Three Ways to Alleviate Infantile flatulence

Three Ways to Alleviate Infantile flatulence
14:07, May 20, 2018 Hualong

Due to the incomplete development of the stomach, the newborn baby often has flatulence, and the baby is upset with flatulence. At this time, it is necessary to do "gymnastics" for the baby's intestines. This is one of the ways to help children reduce flatulence. In addition, there are other ways to help babies reduce flatulence. According to the physiological structure characteristics of infants and the causes of flatulence, the methods of aerobics and hot compress are adopted to ease the flatulence of infants.

   Now let's take a look at the wonderful way to ease the baby's flatulence.

1. Abdominal massage: Take the baby's navel as the center, massage clockwise along the navel with the palm of your hand, gently massage for 30~50 times each time.

Benefits: Abdominal massage can not only help the baby to expel the exhaust gas from the stomach, but also give the baby a sense of psychological comfort through touching.

2. Lying "Bicycle riding": lay the baby flat on the bed, lift the baby's legs, and imitate the action of "bicycle riding" in the air.

Benefits: This action is actually conducive to the squeezing of the baby's abdominal cavity and intestines. When the baby's thigh curls up and stretches, it is equivalent to doing "gymnastics" for the intestines. There is another advantage of lying on the "bicycle": because the air is upward, when the baby's buttocks are lifted up, the air will naturally go upward and discharge from the anus; If you go down, the gas in your intestines will not go up, and it is easy to vomit milk.

3. Hot compress: wash the small towel with warm water, not too hot, and put it on the baby's belly, which can help the baby's intestines wriggle and quickly ease the baby's flatulence.

The above methods can effectively help infants to reduce flatulence. The infant has just been born and has not been fully developed in all aspects, especially the digestive system. Therefore, as a parent, we must help infants digest, slow down flatulence and let them grow healthily.

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