Why does the baby drool?

Because the baby's mouth is still shallow and the swallowing function is weak, the 3-month-old baby can't swallow too much saliva very well, so the saliva is easy to flow out. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, and no treatment is needed. Baby drooling also has certain benefits, such as good oral cleaning, promoting the development of baby taste buds, etc., but if the nursing is improper, it is also easy to cause serious harm such as saliva rash.

   How to properly care for baby drooling?

1. Dip dry in time

At ordinary times, parents should use a clean and soft cotton saliva towel to dry the saliva around the baby's mouth in a timely manner. Parents must pay attention to the strength, and must not rub vigorously. Avoid saliva rash. Do not use wet wipes or other paper towels with disinfection ingredients at ordinary times, so as not to cause skin damage to the baby.

  2. Clean in time

Always use clean water to clean the place where the baby's mouth flows, such as the mouth, neck and chest. After each cleaning, apply baby specific moisturizer or grease to protect the baby's skin barrier.

   3. Timely air drying

Every time the baby drools, he will wet his clothes, pillows, bedding, etc. Therefore, the baby's clothes should be changed frequently to prevent the breeding and spread of bacteria. Pillow towels, pillows, bedding, etc. should also be washed and dried frequently, and they should be exposed to the sun for sterilization.

With the growth of the baby's month age, the increase of the width and depth of the mouth, and the enhancement of the swallowing ability, the baby will swallow the excess saliva, and the drooling phenomenon will gradually reduce.

In addition, after 6 months, the baby will slowly start teething, which will also cause drooling. This is because when the tooth penetrates from the alveolar bone, it will pierce the gums and the surrounding nerve tissue, and there will be obvious pain. The salivary glands will secrete more saliva to alleviate the discomfort of teething. Parents need not worry. It's normal. At ordinary times, parents can choose some molars, gums, etc. for the baby to chew more, so as to avoid the baby's drooling phenomenon, and also can well alleviate the baby's toothache.

Eliminate physiological drooling, and the baby will slowly heal itself. There are also some pathological factors: when a child suffers from some oral diseases, such as stomatitis, tongue ulcer and pharyngitis, the mouth and pharynx are very painful, and even the saliva is unbearable. The saliva cannot be swallowed normally and continues to flow out. At this time, the saliva is often yellow or pink, with a foul smell. When parents find this situation, they should take the child to the hospital for inspection and treatment.

Source of this article: Sina blogger Pan Xin Blog

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