Boys in Grade Four Beat Female Teachers Badly; Be Careful of Violence Education Inheritance

The news of teachers' corporal punishment of students that we often see before is unexpected. The violence on campus is escalating, and the primary school students have also seen violence representatives, and the target is the teacher. A few days ago, at Dongguan Zhangmutou Central Primary School, teacher Chen, who taught art, was severely beaten by fourth grader A Bin after having a quarrel with him when collecting homework. This caused the recurrence of old injuries of Mr. Chen, who was hospitalized and still recuperating. The school concerned said that Ah Bin was suffering from mania due to family education, and had repeatedly clashed with other teachers and students because of some trivial matters. However, because he was still in the stage of compulsory education, the school also had nothing to do with him. In the subsequent investigation, it was learned that A Bin was born in a family that used to be violent and rarely cared about, so his current behavior is not strange. The way of education can also be inherited. Have you started to reflect?

 A female teacher who was beaten on the sickbed by students A female teacher who was beaten on the sickbed by students

Restore: fourth grade boys do not hand in homework and beat female teachers violently

On the afternoon of March 20, students of Class 4 (1) of Zhangmutou Central Primary School were having art classes. Chen, a teacher in her forties, is teaching her students to draw. At about 4 p.m., near the end of class, Mr. Chen collected the students' exercise books one by one. When she came to Ah Bin's seat, Ah Bin was unwilling to hand in his homework. Teacher Chen pulled at her and the two sides quarreled. After that, a scene that shocked all students appeared. "Mr. Chen wanted to collect his homework book, but he held on. Later, he suddenly stood up, grabbed the teacher's hair, hit her head, and pushed her knee against the teacher's stomach. Finally, he overturned Mr. Chen and sat on her." Immediately, Vice Principal Hu rushed to the scene, took Ah Bin out of the classroom, and notified his parents to come and deal with the beating.

Parents: Indifferent and violent education is not irrelevant

Why does Ah Bin get angry easily? Vice President Hu believes that it may be related to his family education environment. According to Vice Principal Hu, after Ah Bin hit the teacher, at about 4:30 p.m. that day, Ah Bin's mother came late after being urged by the school many times. When she arrived, she asked her son, Abin, to apologize to Mr. Chen. Abin refused. She slapped her son several times in the face of teachers and students. She also planned to hit Ah Bin with a broom, but was stopped by the school staff.

  Psychology: family environment leads to personality deviation

As for Ah Bin's "manic" problem, Xu Muqiao, a senior psychological consultant in Dongguan Tianyue Social Work Service Office, said that according to the information, it is too early to define Ah Bin as manic. Human nature is to seek harmony and peace, and Ah Bin grew up in a violent family. This kind of environment, contrary to the needs of human nature, led him to slowly form a thinking mode of solving problems with violence in his heart.

Xu Muqiao said that family environment, school environment and social environment are very important in the process of human growth, but the main responsibility for this event lies in the family. It is precisely because of this family environment that Ah Bin's personality has deviation and extreme cognition. As for how to correct it, Xu Muqiao believed that Abin's parents and relatives should carry out tenderness and gentle education, so that he could gradually break away from the way of thinking of solving problems by violence. The school and society should not label him as a "juvenile delinquent".

Self reflection: the time of anger is the time of education failure

How do adults form emotional violence against children? There are many related factors, such as their own experience. If a child is beaten and scolded by his parents when he is young, he will not take beating and scolding children seriously when he becomes a parent; For example, the education level of the highly educated group is significantly lower than that of the highly educated group; For example, the common sense of kinship, their children are the most worried; It may be related to personal accomplishment, or personal character... However, it is obvious that one of the relevant factors is particularly prominent, that is, the strong sense of adults.

This sense of power can sometimes be clearly recognized by adults, and sometimes it is more hidden. If we do not study it carefully, it is difficult to find. Children are not mature and strong enough, their social relations are weak, and their economy cannot stand on their own. They have nothing to restrict us except relying on us. In other words, there is no "danger" for adults to lose their temper, make faces, and be unfair. However, we have encountered oppression and grievances in our life, and naturally feel uncomfortable when we hold them in our hearts. For such a safe object, we should vent our emotions, "why not do it"? Maybe adults who are angry with children seldom think about it like this, but aren't they doing it?

Maybe most of the time we feel that what we say and request to our children is correct, but in fact, we have formed emotional violence against our children through our impatient, rude, arbitrary and violent emotions at that time. It is easy to say anything to your family, especially your children, and it is more difficult to notice your tone and mood when speaking. I think everyone can find that they have been like this more than once when they think about it. In fact, when parents lose control of their emotions, they are in a state of gaffe. Only children's eyes can see how terrible, ugly and unreasonable you are. When encountering problems, we must convince people with reason, so that children can really understand the truth, instead of using behavior, language, and emotional violence to make children "soften" temporarily. This "softening" may be laying the groundwork for his out of control behavior in the future.

   More topics in the past, please see:

Article keywords: Beat the teacher Campus violence Domestic violence Emotional violence

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