Carry out sensory training for children and develop their intelligence skills

Carry out sensory training for children and develop their intelligence skills
07:36, July 12, 2018 Hualong

People gain experience through the contact of various sensory organs with things, and wisdom comes from experience. Therefore, our sensory training for children is an important means to help them better obtain life and work experience and have more wisdom.

   0-3 months old

It is a period of rapid development of vision. Children can focus on objects 20 cm away. You can make a 10 cm square primary color card, and move slowly in his focus to guide the development of vision.

   3-6 months old

Your child's vision and hearing are basically developed. You can guide your child to observe the surrounding things, and use the automatic sound seeking ability to enhance the coordination between eyes and ears; Providing chewable toys not only develops the sense of touch of the hand, but also strengthens the exploration ability of the mouth and tongue.

   6-12 months

It is a sensitive period to understand the differences in details of things. You should train children to pay attention to the differences in details of things. Toys with different attributes such as size, color, sound, soft and hard, cold and hot, and appearance characteristics can be provided to develop their sense abilities such as vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

   12-36 months old

It is a period of interest in exploring things and a period of precise practice of the five sensory abilities. You can provide children with refined sensory exercises from simple to complex, such as making series of color cards to distinguish color differences; Use a small jar to make a sound cylinder, which is filled with rice, mung beans, and stone particles to identify the sound; Use flannelette, paper and wood chips to distinguish the sense of touch; Use sugar water, clear water and salt water to train taste.

   Tips for developing baby's intelligence

1. Maybe, at first, you just get a blank look from your baby, but don't give up, and you should pause slightly where you want to get his response, leaving the baby some time. Soon, the child will be able to master the rhythm of the conversation, and fill the gaps you left him with friendly "Eeya".

2. Let your baby look at himself in the mirror. At first, he may think that he is another lovely partner, and then he will find that he can make that partner wave and smile. All babies will like this game.

3. Scratch his little feet, he will be very happy, and laughter is the first step to develop a sense of humor.

4. Take your baby out for a walk, push him with a small car, or hold him comfortably in your arms, and describe everything you see to him all the way. "A little dog has come", "Look, the tree has grown up again", "Do you hear the sound of the car?" Do you know that this can help your baby develop his language and vocabulary.

5. Before turning on the light, you say "I want to turn on the light", and then press the switch. Such a small action can teach the baby the concept of causality.

6. Use your mouth to gently blow on your baby's face and arms, and your baby will like this little irritation to the skin.

7. You hide, and then you appear again. Your funny expression makes the child laugh all the time. In the laughter, the baby slowly understands how an object disappears and reappears.

8. There are always a few minutes every day to sit on the floor with your baby, without music, bright lights, games and toys. Give your child enough space to explore and see where he can take you.

Reminder: Touching the baby is beneficial to intellectual development

From 7, 8 months to 2 years old, infants and young children show an obvious attachment to their mother or the closest person, from which they have a sense of attachment security.

The greatest significance of establishing attachment security is to form a good background in infants' minds, and infants will further develop their ability to understand people and things around them based on it.

Babies with a good sense of attachment security are not afraid of strangers and try to get close to strangers who are close to them. They also prefer to explore the surrounding environment, and are not afraid to walk away from their mothers. They tend to attract new things that attract them, and their intellectual level will improve rapidly.

The father's caress also has a positive effect on the baby's future behavior, attitude and intellectual development. Some people have done tests. Children who are caressed more by their fathers often show curiosity and exploration spirit to new things or new environments. Children who often contact their fathers are often better at understanding.

The father's help to children's cognitive development is generally played through games. Therefore, the children of fathers who are particularly good at "hide and seek", "ball throwing", "jumping" and other games are often more knowledgeable. In addition, those children who have received kindness, appreciation and repeated guidance from their fathers have higher scores in intelligence and vocabulary tests, and are more independent.

The touch of father, mother and other relatives on children is of positive significance to the health and intellectual development of children. Scientists have done a research and found that the feeling of touch is closely related to the process of learning.

An experiment was conducted on a group of children to cover their eyes and identify which finger was touched. It was found that the children who could most correctly distinguish the fingertips they touched were all students with better grades when they grew up. The internal mechanism of the relationship between finger recognition ability and learning ability is not clear. Some people believe that finger recognition ability may be the intelligence that children must develop before they are ready to read.

When a baby falls down and hurts, or his little hand gets hurt, he will stretch out his finger to ask his mother to kiss him, or let her touch the hurt part. The miraculous therapeutic effect will be produced immediately, and the child will no longer feel so painful.

This is not only a mother's life experience, but also a child's habit. Thus, it can at least be explained that the mother's caress has comforted the child and optimized the child's mood, and good mood is the basic condition for the smooth development of the child's intelligence.

Although it is difficult for scientists to prove that touch can help cure diseases, one thing is certain that touch can help calm children's anxiety and anxiety and help their health.

Three Misunderstandings Should Be Avoided in Early Education of Infant Intelligence

1. Simply understand early education as "the cultivation of children's intelligence"

The professor stressed that this idea is one-sided. Early education should focus on the comprehensive development of children, which can be simply summarized as "healthy, intelligent and good personality", rather than some parents' understanding that only for the sake of good intellectual development, everyone praises the children's intelligence, and not attending the early education class meeting will make the children inferior.

2. Inadequate assessment of children's learning ability

Some parents think their children are too young to learn and do not give them the opportunity to learn. In fact, children's ability to learn far exceeds that of adults. In children's eyes, there has never been any difference between "difficulty" and "easiness". If they feel curious, they will accept, and if they feel bored, they will refuse.

The development of human brain potential mainly depends on the early stage. The brain development of children is basically completed at the age of 6, and the critical period is from 0 to 3 years old, because this is the period when brain cells develop most rapidly. The development of brain structure and the basic improvement of brain function are before school age, especially before 3 years old. This period is the key period for brain potential storage and early excavation. Now research has proved that children have developed about 50% of learning ability at the age of 4, and will develop another 30% before the age of 8. In just a few years, the brain has constructed the main learning path, absorbed a lot of information, and children have strong learning ability.

3. Premature orientation for the cultivation of children

Now many parents like to apply for training classes everywhere. There is no burden within the range of children's psychological and physical ability, but we should pay attention to the ways and means. The early education we advocate is to let children play in learning and learn by playing. In fact, early education is to guide children to play happily, so that they are willing, not burdened, and not difficult to learn interesting knowledge.

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