Paper diapers are not easy for babies to get diaper rash

Paper diapers are not easy for babies to get diaper rash
10:04, May 23, 2018 Dayang - Guangzhou Daily

Nowadays, many young parents have abandoned the habit of using cotton diapers in the past and prefer to use diapers for babies, which is convenient and worry free. However, Xu Wen, the vice president and chief TCM physician of Guangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, warned that improper use of diapers could induce diaper rash in newborns and infants. How to give your baby diapers reasonably and keep away from diaper rash? Novice parents might as well learn.

   Diaper rash caused by diapers

   Don't panic in this way

"Diaper rash is a common disease of newborns and infants. The main reason is that babies' diapers are not replaced in time or their diapers are not cleaned." Xu Wen said that after a long time of contact with dirty diapers and diapers, babies' skin appears local redness and swelling, sometimes accompanied by erythema or papules. If the treatment is not timely, even erosion and seepage or skin peeling off may cause local skin infection, It brings discomfort and pain and affects the baby's health.

She analyzed that the occurrence and development of diaper rash is closely related to local mixed infection, and the joint action of bacteria and mold is the main cause of aggravating skin lesions. Diaper rash is called "hip redness" in TCM, which belongs to heat syndrome and excess syndrome. If the baby's diet is out of line, it will hurt the spleen and stomach, the spleen will lose its health and function, and the damp heat is inherent. In addition, the baby's skin is delicate, so it is more likely to suffer from rheumatism. However, when a baby has diaper rash, parents should not panic. The following points should be done daily to help the baby get rid of the trouble as soon as possible:

1. Do not use diapers or diapers, try to expose your buttocks, or wear soft pants to keep local dry.

2. After each baby's defecation, gently wipe his buttocks with a warm wet towel, and then put on talcum powder or talcum powder to keep him clean and dry, so as to avoid aggravating local symptoms.

3. The skin lesions can be externally rubbed with zinc oxide ointment. Traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect on children's diaper rash. According to the characteristics of children's difficulty in taking traditional Chinese medicine, external washing of traditional Chinese medicine can be used to strengthen the local heat clearing and detoxification, pungent and cool antipruritic effects, and promote the healing of local skin lesions.

Basic drugs: 6g each for honeysuckle, dandelion, wild chrysanthemum, Prunella vulgaris, Shexiang pubescens, sophora flavescens, Kochia scoparia, Radix stemonae, 3g each for mint and liquorice. Fry 500ml of water to 200ml and wash the buttocks, once a day.

4. Physiotherapy: Expose the buttocks to the infrared light with infrared radiation, twice a day, for several minutes each time. When using infrared ray therapy, pay attention to keeping the distance at about 35cm. During the irradiation process, special personnel should be assigned to watch to avoid burns.

5. The diet of nursing mothers can directly affect the overall condition of children. When suffering from diaper rash, nursing mothers should keep a light diet, avoid high protein diet, eat less seafood, ducks, geese and spicy food, and eat more fruits and vegetables.

   Half a year old, diapers for the night, diapers for the day

   Regular urination and defecation after training for more than 7 months

Xu Wen suggested that children from January to June should consider using paper diapers at night. If someone takes care of them during the day, try to use cotton diapers with strong ventilation and moisture absorption, but the baby should change them when he urinates. When changing diapers or diapers, first wipe the baby's buttocks with a warm and wet towel, and then put on the diapers or diapers after putting on the talcum powder to ensure the local dryness.

When the baby grows to more than 7 months, parents should gradually train him to urinate regularly and give up diapers or diapers as soon as possible.

"In clinical practice, we often see some children wear paper diapers when they are 2 to 3 years old, which is a very bad habit." Xu Wen explained that neither cotton diapers nor paper diapers are conducive to the drying and ventilation of the baby's buttocks skin. When the ambient temperature increases, the diapers or paper diapers are wrapped for a long time, and the moisture and heat are not penetrated in time, which will increase the local temperature, Or local tissues are compressed, which is not conducive to blood circulation. In addition, infants and young children are stimulated by urine and feces, which reduces the local resistance of the skin, and is prone to heat rash and diaper rash.

"When choosing diapers, we should not only pay attention to their appearance and softness, but also pay attention to their quality." Xu Wen reminded parents to pay attention to whether the executive standard, production date, expiration date, etc. of the product are indicated on the package when purchasing diapers. Do not choose products without the name, address and executive standard of the manufacturer.

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