The baby's sleeping position within three months may affect the baby's face

The baby's sleeping position within three months may affect the baby's face
08:04, August 23, 2018 Sina parenting

As parents, we all hope that our children can be beautiful, whether boys or girls, but this beauty is based on the child's head shape. Generally, as long as the head shape is good, then the appearance will not be worse. Recently, a treasure mother in the group asked: "My child's head sleep seems to be a bit biased, always feel that both sides are asymmetrical", In fact, there are many Baoma's troubles similar to this one. Since the birth of the child, Min Min has paid special attention to the head shape of the child. When she was a child, her parents had a flat head shape. The back of her head always looks very flat, and the ponytail is not beautiful. So Min Min pays special attention to her children. She has also thought of many ways for the head shape of the child, For example, when using a stereotypical pillow, I heard that the stereotypical pillow would affect the child's head shape, so I didn't need a pillow to sleep. Later, the child's head shape didn't change much, and the back of the head was particularly beautiful. Min Min was also very satisfied with this. In fact, all Baoma are concerned about the baby's head shape. As long as the head shape is good, it can add a lot of points to the appearance. But now there are still many babies with flat and lopsided heads. The reason for this is due to the baby's sleeping posture, especially the baby three months ago. At this time, the baby's skull is relatively soft. If it is deformed by external force, It will affect the baby's life. If you don't want to make the baby's head look more and more ugly, you must avoid the following three sleeping positions within three months.

1. Long term supine

People of the older generation always think that if the baby's head is flat, it is beautiful. But now the times have changed and flat head has been rejected. If the elderly often let the child sleep on his back, the temples on both sides of the child's head will protrude, the child's face will be enlarged, and the obvious flat can be seen from the side. When the time comes, Children will inevitably blame their parents when they grow up.

2. Sleeping with arms pillowed

In general, many experts have repeatedly stressed not to use pillows for babies within three months, because the baby's skull is soft and the spine is straight at this stage. If you use pillows, it will affect the baby's spine, making the baby's spine curve. Similarly, some parents who love their children too much will let their children sleep with their arms. In fact, this is wrong, The arm will exert pressure on the baby's skull, resulting in bulging forehead, so parents must pay attention to this aspect.

3. Always sleep on one side

Some babies always like to sleep on their side, which not only makes them comfortable, but also makes them easy to form the habit of sleeping on their side. But in fact, this sleeping posture is wrong. If they sleep on one side for a long time, the baby's facial muscles will be compressed, forming the so-called yaw. Because the baby's bones are not fully developed, some will seriously affect the baby's hearing, If parents find that the baby has this habit, they must pay more attention to help him adjust his sleeping position. Only when he is stressed evenly can he have a head shape that still looks good.

In fact, the baby's head shape is not only about the baby's head shape after growing up, but also about the baby's face value. So in order to make the baby have a good head shape, parents should pay more attention to it. Don't wait until the baby grows up to complain about you.

Source of this article: Sina blogger Pan Xin Blog

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