Dad can also breast feed the baby. Collect this strategy quickly

Dad can also breast feed the baby. Collect this strategy quickly
07:33, April 10, 2018 Hualong

Many people think that it is the mother's business to feed the baby, because most babies need to eat breast milk after birth. Breastfeeding can only be done by the mother. Naturally, they will feel that the mother should also feed the baby after drinking milk powder. In fact, artificial feeding can not only be done by mother, but also by father. You should know that the mother is not so skilled in taking care of the baby from birth, but also from continuous learning and slowly accumulated experience. If Dad wants to do a good job of feeding the baby, let's have a look at the strategy first!

   1. The significance of father feeding baby

Among the fathers, only 35% regularly fed their 30 week old children, and only 40% fed their children when they reached the age of 1 year. The reality is really like this: dads usually feed their children as little as they can.

In fact, feeding can not only make eye contact and skin contact with the baby, but also easily establish intimate relations. In addition, according to the traditional concept, nursing is a mother's job, and it is also progressive to become a father's job.

   2. The baby changes to milk powder, so it's time for father to offer

If the father wants to have closer contact with the baby, he may as well take over when the baby changes to milk powder. Dad can nurse the baby after work or on weekends. If the child is still drinking breast milk, you can put the breast milk into the bottle before feeding, or try to feed the child complementary food.

When the baby completely changes to drink milk powder, the father can take over! The first step of feeding is to learn to prepare milk powder for the baby. The amount of milk fed is the total amount of milk powder and water. In specific operation, you can first add half of the total milk amount of water, then add milk powder, and then add water to the total milk amount after mixing. This can not only ensure the accuracy of milk proportion and quantity, but also avoid caking or too much foam.

   3. Don't forget to disinfect feeding utensils before feeding

First of all, dads should be familiar with the tools needed for feeding babies with bottles, including bottles, pacifiers, bottle clips, bottle brushes, thick cotton towels, disinfection pots, etc.

Next, it is also a very important step before feeding. It is to disinfect the feeding equipment. Before use, dads need to disinfect all feeding utensils. Also remember that if it is not used within 24 hours, it must be re disinfected.

The disinfection method is relatively simple, and the "boiling disinfection method" is commonly used in general families. Put all washed non plastic milk utensils into a stainless steel pot, and then put water into the pot. Note that the water should completely cover the milk set, and the bottle should also be filled with water. Then heat it, boil it for 5 minutes, put it into the plastic milk ware, and boil it for another 5 minutes. For families with conditions, steam sterilization can be used, that is, the plug-in steam pot can be used to sterilize the milk bottles and pacifiers, which is fast and convenient.

   4. Hold the baby in your arms

If the father chooses to feed the baby with a bottle, please remember that what the baby needs is not only the milk in the bottle, but also the father's care and embrace. Therefore, never let the baby drink milk alone, which will cause dissatisfaction of the baby, and may also cause danger. Hold the baby in your arms, so that the baby can feel his father's temperature and taste while making eye contact with his father and hearing his heartbeat.

   5. Choose a comfortable feeding position

Pay attention to posture when feeding. It is most like the posture of mother directly feeding breast milk, because it is the easiest for the baby to accept. When feeding, the father can choose a comfortable sitting position and put a cotton towel on the baby's neck to prevent the baby from wet clothes due to milk spilling.

First, to arouse the baby's sucking reflex, you can hold the baby close to his father's cheek, make him turn his head and open his mouth; Or dip a few drops of milk on the nipple to touch the baby's lips to let him taste the taste and be attracted. When feeding your baby, you can let him lie on his back, which is easier to swallow. The feeding bottle should also be held at an angle so that the whole nipple is filled with milk without air.

   6. Make your baby's vision wider

The father seldom considers the baby's vision when holding the baby for feeding, and is generally satisfied with seeing the baby's face clearly. In this way, in order to focus, they tend to be farther and farther away from the baby. As a result, in the eyes of children, the father's face has always been blurred. So when the father holds the baby for feeding, he should pay attention to his posture, and make more eye contact with the baby, or talk to the baby and sing songs. Although the baby does not know how to respond to you, this can make the baby more familiar with the father!

   7. Don't forget to burp

[During feeding] When the baby drinks milk, he or she will inhale some air. If the air entering the esophagus is not discharged, it is easy to cause abdominal distension and milk spillage. Therefore, dads should pay attention to that after feeding the baby, they must remember to burp the baby. For babies with poor suction swallowing coordination ability, it is not necessary to wait until all the milk is drunk. Dad can pat his back and exhaust gas in sections when the baby has a rest halfway through the milk. When burping the baby, the father should put his fingers together, clasp them into a cup, and gently pat the baby on the back.

[After feeding] After drinking the milk, let the baby lean on his father's shoulder, hold and pat his back. Remember to spread a clean, thick cotton towel on your shoulder, because your baby may spill some milk at this time. You can also let the baby sit on his father's leg, hold his cheek with one hand, keep his back straight, pat the baby's back, and then rub it for several times. This method is more convenient to observe whether the baby has milk spillage. At the same time, this method is also more suitable for younger babies.

It doesn't matter if you don't know how to feed your baby. As long as you are willing to learn and do it, you can certainly learn. Breastfeeding can cultivate feelings with the baby and share the responsibility of the mother. Let's learn quickly!

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