One year old baby takes rodenticide by mistake, leaving brain damage expert: take poison by mistake, and send it to the doctor at the first time

1 year old baby takes rodenticide by mistake, leaving brain damage expert: take poison by mistake, and send it to the doctor at the first time
07:16, September 17, 2018 Dayang - Guangzhou Daily

The 1-year-old baby mistakenly took mouse medicine. His grandfather took the medicine that he had not swallowed from his mouth and thought that the child was fine. He did not send the child to the hospital until he got sick. As a result, although he was saved, the child suffered brain damage... Recently, PICU, the municipal women and children's medical center, has received three cases of children taking poison by mistake. Experts remind that herbicides, detergents, disinfectants, medicines, etc. must be kept out of the children's contact range. In case of taking poison by mistake, no matter how much it is taken by mistake, and whether there are obvious abnormalities, it should be treated in a timely manner.

   No antidote for paraquat; brother and sister survive by mistake

One day in late July, when 7-year-old boy Zhizhi (alias) and 5-year-old sister Chunchun (alias) were playing at home, they accidentally took herbicides by mistake. At that time, nausea and vomiting occurred. The family took them to the nearby hospital for gastric lavage and other emergency treatment. They were transferred to the emergency department of the municipal women and children's medical center in the early morning of the next day. The two brothers and sisters were admitted to PICU, and the doctor performed hemofiltration and hemoperfusion treatment for them to "clean" the toxins in the blood.

However, if you want to find a targeted antidote, you must first know what kind of herbicide the two brothers and sisters took by mistake. By contacting relatives at home, the family found the liquid packaging bottle that was mistakenly taken at that time. The bottle showed the herbicide named "Dikuai", but the blood and urine samples showed that it was "paraquat". Paraquat is extremely toxic to humans and can cause multi system damage. The mortality rate of oral poisoning is extremely high. Since paraquat has no specific antidote, doctors were worried about the brothers and sisters at that time. "Fortunately, the two brothers and sisters were treated in a timely manner after taking the drug by mistake, and the local hospital also reduced the absorption of poison through gastric lavage. So they finally had a chance to survive." Chen Juan, the chief physician of PICU in the City Women and Children Medical Center, said.

   Delayed medical treatment 1 year old baby left brain injury

On the evening of one day in August, Yunyun (a pseudonym), a child over one year old, mistakenly ate the rodenticide as a snack when playing at home. The grandpa who looked after him ran to remove the poison on the spot and cleaned the child's mouth with water. Seeing that the child did not show any abnormal behavior, Grandpa thought it was OK. However, two hours later, Yunyun began to vomit, fell into a coma after frequent convulsions, and his parents immediately sent him to the local hospital for treatment. Yunyun's condition did not improve after gastric lavage, and he was immediately transferred to PICU of the Municipal Women and Children Center for rescue. It was 1:00 a.m. when we arrived at PICU, 8 hours after Yunyun took the poison. In the case that the toxic components in the body cannot be determined, the PICU medical team immediately develops the relevant treatment plan.

Parents reported that the package of Yunyun's mistakenly taken rat medicine said "bromadiolone". However, doctors found a contradiction in the course of treatment: bromadiolone's mechanism of action is to destroy the blood coagulation function of mice, but from Yunyun's clinical manifestations, it seems that her blood coagulation function is normal. It was not until the blood test results sent to professional institutions came out that doctors knew that the poison in Yunyun Institute was fluoroacetic acid, and convulsions and coma were the neurological symptoms caused by it. "Fortunately, there is an antidote for this toxin. We immediately contacted the pharmacy department to purchase an antidote, and it was used a few hours later." Chen Juan said that although the poison in Shiyun's body has been cleared through the blood verification, and the functions of vital vital organs such as heart, liver and kidney have returned to normal, but we failed to go to the hospital for treatment immediately after the poisoning, and at the same time, we were determining the composition of the poison It took time to find an effective rescue method, and the poison caused some damage to Yunyun's brain.

Tao Jianping, PICU director of the Municipal Women and Children's Medical Center, said that fluoroacetic acid poisoning still occurred at the end of the 1990s, but now it has been banned by the state, so clinical cases are not common.

   Three lessons should be learned

   Don't put dangerous goods anywhere

In these two accidents, the toxic and dangerous articles in the home were not placed in a safe place, which led to the children eating them as food by mistake, which was life threatening. Parents should establish safety awareness. Herbicides, rat poison, detergents, disinfectants, cosmetics, medicines, etc. in the home must be placed in places that children cannot see or touch, such as locked cabinets, drawers, etc.

   Clear the poison at the first time

When a child is found to have ingested poison by mistake, regardless of the dosage and discomfort, the poison should be removed as soon as possible, and first-aid should be given at the scene as soon as possible, such as cleaning the mouth, reducing the absorption of poison through the digestive tract, and quickly sending the child to the hospital for treatment. Do not take it lightly because there are no obvious symptoms and discomfort.

   The remaining poisons should be taken to the hospital

When escorting the poisoned children to the hospital, parents must pack and carry the remaining poisons with them. They must know the name of the poisons and the amount of the poisons to provide effective clues for the doctor's diagnosis, so that the doctor can screen the ingredients of the poisons in the shortest possible time and formulate a treatment plan in a timely and accurate manner. Article/Guangzhou Daily All media reporter Wu Ren Correspondent Zhou Mi, Li Wen

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