How to do with baby constipation? 3 small tricks can alleviate

How to do with baby constipation? 3 small tricks can alleviate
00:44, November 12, 2018 39 Health Network

In life, many babies will get burned after eating milk powder. Problems such as red rash on the face, hot blisters on the mouth, constipation and so on are more common, and this is very annoying for mothers after getting burned. What are the baby's tricks for severe constipation? How to alleviate baby constipation? Let's take a closer look!

   What are the baby's tricks for severe constipation?

(1) Drink some honeysuckle dew

Honeysuckle is a kind of herb that is often seen and used in drugstores. It has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. On the topic of tips for babies with severe constipation, it is suggested to buy some honeysuckle dew from the drugstore for babies to drink. The honeysuckle dew tastes sweet and mellow, and it is also safer than drugs. More importantly, honeysuckle dew has a significant effect on the treatment of babies with fever, constipation and other problems.

(2) Gentle abdominal massage

When it comes to the topic of small tricks for baby's severe constipation, in fact, baby's constipation has a lot to do with dry stool, and dry stool will cause pain in the anus when defecating, so the baby will not dare to exert, which will make the problem of constipation more serious over time. In this case, the mother can gently massage the baby's abdomen with her palm to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and blood circulation in the gastrointestinal tract, which is very helpful to promote fecal excretion.

(3) Edible probiotics

Probiotics are very good for the baby's gastrointestinal tract. Proper use of probiotics can promote the growth of the baby's intestinal flora, protect the intestinal mucosa, keep the baby's intestinal tract in a healthy state, and thus promote the absorption and digestion of nutrients. Therefore, after the baby has become inflamed and constipation, you can feed the baby some probiotics.

The above is the introduction of the relevant content of the baby's serious constipation tips. In fact, different mothers have different ways to deal with the baby's constipation, but no matter what method they choose, they must ensure the baby's safety.

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