What's wrong with the baby who is mixed feeding suddenly not eating milk powder? What should I do?

What's wrong with the baby who is mixed feeding suddenly not eating milk powder? What should I do?
07:39, July 30, 2018 39 Health Network

For mothers with insufficient milk, in order to make their babies "eat and drink enough", they usually use mixed feeding method. They thought that this could ensure the nutrition of their babies. They never expected that many babies would suddenly refuse to eat milk powder, so they were very worried. What's wrong with the baby who is fed in combination suddenly not eating milk powder? What should I do if my baby doesn't eat milk powder suddenly? Let's take a closer look!

   What's wrong with the baby who is mixed feeding suddenly not eating milk powder?

For the baby who was willing to eat milk powder before, but suddenly refused to eat milk powder, it may be because your baby is "tired". This kind of tiredness is not what we adults call physical tiredness, but refers to the gradual development of the liver and kidney functions of the baby who is more than three months old. At this time, the baby can also absorb protein well. In order to better help digest the baby's entire liver and kidney, almost all of them have to take action. Therefore, the baby's feeding ability will suddenly increase and appetite will become very large.

It is precisely because of this that the liver and kidney work harder, leading to fatigue and the need for a good "rest", which may make the baby suddenly stop eating milk powder.

   What should we do if the baby who is mixed fed suddenly doesn't eat milk powder?

For this non disease anorexia caused by not eating milk powder, the baby is slowly relaxing and relieving the fatigue of the liver and kidney, even if not eating milk powder for the time being, the baby will not be hungry. Therefore, mothers can properly increase the amount of water they feed, or try to add fresh juice to the water. About a week, the baby's liver, kidney, digestive system, etc. have a good rest, At this time, the "breast-feeding period" will naturally end, so the baby will naturally continue to eat milk powder.

The above is the introduction of the relevant content about the baby who suddenly refuses to eat milk powder. If the baby suddenly refuses to eat milk powder, the mothers do not need to force the baby to drink milk, which will make the baby afraid of eating milk powder. Generally speaking, as long as the baby's height and weight are normal growth and development, only patient care can be needed.

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