Duan Tao: Breastfeeding is not as simple as "filling the stomach"

Duan Tao: Breastfeeding is not as simple as "filling the stomach"
10:07, August 13, 2018 Xinhua

Xinhua Beijing, August 8 (Yuan Xinchen) The first week of August every year is World Breastfeeding Week. This year's theme is "Breastfeeding, the source of life". Recently, Professor Duan Tao, a well-known expert in obstetrics and gynecology and the former president of Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Health Hospital, said in an interview with Xinhuanet that the importance of breastfeeding cannot be overemphasized. At present, the public generally has a misunderstanding of breastfeeding, which is an important reason for the low rate of exclusive breastfeeding of infants aged 0-6 months.

 Professor Duan Tao, a well-known expert in obstetrics and gynecology and the former president of Shanghai First Maternal and Infant Health Hospital, was interviewed by Xinhuanet Professor Duan Tao, a well-known expert in obstetrics and gynecology and the former president of Shanghai First Maternal and Infant Health Hospital, was interviewed by Xinhuanet

   Breastfeeding is not as simple as "filling the stomach"

The Program for the Development of Children in China (2011-2020) proposes that by 2020, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding of infants aged 0-6 months in China will reach more than 50%. Duan Tao said that at present, China is still far from achieving the above goals.

What are the reasons for the low rate of exclusive breastfeeding in China? He believes that, on the one hand, it is a cognitive problem. The public may think that breastfeeding is not so important, and they have insufficient awareness of its benefits. Second, many women have indeed encountered many difficulties in the early stage of breast-feeding, such as insufficient output. Third, many professional women want to return to work four months after delivery, and it is difficult to adhere to exclusive breastfeeding for six months. Fourth, some babies have insufficient sucking ability, or their mothers are unwell. All kinds of reasons have led to the low rate of exclusive breastfeeding. "But the most important reason is the lack of social awareness of breastfeeding, as well as the lack of effective solutions and supporting measures for the problem of breastfeeding," said Duan Tao.

The theme of this year's World Breastfeeding Week is "Breastfeeding, the Source of Life". What is the significance of persisting in breastfeeding? "The importance and necessity of exclusive breastfeeding cannot be overemphasized. In the first six months of life, a baby usually only eats exclusive breast milk, without adding anything, which is enough to meet his daily nutrition needs. In addition to providing nutrition for the baby, breastfeeding also helps to strengthen the baby's immunity. All the immunity of infants aged 0-6 months comes from their mothers and breast milk. In addition, breast-feeding is not just a simple process of "having a meal when you are hungry". It is actually a very good process of interaction and communication between mother and child, and cultivating feelings. The research shows that the cognitive ability and emotional communication ability of exclusively breastfed children are better than those of non exclusively breastfed children when they grow up. " Duan Tao said that adhering to exclusive breastfeeding is also good for new mothers, such as promoting postpartum weight loss, reducing the incidence of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, endometrial cancer and other malignant tumors in the female reproductive system.

   Triple preparation for breast feeding from late pregnancy

It is said that breastfeeding is good. Many expectant mothers make up their minds during pregnancy, no matter how hard they work after childbirth, they also need to breastfeed. However, it is easier said than done. Many novice mothers find themselves facing many challenges after breast-feeding, so some choose to give up. In this regard, Duan Tao said that expectant mothers who are ready for exclusive breastfeeding must be prepared in three aspects: knowledge, psychology and physiology in the third trimester.

"Don't wait until the baby is born to learn how to breastfeed. It's already too late. Because for many novice mothers, breastfeeding in the first three days after birth is actually a very big challenge, and may face many problems, such as insufficient breast milk. If there is no corresponding knowledge reserve in advance, it is likely to be at a loss and give up. In fact, after the first three days after delivery, the breast-feeding process will be very smooth. " Duan Tao said that many people believe that breastfeeding is natural. When the baby is born, the mother will naturally breastfeed. In fact, this is not the case. New mothers may encounter various difficulties in the early postpartum period, so they need to have corresponding knowledge and psychological preparation to meet challenges.

In pregnancy and early postpartum period, almost all the nutrients needed for the growth and development of the baby come from the mother. Therefore, it is also very important to reserve nutrients for breast feeding during pregnancy. "The more nutrition reserves, the better. We should adhere to the principle of 'moderate, balanced and diversified'. It is recommended to follow this principle throughout pregnancy and lactation." Duan Tao said that during pregnancy and lactation, women need to take in more energy, macro nutrients, vitamins and minerals, such as calcium The development of blood circulation system needs iron, and vision development needs vitamin A, etc. These nutrients almost all come from the mother. It is suggested that nursing mothers who cannot insist on a balanced diet should supplement some nutritional supplements in appropriate amount.

   Avoid Various Misunderstandings and Don't Make Breastfeeding "Easy to Know but Hard to Do"

As an expert in obstetrics and gynecology, Duan Tao attaches great importance to health science popularization and insists on writing and publishing two obstetric related science popularization articles on his personal WeChat public account every week. In his opinion, the public has many misconceptions about breast feeding, including that breast milk is not so magical and good, that milk, formula and other breast milk substitutes can completely replace breast milk, and that they are not prepared for the difficulties of breast feeding.

"Some people say that my breast milk is not enough. Isn't it a protein supplement to let my children drink milk and milk powder? This is totally different. I hope novice mothers will first try pure breast feeding. If they have tried many methods under the guidance of professionals and still can't adhere to them, then it is also possible to add some formula properly under the guidance of medical personnel." Duan Tao also reminded that there are certain risks in the society of "lactating masters" and "milk openers". "Babies are the best 'starter'. The best 'starter' method is to let babies touch early, suck early and suck more in a few days after delivery. There are some so-called artificial 'starter' methods in society. If the massage technique is improper, it will damage the breast tissue, lead to gland blockage, milk stasis, and cause more serious inflammation."

If you encounter difficulties in adhering to exclusive breastfeeding, where should you seek help? Duan Tao said that in addition to domestic gynecological and obstetric medical staff, novice mothers can also seek advice and guidance from a lactation consultant (IBCLC) certified by the International Breast Milk Association. If you happen to be pregnant again during lactation, should you continue breastfeeding? How to breastfeed twins and triplets IBCLC can provide clinical guidance and support in knowledge, ability and emotion.

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