Pay attention to the epidemic prevention of young children! Temporary hand hygiene cannot substitute for careful hand washing

Pay attention to the epidemic prevention of young children! Temporary hand hygiene cannot substitute for careful hand washing
15:39, August 4, 2021 Xinhua

Under the normal epidemic prevention and control, children under 1 year old are prone to dyspnea when wearing masks due to incomplete development. How to achieve effective protection? Wang Quan, director of the emergency department of Beijing Children's Hospital, said that the protection of young children is mainly achieved through the guardian's self-protection. What needs special attention is that temporary hand hygiene cannot replace careful hand washing.

Wang Quan suggested that before playing with children or preparing to hold children, guardians should carefully wash them under flowing water with soap or hand sanitizer, and the time for hand washing should not be less than 20 seconds. During outdoor activities, the guardian can carry alcohol free hand sanitizer for temporary hand hygiene. However, "this kind of temporary hand hygiene cannot substitute for serious hand washing. After returning home, you should wash your hands again carefully with soap under flowing water." Wang Quan emphasized in the press conference of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council.

If the guardian is ill, especially in case of fever, cough or sneezing, he/she must take the initiative to wear a mask, seek medical advice in time and isolate the child. During this period, the guardian should not kiss the child, cough, sneeze and exhale against the child, and should cover the mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow correctly to avoid contaminating the child.

In daily life, Wang Quan suggested that guardians should continue to develop good eating habits, including not tasting or blowing children's food, not helping children chew food, and not sharing tableware with children; Children's tableware, toys and other items should be regularly disinfected and cleaned; Do not take young children to dinner, parties, or huddle together. Take children to play in an open space with few people, and keep a safe social distance. The room should also be ventilated regularly; Eat reasonably on the basis of ensuring children's nutrition supply. In addition, Wang Tsuen specially reminded that young children must be vaccinated on time.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 16, by wire (reporter Wang Linlin)

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