What is the healthiest water for baby?

For babies within 6 months who have not added complementary food, whether breast-feeding, milk powder feeding or mixed feeding, there is no need to feed water to the baby.

Babies who are exclusively breastfed within 6 months do not need additional water, because 90% of breast milk is water in terms of composition; Second, before the baby added complementary food, the body had little need for additional supplementary water; The third reason is that babies from 0-6 months old are in a rapid growth period. At this time, the baby's stomach capacity is limited after all, and feeding water will affect the amount of milk.

Only when you are sick, you can drink water in some cases, such as diarrhea, fever, excessive sweating and dehydration, and you need to supplement water in time.

   Replenishing water does not mean drinking water

No matter what age, adequate water intake is a guarantee of health, but for infants, supplementing water does not mean drinking water. Breast milk and formula milk contain a lot of water, so it is not necessary to calculate the amount of water to drink. For infants under 1 year old, parents can judge whether the baby is water deficient by observing the following phenomena:

Diapers: less than 6 wet diapers in 24 hours, no urination in 6 hours;

Urine: the urine volume is small and always dark yellow (it may also be internal heat, and it needs to increase the amount of water)

Mouth: lips are dry and lose their natural viscosity;

Skin: may lack elasticity. Dehydration also has some more common symptoms, including abdominal discomfort, fever or mouth pain, gum or throat pain.

Generally, don't worry too much. I believe that the baby's own system will help him grow up healthily.

   What to do if the baby doesn't like drinking water

Babies don't like drinking water, so mothers can try to feed their babies water in another way, such as using cartoon shaped spoons and bowls to feed their babies water, which may attract them to try the taste of plain water. If the baby really does not accept the taste of plain water, then the mother can boil some mung bean soup, rice soup, etc. to feed the baby, and can also add water to the baby. In addition, when your baby is 6 months old, you can change it into a special cup.

   What is the healthiest water for baby

The first choice must be warm boiled water after boiling to cool. Because pure boiled water is the most thirst quencher, it is easiest to penetrate the cell membrane after entering the body, promote metabolism, regulate body temperature, deliver nutrients, and clean up the "garbage" inside the body. Scientific research has found that the naturally cooled cold boiled water after boiling can increase the hemoglobin content in the blood, enhance the immune function of the body, and improve the disease resistance of the human body. Purified water has been purified for many times, but at the same time, it also removes essential minerals from the human body. In this way, the baby cannot get some essential minerals from the human body when drinking water like drinking tap water. Drinking such water for a long time is not good for the baby's health. Due to the incomplete development of infants' kidneys and other organs, the filtration of glomeruli, the concentration, re absorption and excretion of renal tubules are poor, so more water is needed to discharge waste. Excessive trace elements in mineral water will increase the burden on infants' kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, mineral water is not suitable for babies.

   Can I use juice instead of water

It is not recommended to drink juice within 1 year old. If you often drink pure fruit juice, prepared fruit juice, fruit flavored soda and other drinks, it will stimulate the gastric mucosa, dilute gastric juice, and affect the digestion and absorption of food; Beverages containing various additives can also increase the burden of the liver and kidney, reduce the immune function of the baby, and often cause respiratory tract, digestive tract and other system infections. Therefore, drink cannot be used instead of plain water.

Source of this article: Sina blogger Pan Xin Blog

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