Do moms know? Babies can also "talk"!

"Crying" is a special right of every baby from birth, and it is also the only language expression ability of the baby. The baby is crying all the time in infancy. If mothers want to understand the meaning of the baby's crying, they can learn to understand this special language.

   I'm hungry   

Features: from weak to strong, and then from strong to weak, the cry is regular, accompanied by the action of pouting and tilting the head to explore the surrounding, and combined with the action of sucking. At this time, we put our hands under his mouth, and he will naturally suck. This is the performance of being hungry. This is one of the most common causes of crying and one of the best solutions to crying

   Overcooling or overheating    

Features: This kind of baby usually cries loudly, and its limbs will move disorderly. When it is too cold, the face is pale, the body is tight, and the hands and feet are cold. When it is too hot, the face is red, and the whole body will sweat. At this time, we just need to properly help the baby to add clothes or reduce clothes, and stop crying when the baby feels comfortable.


Sometimes when the baby has finished feeding or is sleeping well, he suddenly starts to cry. The cry is small, the length is different, and there are almost no tears. At the same time, his legs kick or move about. It may be that the baby's diaper is very uncomfortable because it is soiled by defecation. After the parents change the diaper, the baby will stop crying.

   I am sleepy     

The cry is paroxysmal, and you howl impatiently, yawn while crying, and rub your nose and eyes with both hands ceaselessly. That is to remind you: "numb, I'm sleepy". At this time, adults should patiently comfort the baby, give the baby a sense of security, or gently and rhythmically shake it in the cradle, and must gently shake it to avoid brain damage. Soon he will stop crying and fall asleep.

   I miss you     

The baby is also lonely and needs the care and love of parents. Usually, the baby's cry is calm and relatively low. When crying, the baby's head keeps twisting from side to side, looking left and right. When he sees his mother, the cry will slowly become smaller and even stop crying. The baby's eyes are staring at his mother, looking worried. There is a humming sound, and his small lips are raised. This is to ask you to hug him. If you find that your mother doesn't respond, your cry becomes louder and louder, which is typical of seeking attention.

Expert suggestions:

If the baby suddenly keeps crying in the daytime and can't be cuddled, then you should consider taking him to the hospital for examination. For an infant who cannot express himself in words, the most direct response to physical pain is strong and continuous crying. Article/ Dr Mary

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