Pay attention to the combination of nourishing during pregnancy

Pay attention to the combination of nourishing during pregnancy
17:54, April 22, 2021 Tonight's paper
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When women are pregnant, they tend to pay attention to their weight, fearing that too much will affect their figure; They are also afraid of malnutrition, which will delay the fetus, so it is very contradictory. Zhang Fenglan, an expert from Shuige Hospital, suggested that it is critical for pregnant women to take in rich nutrition during pregnancy, but they should pay attention to food selection and not blindly supplement.

Grains are the first choice. The so-called grains are foods with high crude fiber content. Because most of the food supplemented by pregnant women during pregnancy is fine, coupled with the lack of exercise, constipation is particularly prone to occur. In diet, more coarse fiber food can help the intestinal tract move and expel toxins from the body. It is suggested that during pregnancy, refined rice should be changed into coarse grain rice, millet rice or brown rice. They are rich in fiber and protein, and can also increase satiety, which is very helpful for weight control.

In people's opinion, it is not scientific to have a great tonic during pregnancy, because most of the food is absorbed by the pregnant women themselves, and the amount absorbed by the fetus is actually very small. Like fish, meat and poultry, pregnant women can meet their basic needs by eating 200g a day. If they eat too much, they will not absorb it and will also increase their body burden.

During pregnancy, pregnant women should eat more vegetables and fruits and supplement needed vitamins. But in the choice of fruit, we need to be careful. Some pregnant women prefer fruits with high sugar content, especially raisins, longans and other fruits. It is OK to eat them, but you need a moderate amount. It is recommended that pregnant women eat more tomatoes in the middle and later stages of pregnancy, which can have a certain whitening effect on the fetus.

In addition, some pregnant women are lactose intolerant, so don't force them to drink milk. Soy milk is a good choice. Almonds and walnuts can also be eaten in moderation, which is good for fetal brain development. (Reporter Li Yan)

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