Is your baby a "dross baby" or a "god of sleep baby"?

Is your baby a "dross baby" or a "god of sleep baby"?
08:49, March 23, 2018 Surging news

Almost every mother always has a lingering fear when recalling the sleep when the baby was just born. In particular, "Sleepy Bastard Baby" can torment her mother into a "female nerve" by endless howling, waking up and sleeping every night.

Winning at the starting line is not only the starting point of learning, but also the starting point of physiology. Children who are physically and mentally healthy are obviously more likely to have a successful life. For newborn babies, sleep is not only a physiological need, but also a need to ensure normal physiological development.

What's the difference between "Sleepy Baby" and "Sleepy Baby"? Let Wang Guanghai, a sleep expert from the National Children's Medical Center - Shanghai Children's Medical Center, and a developmental behavior pediatrician from Shanghai Children's Medical Center, introduce you to our familiar and unfamiliar "sleep".

   Sleep characteristics of baby

1. Sleep cycle

The newborn baby's sleep cycle is very short, each cycle is about 50~60 minutes, so the baby's sleep is very unstable. We divide the sleep of newborns into two categories, one is called quiet sleep; The other is called active sleep.

The active sleep of newborn babies accounts for about 50%, and the biological rhythm of sleep is gradually formed after 3 months. At this time, the sleep cycle will gradually grow to 90~120 minutes. Sleep at night is a continuous cycle. After sleep, it is not all deep sleep, but there are different depths, ups and downs.

Normal babies will have 2~6 times of temporary awakening at night. If the baby is the god of sleep, then after the temporary awakening, it will be able to fall asleep quickly by self-regulation and self pacification; If you are a drowsy baby, you can't rely on your own ability to make the transition every time you wake up. You always need the help of your parents, which will result in more times of waking up at night and longer duration. This is the significance of understanding the sleep cycle.

2. How long does the baby need to sleep?

According to the recommendations of the American Sleep Foundation, the recommended sleeping time for babies aged 0 to 4 months is 14 to 17 hours, for babies aged 4 to 12 months is 12 to 15 hours, and for children aged 1 to 2 years is 11 to 14 hours. By the time they reach school age, they should also sleep 11 to 13 hours. By the time they reach school age, they should sleep about 11 hours. By adolescence, they should sleep 8 to 9 hours, and by adults, they should sleep 6 to 8 hours, The elderly sleep for about six hours.

Dr. Wang Guanghai pointed out that everyone has certain sleep needs. Whether the baby is not sleeping enough or the mother is not sleeping enough, it will cause emotional restlessness. So it is important to ensure that the baby has enough sleep time. But it should be emphasized that each baby's sleep needs to be different from day to day. Some people are born to sleep for a long time, That is, two hours more sleep than ordinary people; Some people are short-time sleepers, perhaps sleeping two hours less than ordinary people, but their physical function, growth and development are not affected in any way, and their mood is also good. And the recommended sleeping range is wide, as long as the baby's sleeping time is close to this range.

   Where did Sleepy Bastard lose?

Dr. Wang Guanghai summarized: First, the development of drowsy babies is usually substandard. The growth curve of drowsy babies is not at the same level as the normal curve due to sleep or feeding problems. If the growth curve drops two grades continuously for a period of time, it indicates that the baby may have feeding problems; The effect of sleep on growth and development is a chronic accumulation process, which is generally not so obvious.

Second, the mothers of drowsy babies are usually in poor mood. The mother's mood will be greatly affected by the baby's poor sleep. If the baby does not sleep well, the mother will become very anxious, worried or even irritable, affecting the mother's ability to care for the baby and the establishment of safe parent-child attachment. Mom may not only be in a bad mood, but also sleep is usually a mess. She is in a sleep deprivation state for a long time and is exhausted.

Third, drowsy babies tend to reverse day and night. Some babies sleep for a long time when they sleep in the daytime. The sleep time is very long, and they can sleep for 4-5 hours continuously. But at night, they wake up every one or two hours, and it is difficult to sleep when they wake up. It seems that the day is regarded as the night, and the night is regarded as the day. Day and night are reversed. This is very common among babies aged 0 to 3 months. Therefore, it is very important to help your baby distinguish between day and night before the sleep biological rhythm of 0-3 month old babies is fully mature.

Fourth, dross babies need help from their parents when they fall asleep. Sleepy babies usually resist sleeping when they fall asleep, or they need conditions, outside help and parental intervention to sleep. Pick up and put down again and again; It is difficult to fall asleep, and there are many bad ways to induce sleep, such as waking on the ground, sleeping with arms, sleeping with milk and walking.

Fifth, drowsy babies wake up very frequently at night, and require parents to meet the same conditions every time they wake up. If parents help you when you fall asleep, your baby also asks parents for help when she wakes up at night. Each time she wakes up at night, the time can even be up to one or two hours, which makes parents exhausted and deprives parents of sleep seriously. Especially after mother starts to work, she is almost on the verge of collapse.

   Where does Sleeping God Baby win?

What's the difference between Sleeping God Baby? Dr. Wang Guanghai pointed out that, first of all, Sleepy God babies generally grow well. Maybe Sleepy God babies are thinner or shorter, but their growth curve fluctuates near the normal range, without continuous disconnection.

Secondly, the mother of Sleepy God baby is usually in good mood. The mother of Sleepy God baby is usually more rational. When the baby cries, she will first analyze the possible reasons, whether it is hungry, defecated, or just self adjustment during sleep transition, and respond in time, or not to interfere, to find solutions to the problem.

The mother of Sleepy God baby seldom falls into meaningless anxiety. Even if the baby does not sleep well occasionally, she will encourage herself and the baby. As long as she adheres to good sleep hygiene habits, she will be fine in a few days; Or directly seek professional help and actively make adjustments. The mother of Sleepy God baby knows that anxiety can't solve the problem, but it will make the problem last longer.

Third, with the growth of the baby's age, the sleep at night will become more and more consolidated, and the ability to sleep at night is usually formed after 3 to 4 months. Sleeping at night is continuous, while napping during the day is regular. The majority of children aged 1 to 3 years old sleep regularly, usually starting at 12:30 or 1:00, and they usually wake up before 4:00 after sleeping for 1 to 2 hours each time. On the one hand, this regular nap habit can promote the baby's sleep at night, on the other hand, it can also promote the baby's adaptation to kindergarten.

However, the napping habits of babies from 0 to 12 months old change greatly. Newborn babies may have to sleep 5 or 6 times during the day, and each time they sleep is relatively short, about 1 to 2 hours. But six month old babies usually take two or three daytime naps, usually once at 10 o'clock, once at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and then take another dusk nap in the evening. At 9 months, many babies will have a combined nap, which may turn into a nap in the morning, a nap in the afternoon, or even a nap from 12:30.

Fourth, Sleeping God babies fall asleep mainly by themselves, without the help of parents. As long as the baby has eaten well and performed activities before going to bed, the mother will fall asleep soon after putting the baby on the bed, usually within 20 minutes. When the baby wakes up at night, he can also catch sleep on his own, without the help of parents, and the time of waking up at night is very short. Sleeping god baby has a kind of ability, that is, the ability to comfort and adjust oneself, which is very important for the baby, as well as future adaptation and development.

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