How to make your baby's head "turn desolation into prosperity"

How to make your baby's head "turn desolation into prosperity"
06:30, September 21, 2018 Sina parenting

Some children had a lot of hair at birth, but after a few months, the hair on the pillow gradually wore off and fell off, presenting a "desolate" scene, which made parents anxious. This phenomenon is called "pillow baldness" in medicine. After proper intervention, the hair of a baby with pillow baldness can generally become thick. The baby mentioned above will grow thick and shiny hair two years later.

So what should parents do to make the baby "turn desolation into prosperity"?

   What should parents do when the baby has pillow baldness?

1. Wash your baby's hair frequently

Only by washing your baby's hair regularly and keeping your scalp clean can you promote hair growth. Use baby soap or bath solution when washing hair, and gently massage the scalp with your hands when washing. But don't rub your hair to avoid tangles. Finally, rinse with clean water. Generally speaking, you can wash your hair once a week. If it's hot in the south, you can wash it twice more. You don't need to wash it every day.

2. You should comb your baby's hair frequently

The thinner the baby's hair is, the more frequently he combs it. It is best to use a rubber comb, which is elastic and soft and will not damage the baby's scalp. When you comb your hair, you should let it go. You don't have to open it or comb it into a hairstyle like adults do. Otherwise, the hair will be forced to deviate to one side.

3. Let the baby bask in the sun frequently

Adequate and comprehensive nutrition, fresh air and proper sunlight are indispensable for the healthy growth of the baby, and also very important for the growth of hair. Therefore, we should promote breastfeeding and add complementary foods in time. Let your baby bask in the sun frequently, especially in winter. But do not bask in the sun through the glass, because the ultraviolet rays in the sun cannot pass through the glass.

It should be pointed out that the above measures are not only essential for babies with pillow baldness, but also important for babies with thick hair.

4. Provide the baby with proper breast milk

Mom should continue to pay attention to nutrition during lactation, and eat more food rich in protein and vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C. These nutrients can enter the baby's body through milk. After the baby absorbs these nutrients, the hair will grow better.

5. Timely seek medical advice when accompanied by adverse symptoms

If the baby suffers from pillow baldness, accompanied by crying, irritability, sweating and other symptoms, it may be a sign of rickets caused by calcium deficiency and vitamin D deficiency in the body. In case of these conditions, seek medical advice in time.

   What mistakes should parents avoid when a baby suffers from pillow baldness?

1. Dare not wash the baby's hair

Some parents dare not wash their babies' hair when they see that their babies' hair is sparse. They are afraid that washing their hair will make their hair even thinner. In fact, hair is also in metabolism: some grow, some fall off. Hair that falls off in the process of shampooing is aging, so don't worry about it. If you don't wash your hair for a long time, oil, sweat and other secretions will stimulate your hair, causing itching and secondary infection on the scalp, which will lead to more hair loss.

2. Blind use of "hair generating" drugs

It is neither proper nor necessary to apply drugs such as Shengfaling and Shengfaling blindly on the baby's scalp. Because this kind of medicine is used to treat adult baldness, baby hair scarcity does not belong to baldness. In addition, these drugs are not applicable to the delicate skin of newborns.

3. Shave baby's head+rub ginger

Some parents shave their children's hair and rub ginger on their baby's scalp to increase blood circulation around the hair follicle and promote hair growth. Facts have proved that this method may not be effective.

This article is from Sina blogger Beijing Mary Maternity and Infant Hospital Blog

baby Hair scalp

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