How much do novice parents know about the development indicators of 3-month-old babies

How much do novice parents know about the development indicators of 3-month-old babies
00:36, March 12, 2018 Hualong

   After the birth of the child, novice parents are most concerned about the development of the child. Parents always hope that the baby can grow up healthily. What are the development indicators of the 3 month old baby? Newbie parents come to see if the baby is growing healthily.

   Reference 1: Height, weight and head circumference of three-month boys and girls

There is a certain gap between the development indicators of boys and girls, which is mainly reflected in their weight and head circumference. The development index of the boy baby, the height of the three-month baby is 55.3 cm to 69 cm. The weight is in the range of 4.79 kg to 9.38 kg. The head circumference ranges from 36.7 cm to 44.7 cm.

The height of a girl's growth index should be between 54.2 cm and 67.5 cm. Weight should be controlled within 4.41kg to 8.72kg. In terms of head circumference, the standard range is 36.0 cm to 43.3 cm.

   Reference 2: Visual development indicators of three-month babies

At this time, the baby's research can follow the direction change of the object in front of him. We will find that the baby's eye movement is more coordinated and the baby's eye focus is higher. In addition, in order to more scientifically understand the visual development of the three-month old child, parents can try to place brightly colored toys in front of the baby. Parents can move the toy's position, and the baby's eyes will follow the toy. This indicates that the baby's visual development has reached the standard.

   Reference 3: Language development indicators of three-month babies

When the baby is at the three-month stage, there are already signs of language development. Parents will find that when their children are happy, they will also laugh. This shows that the baby's language is in the embryonic stage of development, which is one of the indicators of language development of three-month babies.

   Reference 4: Auditory development indicators of three-month babies

At this stage, if the parents call the baby a bell or gently call him in the ear, the baby will have a certain reaction, which is the baby's ability to recognize sounds. The baby can recognize the direction of sound, which is a great progress in cognitive development for three-month infants.    

Newbie parents have mastered the development indicators of the three-month baby. Let's see if the baby is growing healthily.

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