Watch out for slow motor development in 8 cases

Watch out for slow motor development in 8 cases
09:04, October 25, 2018 39 Health Network

   What's motor retardation?

The growth and development of the baby is multifaceted, including physique, intelligence, language, psychology, as well as sports. If the baby's sports development is found to be lagging behind that of the normal baby of the same age, it may be that the sports development is delayed.

   What are the effects of the baby's slow motor development?

The baby's slow motor development will affect the baby's next development. For example, when the baby learns to sit, the baby's waist strength increases and the balance ability improves, he will be able to learn to crawl. If the baby cannot sit alone when he is 7 months old, he will not have enough strength to learn to crawl, which will affect the baby's learning to walk. Pediatric experts point out that if the baby's motor retardation is not timely intervened and treated, it may affect the intellectual development in serious cases.

   How to judge whether the baby has motor retardation?

How can parents judge whether the baby is motor retardation? Experts pointed out that parents should pay attention when the baby has the following conditions, and it is best to take the baby to the hospital for consultation.

1. When the baby is two months old, he will not look at his mother and smile;

2. At 3 months, the baby will not sound, and cannot stably raise his head to 45 °;

3. At 3 months, parents had difficulty dressing their baby. Parents feel that the baby's hands and feet are very powerful, and it is difficult to move the baby's hands and feet;

4. At 4 months, his hands were still clenched;

5. At 5 months, the baby will not turn over and put things in his mouth with his hands;

6. At 8 months, the baby will not sit upright independently;

7. At 9 months, the baby will not crawl;

8. At 15 months, the baby will not walk alone.

   How should the baby do with slow motor development?

After being evaluated by rehabilitation doctors in the Children's Rehabilitation Center, children with motor retardation begin individualized rehabilitation training after formulating rehabilitation training plans. Major sports training, children's massage, language cognition training, sensory integration training, etc., supplemented by some drugs to promote growth and development, generally 2 months a course of treatment, 2-3 courses of treatment.

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