There are many ways to make bean curd suitable for babies. These three kinds of bean curd babies can never get tired of eating

There are many ways to make bean curd suitable for babies. These three kinds of bean curd babies can never get tired of eating
08:02, May 21, 2018 Hualong

When it comes to complementary food suitable for babies, it is of course the most suitable food with soft taste. For example, bananas have a soft taste, which is very suitable for babies without teeth. They can be eaten directly without processing and polishing. Another common food with soft taste is tofu. Tofu is a traditional food with a long history and rich nutrition.

After the baby has added complementary food, it is suitable to eat soft food, and tofu just fits this point. Tofu is rich in protein. Eating tofu can meet the nutrition needed for growth and development, which is beneficial to baby's health. How can babies eat tofu? There are three ways for babies to eat all the time. If you don't believe me, come and have a look!

   Bean curd soup with minced meat

Main ingredients: bean curd, minced meat, watered agaric, watered flower. Accessories: vegetable oil, sesame oil, soy sauce, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, starch, chopped green onion and soup.

   Production method:

1. Cut the tofu into small dice about 1cm square, scald it with boiling water, remove it and cool it with cold water for later use; Wash the watered agaric and day lily and cut them into small pieces.

2. Pour the soup into the pot, add minced meat, yellow flower, agaric, diced tofu, soy sauce, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, boil until the tofu is honeycombed in the middle and floating on the soup surface, sprinkle with water starch, sesame oil, and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

   Milk Tofu

Main ingredients: 1 piece of bean curd, 25g of milk, 10g of carrot and rape leaves respectively. Accessories: 25g peanut oil, a little water starch, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, shredded ginger, and fresh soup.

   Production method:

1. Cut carrots and rape leaves into 1.3cm cubes.

2. Heat the tofu thoroughly in the boiling water pot, remove it and cool it, and cut it into 1.3cm cubes.

3. Heat the wok on the fire, add the bottom oil, heat the bean curd with the oil, and when it turns yellow, add shredded ginger, add milk and fresh soup, add refined salt and monosodium glutamate, boil it, turn the low heat, cover it, and slowly cook it until the milk is mixed. When the milk fragrance overflows, turn the high heat, add diced carrots and rape leaves, push them evenly with a spatula, and then use the water to dilute the water and starch, and put them into the plate.

   Tofu with egg yolk

1 box of bean curd, 4 salted duck eggs, a little oil, a little salt, and some water starch

   Production method:

1. Take out the salted egg yolk, use a spoon to crush the egg yolk to the most broken state.

2. Put the egg yolk into the microwave oven for about 30 seconds and take it out for standby.

3. Cut tofu into small pieces and drain.

4. Put a little oil in the pot, stir fry the egg yolks with warm oil over low heat until there are small bubbles in the pot, and then add a little water to boil.

5. Gently pour in tofu and simmer until the soup thickens slightly.

6. Then add salt and mix well. Add water and amylum powder to thicken and pour in until the juice is collected.

There are many ways to make Baobao Tofu. The three above have their own characteristics. One is with minced meat, the other has a strong milk flavor, and the other is mixed with bean curd and egg yolk, which is full of color, smell and taste. Baobao must love it! There are countless ways to make Baobao tofu. Baoma can cook it for her baby in different ways.

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