Several ways of inducing sleep seriously endangering infants

Several ways of inducing sleep seriously endangering infants
09:06, May 8, 2018 Sina parenting

Getting your baby to sleep is an essential lesson for every mother. 90% of parents are wrong in getting their baby to sleep! It seems to be a normal action, but I don't know how dangerous it is. Here are some common wrong ways for mothers to take notes for cute babies!

   Rocking to sleep

When the baby cries or sleeps restlessly, some young mothers will hold the baby in their arms or put it in the cradle and shake it. The more the baby cries, the more violent the mother shakes until the baby falls asleep. However, this practice is harmful to the baby's health. Severe shaking makes the baby's brain constantly shake in the skull cavity. The immature brain will collide with the harder skull, causing the rupture of small blood vessels in the brain, causing "mild brain shock syndrome", concussion, intracranial hemorrhage, epilepsy, mental retardation, and hemiplegia, In severe cases, brain edema, brain hernia and even death may occur. If the retina is seriously affected, it will also affect the baby's retina, causing amblyopia or blindness.

   Fall asleep

Prone sleeping position is an extremely dangerous sleeping position for babies. Generally, babies will not roll over on their own, and they cannot avoid obstacles in front of their mouths and noses, which makes their respiratory tract blocked. In addition, their digestive organs are not fully developed, so when the respiratory tract is blocked, they can only absorb a small amount of air and suffer sudden death due to hypoxia, also known as "suffocation syndrome". The safest sleeping position for babies is to sleep on their back, which can make their respiratory tract unobstructed and to some extent avoid sudden infant death due to hypoxia.

   Accompany to sleep

Mothers should actively encourage their children to sleep alone and form a habit. Even a newborn baby should not sleep in the same bed with its parents, because it is easy for the sleeping parents to suffocate the baby if they do not pay attention to the baby. And the baby is dependent on parents in the future, easy to suffer from school phobia, exam tension, which is bad for the physical and mental development of the baby. One year old is the best age to train children to sleep alone. At this age, children have a certain sense of autonomy and fall asleep quickly, so they are more likely to accept sleeping alone.

   Turn on the light to sleep

Many parents worry that the baby is afraid of the dark, or it is convenient to feed, change diapers, and turn on the light all night, which is very harmful to the baby whose adjustment ability is still perfect. Sleeping in a dark environment can improve the quality of sleep. If the light is on all night in the room, it will change the natural law of the human body to adapt to the day and night, affect the peak secretion of growth hormone at night, and slow the growth of height. In addition, the stimulation of the light source will create a light pressure on the baby, which will make the baby easily restless, difficult to sleep, and easy to wake up if the sleep is too shallow, Moreover, the long-term exposure of eyeballs to light makes the incidence of myopia as high as 40%.

   Expert Reminder

Many bad habits are formed from childhood. Baoma and Baodad should pay attention to the baby's sleep habits. A good sleep habit not only contributes to the healthy growth of the baby, but also lays the foundation for the baby's independent sleep. Article/ Dr Mary

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