How to crack the baby's mysterious language?

How to crack the baby's mysterious language?
08:36, March 29, 2018 Sina parenting

When you become a mother, you are undoubtedly the most important person in your baby's life. It is difficult for the baby to explain what he wants, and even sometimes one-sided conversation between you and the baby may lead to some problems. Babies have some secret languages of their own. Mastering these languages can make it easier to talk with them, so as to understand their needs.

Some expressions of babies are like code. Here's how to interpret what your little guy is trying to tell you.

   1. Communication eyes

Newborns will have direct eye contact with you at the age of one month or two months, which provides a very meaningful communication between you and your baby. This is also the basis for him to find comfort and feel safe. At this time, you should look at the baby's eyes and talk to him and sing. No matter how stupid you feel, just keep talking. Tell him how cute he is, what you are going to do today, etc.

   2. Exciting gurgle

This is your baby's way of saying, "Look at me!" or "I like this!" When you find that he can make a sound, it means that he may start to "talk" right away. It's easy for him to get excited when playing with toys, or just to get your attention. Babies like to cackle, which is a happy conversation. At this time, you should try to imitate your baby's language and respond in a cheerful tone.

   3. Hungry Tongue

The baby sticks out his tongue and moves from side to side? This is usually looking for food (milk), but it may also be looking for comfort. If his tongue is in the middle of his lower lip, it is telling you that he is hungry.

   4. Imitate some sounds

When your baby coos, it may indicate that he is in a very satisfied state. When he tells you that he is satisfied, you should listen carefully, because it is a very soft and calm voice. And you should continue to speak to him in a lovely and soft voice.

   5. Depressed fist

Your baby can deliberately clench his fist from 4-5 months, which usually indicates that he is overwhelmed or overexcited. Holding your fists tightly is a typical performance of being over stimulated. He just uses his body to express his feelings and communicate with you. He needs a short rest or he wants to sleep when he is tired. At this time, let him rest.

   6. Crying nervously

When he is 6-8 months old, he may cry to express his hunger or fatigue. Older babies cry to show their anxiety. When you come back, he will stop crying. To pacify the baby, you can leave the room for a few minutes. As time goes by, you can gradually increase the time you leave. He will soon begin to understand that you always walk back and forth. The classic hide and seek game is a simple method.

   7. Smart shot

From about 8 months, your children will be able to clap their hands. When your baby learns to clap his hands, he will be very excited, so he will clap his hands again and again.

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