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Children will be fined for not having a seat in July

 The child safety seat should be located on the rear seat The child safety seat should be located on the rear seat

On July 1, the first domestic standard for children to ride - Restraint System for Children in Motor Vehicles will be officially implemented. It is reported that the formulation of this standard mainly refers to ECER44 in Europe, which is a mandatory industrial production standard. It requires that the vehicles on sale must be equipped with an anchorage system, that is, child seat buckles and safety locks, but it is not mandatory to configure child safety seats. However, the standard also provides specific technical indicators for child safety seats, which means that child safety seats must meet the standards before they can be marketed in the future. It is worth mentioning that the standard clearly stipulates that children cannot use adult safety belts, but should use the crotch restraint belt equipped with child safety seats.

   Interpretation: abandon "safety" and use "restraint"

This standard abandons the popular term "child safety seat" and changes it into a mouthful "child restraint system". In this regard, the relevant experts explained that the word "safety" is misleading, and parents tend to form the view that "children will be safe after installing the child safety chair". However, this is not the case. Child safety chairs can only reduce the infant mortality rate by 70%, and reduce the mortality rate of children aged 4 to 7 years by 59%. In other words, as long as a car accident occurs, even if a child sits in a safety seat, he or she may be injured, but the probability is low. This also reminds all parents that the driver who controls the steering wheel is the most effective guarantee for children's safety. When purchasing child safety seats, you should also travel in a civilized manner and stay away from accidents.

Purchase: 1000 yuan is more guaranteed

Due to the lack of supervision for many years, at present, there are many brands of children's safety chairs in China. Foreign brands mainly include Stim in Germany, EMI in Britain, Gloria in the United States, Cambay in Japan, Jane in Spain, etc; In China, there are good children, baby number one, Beianbao, Baijiast, etc. The lowest price is less than 100 yuan, and the highest price is more than 10000 yuan.

Experts said that the new standard puts forward specific technical requirements for child safety seats. Consumers who buy child safety seats and find that the product does not meet the standard requirements in case of accidents can be held accountable to the manufacturer. However, the expert also said that it would take some time from standard formulation to product certification.

Experts suggest that when purchasing child safety seats, attention should be paid to: First, the product must meet the requirements of the national mandatory standard, which will be noted on the label. The Chinese mandatory standard is GB27887-2011; Second, it is not allowed to buy products that sell at a low price. Products of about 1000 yuan can basically meet the needs; The third is to choose according to the height of children. Babies can use cradle type, and older children can use booster pads. In addition, experts also suggest that it is best not to buy second-hand chairs, because aging plastic will affect safety.

   Installation: two fixing methods shall be clearly seen

At present, there are two main fixing methods for child safety seats: ISOFIX standard fixing and LATCH standard fixing. ISOFIX is popular in Europe and conforms to the safety seat fixing standards formulated by the International Standards Organization. The safety seat is required to conform to ISOFIX standards. During installation, it is only necessary to align the interface on the seat with the standard buckle on the vehicle and insert it, which is relatively secure, It can ensure that the seat will not fly out in case of collision, and the safety factor is high. However, before purchasing, it is necessary to know whether the vehicle is equipped with ISOFIX latch. LATCH is an American standard, which is the most stable and safe way to fix children's safety seats in the world at present, because it has more fixed points than ISOFIX. Theoretically, the seat can be compatible with ISOFIX specification, otherwise, it will not work, but in actual use, experts suggest that it is better to buy the corresponding seat.

However, experts also remind car owners that if the right front seat airbag cannot be turned off, the safety seat must not be installed on the right front seat.

   Tips: How to make children fall in love with child safety chairs?

In view of the increasing probability of driving, Miss Ma, the owner of the car, borrowed a child safety seat from a friend for her 5-year-old son to try, but the child cried when he sat on it. Mr. Zhu, the owner of the car, was different. When he was a child, Mr. Zhu told him that children must sit in the safety seat. They cannot be held by adults and cannot move themselves. Over time, children formed the habit of sitting in the children's seat every time they got on the car.

Some educators suggested that we try to cultivate children's exclusive seat awareness. When not in the car, remove the chair from the car and put it at home. Let children sit inside to read books and play games. Add steering wheel and other objects to the chair to increase children's interest.

   Reporter's advice: parents of children without seats should be punished

In the absence of relevant laws and regulations, child safety configuration has become the first choice for many automobile manufacturers. I believe that with the implementation of the new standard, the situation will improve. However, this is only the first step. Forcing car owners to install safety seats for children should be the next step. At present, the acceptance of child safety seats by domestic car owners is extremely low, and most car owners believe that "holding hands is safer". Only coercion can be effective. Before further introducing the new regulations, it is suggested that the traffic police and other relevant departments can punish the phenomenon of "no seat" of children as well as the phenomenon of drunk driving. Once children are found "no seat", parents will be punished. Article/Reporter Zhou Weili Picture/Data Picture

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