Hypoglycemic coma encephalopathy, man eaters should be alert

Hypoglycemic coma encephalopathy, man eaters should be alert
16:19, May 10, 2021 Information Times

Everyone loves beauty. Recently, Lin Ling (not her real name), a 35 year old woman, did not diet scientifically in order to lose weight. During this period, she also took "online celebrity" diet pills, and had the habit of drinking alcohol. The combination of various factors led to hypoglycemic coma encephalopathy in her sleep, epilepsy, and unconsciousness for several days. Fortunately, after being transferred to the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, doctors finally regained consciousness and basic self-care ability through full rescue.

   When I couldn't wake up, I suddenly got epilepsy after being sent to the hospital

At 12:00 p.m. on September 28, Lin Ling chatted with her WeChat friends as usual, drank her "favorite" foreign wine, and then fell asleep. When her husband came home, he saw that she was asleep and did not try to wake her up. Until 5:00 in the morning, he found that Lin Ling could not wake up in any way, so he sent her to the local hospital in an emergency. The examination found that Lin Ling's blood sugar was only 1.8 mmol/L at that time, which was a serious hypoglycemia; More seriously, she had an epileptic seizure at about 7:30, with her eyes turned up, her mouth foaming, her knees bent and elbows bent, and her convulsions were not relieved until an hour later.

Although the symptoms of epilepsy gradually subsided, Lin Ling was still in a coma. After being transferred to Shunde Hospital of Southern Medical University for corresponding treatment, her vital signs gradually stabilized. On September 29, Huang Li'an, the director of the Department of Neurology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, was invited to a consultation. After carefully asking the family members' medical history, checking the patient's condition and reviewing relevant tests and auxiliary examinations, he gave a diagnosis - hypoglycemic coma encephalopathy, secondary epilepsy, and suggested transferring to the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University for further treatment. On September 30, Lin Ling was transferred to the ICU of the hospital. The EEG showed that the basic rhythm disappeared with a large number of sharp waves, which meant that Lin Ling had been in a state of unconsciousness and continuous abnormal discharge of epilepsy, and her condition was once not optimistic.

   Neglect of hypoglycemic reaction after drinking is the inducement

Why does hypoglycemia occur, or even "never wake up"? It turned out that Lin Ling started dieting six months ago, instead of eating rice, she only ate a little vegetables and meat. Three months ago, she bought and took a variety of weight loss drugs through WeChat. During this period, she experienced several symptoms such as panic and shaking hands, but did not stop taking the drugs. "Because of her long-term diet, Lin Ling suffered from hypoglycemia. Panic and trembling are all symptoms." Jing Zhen, the chief physician of the neurology department of the hospital, said that although the weight loss drugs she took could not identify the types and components, they were nothing more than inhibiting appetite, promoting excretion, and promoting the development of hypoglycemia.

When hypoglycemia symptoms occur, in fact, only timely supplement of blood sugar can alleviate them. The important "killer" that caused Lin Ling's "sleeplessness" was alcohol. It turns out that Lin Ling drinks two or three nights a week. "Alcohol will accelerate the development of hypoglycemia. After drinking and sleeping, it will lose the time to deal with hypoglycemia in a timely manner." Huang Li'an said that hypoglycemic coma encephalopathy is very dangerous. If it is not dealt with in a timely manner, it will cause irreversible damage to brain cells. Epilepsy is also caused by this. Lin Ling was found asleep for 5 hours before being sent to the hospital. Her condition is very serious.

   Gradually recover self-care ability after treatment

In the ICU of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, although Lin Ling did not suffer from epilepsy again, she was still in a coma and her EEG could not see normal rhythmic waves. "To tell you the truth, I also began to be a little pessimistic, worried that she would become a vegetable." Huang Li'an told reporters that fortunately, Lin Ling gradually regained her sanity two days later. Although her consciousness was only the level of a 1-year-old child, the medical team saw the dawn.

On October 3, Lin Ling was transferred to the eastern ward of the Department of Neurology for further treatment. One week later, her consciousness gradually recovered, and she gradually recovered her basic self-care ability during treatment. Now, Lin Ling has been discharged from hospital and is undergoing rehabilitation treatment. "Because the patient is still young, the brain function can partially compensate, which is one of the reasons why she can finally recover." Huang Li'an said that he is confident that Lin Ling's work life will eventually return to a normal level.

Jingzhen's attending physician reminded that the symptoms of hypoglycemia are generally dizziness, palpitations, pale face, sweating, and general fatigue. During weight loss, excessive dieting and exercise can lead to hypoglycemia. At the same time, alcohol will accelerate the hypoglycemic reaction, and alcohol should be avoided during weight loss.

Information Times (reporter Liao Wenbo, correspondent Zhang Cancheng)

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