Jiang Qinqin Supports His Second Child, Huge Belly, Handstand; Netizens Complain: Take Care

Jiang Qinqin Supports His Second Child, Huge Belly, Handstand; Netizens Complain: Take Care
15:13, June 12, 2018 Sina parenting
 Jiang Qinqin's second child has a huge belly Jiang Qinqin's second child has a huge belly
 Jiang Qinqin does yoga Jiang Qinqin does yoga
 Jiang Qinqin's Handstand Jiang Qinqin's Handstand

On June 12, Jiang Qinqin posted a group of sports photos on his microblog, and wrote: "With the secretion of more relaxation elements in his body, the body becomes heavier and heavier after practice! But the strength of his heart is stronger and stronger!" In the photo, Jiang Qinqin appeared in the camera with a naked face, a big belly, and bent, stood upside down and other difficult movements in yoga clothes.

   Netizen comment: Take it easy

As an elderly mother to be of the second child, Jiang Qinqin's handstand movement frightened many netizens. Many fans said that the baby in his belly was sweating: "It's easy for pregnant women to fight!"

Tang En_tangen: Be careful. Such a big belly!

Yoyo_yoyo_1: Pay attention to safety, or practice after birth.

Qinsheng Jiujiu: My goddess, you'd better take it easy! After all, such a big belly

   Yoga handstand is not that simple

The inverted three-dimensional pose requires the coordination of the whole body, which is not as simple as imagined. Although some yoga masters on the Internet can also do handstands after pregnancy, they are very advanced practitioners. For many ordinary people, even if they do all kinds of inverted three-dimensional poses before pregnancy, their weight will change after pregnancy, and there is still a risk of injury. In addition, the bulge of the expectant mother's abdomen will also shrink her chest, and the handstand will further compress her chest.

In addition to all kinds of head handstands, elbow handstands, hand handstands, downward dog poses and other inverted postures, expectant mothers should also try to avoid them.


Nowadays, more and more expectant mothers pay attention to sports during pregnancy and will choose to do pregnancy yoga. It is worth noting that pregnancy yoga is not suitable for everyone and should be carried out under professional guidance. And do not simply imitate the star's difficult movements, which is easy to cause soft tissue damage. If it hurts the fetus, it will be even more rewarding.


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