Baby's lack of security may be caused by mother's doing these things during lactation

Baby's lack of security may be due to the mother's doing these things during lactation
08:48, March 23, 2018 Hualong

Diet and feeding will also affect the baby's sense of security. If you don't know these two factors very well, you should make up a lesson as soon as possible. Don't affect the baby's nutrition and health because of the lack of sense of security.

   Lactation - the beginning of loss of security

The biggest advantage of breastfeeding is that it can make babies feel a strong sense of maternal love when they absorb their mother's milk to the greatest extent. However, babies have to suck milk for a long time, but the amount of mother's milk is certain, so one day the mother's milk will be absorbed by the baby.

If the milk transfer process is not smooth, it is likely to make the baby feel "lost attention", and in serious cases, it will also have fear or aversion to other dairy products that need to live on. I believe many parents have experienced these things.

Forcibly transfer milk and only pay attention to speed; Mother and baby don't see each other for many days; Smear chilli water, cool oil, balsam pear water and other irritants on mommy's nipples to force the baby to give up sucking nipples for these reasons; Mandatorily put the artificial pacifier into the baby's mouth; The baby would criticize severely if she didn't eat the formula.

In fact, these behaviors mentioned above have a certain possibility to make babies feel insecure, always in bad mood, have poor appetite, always do not want to eat, refuse to appease, very resistant to bottles, always crying, and have poor sleep quality.

The terrible consequences are: wasting due to fear of eating, timidity, decreased resistance, malnutrition and even malnutrition. In addition, some children will feel very insecure and have doubts and fears about their parents.

   Complementary food addition period -- the key period affecting the sense of security

In fact, at this stage of the baby's life, his heart is developing. The baby is full of curiosity about everything, which shows that he is slowly accepting new things. It is very difficult for the baby to successfully add some kind of food that his parents think is very healthy in a lot of time. So at this time, parents always put frustration on their faces or on their lips.

It may also be that the baby slowly learns to eat by himself, while the adults who love cleanliness always worry that the baby will eat dirty things or eat too messy, and then use their own methods to limit the baby's eating behavior.

What they don't know is that these unhappy, dissatisfied, blocked, criticized and even scolded babies will seriously frustrate their self-confidence to a certain extent and increase their fear or aversion to food and eating, which will lead to babies' resistance to eating.

   Early childhood - may further hurt the sense of security

After the age of 1, a three meal diet has been gradually established, and the insecurity caused by food often comes from the table.

Mom and Dad are picky eaters. They must let the baby eat something, pay too much attention to the baby's meals, cannot guarantee three meals a day, and talk about some unhappy topics during meals, which will cause anxiety or stress at the table. It may also be that the baby always yells at the baby for a long time or does not pay attention, or mentions "the baby does not eat well and is picky" in front of relatives and friends.

These will make the baby resist or rebel against food. Especially for children with difficult to raise temperament or slow to start temperament, parents will inadvertently hurt their self-esteem and trust.

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