Hongtao's father, worried about his son's health. He did not go to Shanghai with his son's family. He was waiting for news at his home in Gengtang Village, Pingmo Town. "My son is less than 30 years old. What should I do if he collapses? I also advised my son to give up treatment, but I wouldn't do it if he insisted on it." The old man is 58 years old. He has more than two acres of farmland at home. He mainly depends on going out to work. In recent years, he is too old to find a job. His granddaughter has been taken care of at home when she is ill.

Previously, Sun Hongtao worked outside, earning less than 3000 yuan a month, and his wife had no income. In order to raise medical expenses, Sun's family borrowed 20000 yuan from relatives and friends, and also released help information online. Many netizens donated 10 yuan and 20 yuan to him, and Sun Hongtao recorded them one by one for repayment.

Article keywords: father Donating liver

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