How to help your baby pass the lactation period What should your baby pay attention to

How to help your baby pass the lactation period What should your baby pay attention to
08:20, March 27, 2018 Hualong

Babies in the period of breast-feeding always don't like to eat milk, and many babies in the period of breast-feeding are not easy to control their emotions, crying, not eating and afraid of being hungry. This makes many parents feel irritable and helpless. What should we do about the baby's breast-feeding period? How can I help my baby pass the lactation period? What should the baby pay attention to during the lactation period? Today, I have prepared six tips for parents to deal with the baby's breast feeding period. I hope it can help mothers!

   What to do about baby's breast-feeding period

1. No coercion

Many parents are worried that their babies will not grow up if they drink too little, so they use forced methods. But this practice will make the baby afraid of eating. In fact, as long as the baby's height, weight and other development conditions are within an acceptable range, there is no need to force him to drink milk. At this time, parents should think about how to help the baby accept semi liquid complementary food, rather than forcing him to drink milk.

2. Changing the feeding pattern

When the baby shows signs of anorexia, parents can start by improving the feeding method and adopt a more casual way, without having to work according to the table. On the principle of a small number of meals, wait until the baby wants to eat. You can consume your baby's physical strength through games, such as massage, physical activities, etc. When he is exhausted and hungry, his eating condition will also be improved.

3. Create a comfortable dining environment

Try to eat in a soft and quiet environment. Because the baby at this stage begins to be curious about the outside world. If someone teases him or there are many toys and sounds that can attract his attention when eating, the baby will find these things more interesting than eating, and naturally will not want to eat. Including whether the temperature and humidity of the external environment are appropriate, whether the environment is noisy, whether the diaper is clean, etc.

Therefore, the doctor advised parents to create a quiet and comfortable eating environment when they let the baby drink milk, so that the baby will not be interrupted by feeling uncomfortable, or people walking around and making noises.

4. The size of nipple hole should be appropriate

Sometimes the baby drinks less milk, which may be because the hole in the nipple on the bottle is too small, which makes the baby suck unsmooth, so the amount of drink is reduced. First, turn the bottle upside down and check whether the hole in the nipple on the bottle can flow out smoothly. Usually, the best speed is 1 drop per second. If it doesn't come out or drips too fast, it is not good for the baby.

5. Understand baby growth curve

Parents should first understand the growth and development of the baby, and regularly take the baby to the health clinic. The nurse will measure the baby's height, weight, and head circumference, and then through a detailed consultation with the doctor, we can know whether the baby's development conforms to the growth of the month. If the baby's growth curve is normal, parents need not worry too much about the baby's breast-feeding situation at this time.

6. Make good use of the Children's Health Manual

Assuming that the growth curve of the baby has always been around 50%, there will not be much change at the beginning when it comes to the breast-feeding period. Normally, the range between 25% and 75% is acceptable. However, if the baby eats very little, and no additional nutritional food or complementary food is added, the growth curve will decline, possibly from 50% to 10%, which means that anorexia has had an impact on the baby's growth.

In fact, if you want to know more about whether the baby's growth and development is normal, make good use of the children's health manual, which is usually available in mother and child stores or bookstores. There will be assessment items that the baby should develop every month in the manual. Parents may wish to check their baby to see if there is something that should be done for his age. Through the Children's Health Manual, you can easily master the growth of the baby.

   Precautions during the baby's breast-feeding period

1. Don't change milk powder frequently

Seeing that babies don't like to drink milk, parents may directly think: Is this brand of milk powder babies tired of drinking? Other milk powder can be replaced, but the replacement speed should not be too frequent, and the baby will have no time to adapt. If you want to change a new brand, do not change all at once. It is better to mix and match it with other brands of milk powder, and observe the defecation condition for a week. If the defecation is normal, it means you are well adapted, and then you can change a new milk powder.

After entering the milk aversion period, the effect of changing the milk powder brand is limited. If the milk powder brand does not improve after one or two attempts, you can give up using this method.

2. Add complementary food timely

Babies of about 4 months old still rely mainly on breast milk or formula, and complementary food can be eaten for about one or two meals, so when the baby is tired, it is advisable to give him a new try. Start with rice noodles or diluted fruit juice, and then add vegetable puree and fruit puree in succession. But remember to follow the principle of adding one kind at a time, starting with one small teaspoon, and then slowly adding the amount. Try each complementary food for 3-5 days and observe the baby's condition.

If he doesn't like it or his skin has a rash or his stool becomes thin, it is recommended to put off adding this complementary food for a while and try again later. If there is a family history of allergy, it is recommended to feed breast milk or partially hydrolyzed milk powder until the baby is 6 months old, and then add complementary foods, which are hypoallergenic in priority.

3. Keep a good mood

The person who takes care of the baby, his mood and pressure will be directly conveyed to the baby. When the carer is anxious or forces the baby to drink milk, he can feel it, so he has resistance. As long as the baby is healthy and normal in all aspects and is not sick, parents can be relieved and take a natural attitude towards the baby's breast-feeding period, instead of fighting with the baby for food.

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