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British 6-year-old girl successfully delivered her mother (picture)

http://www.sina.com.cn    08:22, October 29, 2012    City Evening News   micro-blog
 Six year old Francesca holds her sister Rosin Six year old Francesca holds her sister Rosin

A pregnant woman in Britain had to give birth in the bathroom at home because she had no time to go to the hospital. Her 6-year-old daughter delivered the baby for her mother, and her medical knowledge came from a TV play she often watched.

   Girls Calm Down and Help Mothers Produce

The girl, Francesca Goodbye, lives with her family in Belward, Birmingham, West Midlands. Her mother, Kai Goodbye, is 28 years old, and her father, Michael Goodbye, is 33 years old.

It happened in July this year. Kai's birth came suddenly, and the amniotic fluid was broken at home. Michael was in a hurry and went downstairs to call 999 for help.

Francesca was quite calm, comforting her mother on the bathroom floor while helping her adjust her breathing and encouraging her to exert herself in the abdomen. After 12 minutes of hard work, my sister Rosin was born successfully, weighing 2.95 kg. Francesca knew to wrap the newborn with a clean towel, and confirmed that the umbilical cord did not wrap around the neck of the newborn.

The Daily Mail quoted Kay on the 25th as saying: "At that time, she had already slept, and I began to scream, and she woke up. She went into the bathroom and asked me, 'Mom, are you OK?' Then she told me, 'I saw the baby's head.' She calmed me down, told me where my hands should be, and taught me how to breathe."

   The medical staff were shocked

Kay said, "I just gave birth to Rosin, and Michael came back. He missed the scene. However, I think he may faint and can't help me."

When two ambulances arrived at the scene, the medical staff were shocked to see that scene. At that time, Francesca held her newborn sister and told the medical staff that she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up.

She said, "I have to keep my mother calm. I know that I can't let the umbilical cord wrap around my neck, or my sister may die. To ensure her safety, my mother gave birth to her, and I held her in my arms." Francesca's classmates were amazed after learning about this, but the teacher thought she was quite remarkable.

   Knowledge comes from TV series

Kay has returned to work. She said: "I was impressed by Francesca's performance. For a 6-year-old child, she is quite calm and calm."

According to Francesca, the scene of Kay giving birth reminded her of the scene of a pregnant woman suddenly giving birth in an episode of the British TV series Emergency Room. "I don't know how I know how to deliver a baby, but I do often watch" Emergency Room ". I like watching it very much... Rosin has been almost four months now, and will soon be able to eat suitable food." "The only thing I can think of is" Emergency Room "." Kay said.

The TV series Emergency Room was broadcast by BBC One, and the plot revolves around the doctors and patients in the emergency room of the fictional Holby City Hospital. (According to the Information Times)

(Original title: 6-year-old girl successfully delivered her mother)

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