Can baby take a bath after vaccination?

Can baby take a bath after vaccination?
06:30, October 24, 2018 Surging news

Don't take a bath on the day after the baby is vaccinated to avoid colds and infections. Such reminders can be found everywhere on the Internet. The inappropriate time for bathing ranges from 24 hours to 48 hours, or even 72 hours. Such reminders made Baoma feel puzzled. If you don't take a bath that day, you will tolerate it. How can you do without taking a bath for 72 hours, that is, 3 days?

Can baby take a bath after vaccination? Opinions vary on the Internet. Supporters said that the vaccination leaflet also said that it was not suitable to take a bath after vaccination. How could it be false? Sceptics believe that if it is really inappropriate to take a bath after vaccination, there should be an exact interval, which can range from one day to three days? Others complained that a family war was almost caused by the small matter of whether they could take a bath.

Most of the time, parents' doubts are just a kind of mentality of "believing what they have". A staff member of vaccination told the reporter that many parents would ask if they could take a bath after vaccination. If you answer, "The baby is not uncomfortable and can wash at night". On the contrary, parents will be confused and ask, "Doctor, you are not mistaken. Other places say that they can wash in 24 hours".

For such a situation, doctors are also very helpless. Gao Jie, director of the Shanghai Children's Hospital's Infection Control Office, said that after vaccination, it is only an empirical recommendation and has no scientific basis. There is no such statement in any vaccine instructions or authoritative vaccine guidelines.

In fact, whether to take a bath or not is a personal habit, but alarmism is unnecessary.

"My daughter takes a bath as usual after vaccination." Director Gao Jie said frankly that there are many rumors on the Internet. The most common one is that after the baby is vaccinated, she is easy to catch cold in the bath, and after the vaccination, she has pinpricks, so bathing is easy to cause wound infection. It sounds reasonable at first, but it doesn't hold water when you study it carefully.

First, avoid catching cold.

What mother would give her baby a cold bath? Or do you want to get wet after taking a bath? Under normal circumstances, the water temperature of the baby's bath will be well controlled. If it is cold, the heater will be turned on. After washing, the baby will naturally dry and wear clothes. Cold can be avoided. More importantly, there is no necessary connection between catching cold and catching cold.

Some babies may indeed have some uncomfortable conditions after vaccination. For example, many people think that fever, headache, muscle pain, etc. are caused by bathing and catching cold after vaccination, but they are not. These conditions can occur even without bathing. This is not a cold, but a normal reaction after vaccination. It usually goes away in a day or two.

Director Gao Jie reminded that if the baby has severe adverse reactions such as persistent high fever and poor breathing after vaccination, he needs to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Let's talk about wound infection.

Director Gao Jie said that the trauma of vaccination was actually smaller than that of ordinary injection and blood drawing. The needle for infant vaccination is very thin. The needle generally only enters the muscle or subcutaneous tissue, and does not pierce the blood vessels. The eye of the needle will soon be "sealed" by the surrounding tissues and body fluids, and will grow well after a while. Don't worry about the water flowing from the eye of the needle, which will cause infection.

It is also mentioned on the Internet that if the bath water is not clean, it will also cause infection. You should know that domestic water is sterilized and heated when bathing, and it is unlikely that the so-called "unclean" situation will occur. If it can be infected, it will be infected if the gum bleeds when brushing teeth and the wound is washed with clean water after scratches.

In short, after vaccination, as long as the baby does not have a particularly big discomfort reaction. Parents think that the baby needs to take a bath, or has the habit of taking a bath every day, then wash it, no problem. If the parents who hold the attitude of "preferring to believe what they have" do not wash, they will not wash. There is no need to argue about this.

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