Don't stand upright when baby chokes

Babies are prone to choking before the age of 1. Many new parents often hug and lean on their shoulders when their babies choke. In fact, this is dangerous: when the baby chokes on milk, it must not stand upright, or it will let the milk go down into the trachea or lungs.

   When the baby chokes milk, the correct way is:

  1。 Postural drainage. If the degree of choking is light (the baby has cough but no purple complexion), turn the baby's face to one side and pat the baby's back with empty palm. If the baby chokes heavily (with purple complexion), let him lie down on the adult's leg, lean his upper body forward 45-60 degrees, and pat his back four or five times to facilitate the drainage of milk from the trachea.

  2。 Remove the foreign matter in the mouth, wrap your fingers around gauze (handkerchiefs, wet paper towels, etc. can be used in emergencies) and put it into the baby's mouth to remove the milk from it, so as to prevent the milk from being sucked into the trachea again when inhaling.

  3。 Observe the baby's cry and face color. If the baby does not cry and his face color is purple, it indicates that his condition is very dangerous. When calling 120 for help, he should also give the baby a preliminary cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

   In order to avoid baby choking, attention should be paid to:

1. The feeding posture should be "three stickers": the baby's mouth and jaw should be close to the mother's breast, the mother and child's chest should be close to the chest, and the abdomen should be close to the abdomen.

2. Pay attention to the speed and amount of feeding. If the mother has too much milk, you can hold the breast or nipple with your fingers to control the speed of feeding. The time for a baby to take milk at a time should be about 20 minutes, preferably not more than 30 minutes.

3. Babies who drink milk powder should pay attention to the size of the nipple hole, and it is appropriate for milk to drip out when the bottle is upside down.

4. After feeding, gently burp the baby so that the air swallowed by him can be discharged.

Finally, if your baby has repeated choking, you should pay attention to whether there are congenital malformations such as hypoplasia of laryngeal cartilage and cleft palate. You'd better take your baby to the hospital for inspection.

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