Misunderstandings in emergency treatment of burns, scratches, sprains and nosebleeds in children

Misunderstandings in emergency treatment of burns, scratches, sprains and nosebleeds in children
07:39, July 4, 2018 Surging news

It is the nature of children to be active. In life, accidents such as bruises, scratches, sprains, and being bitten by animals may occur. Especially in summer, the clothes on the body will be reduced, and large areas of skin will be exposed outside, which will increase the chance of injury. What should we do when encountering such an unexpected situation, and what should we pay attention to? It is necessary to master some first aid methods.

   Do not use alcohol or red potion for scratches and cuts

Scratches on the left and cuts on the right

Children like to bounce and run around, which is easy to scratch or cut. When this happens, do not use alcohol, red potion or purple potion to treat the wound.

Although alcohol is highly bactericidal, it also has strong irritation. The damaged tissues should not be directly sterilized with alcohol, but can only be used to disinfect the skin around the wound. It is also not recommended to use red potion because it is 2% amalgam red aqueous solution, and people who are allergic to mercury may also cause contact dermatitis due to the use of red potion. In addition, when treating wounds with red and purple potions, their colors often cover up the injury. If you go to see a doctor, the doctor will deal with it first, which will cause secondary pain to the child.

So what is the right way to deal with it? In case of scratches, first flush the wound with flowing water to flush out the foreign matters in the wound. Then disinfect with iodophor and wrap it with medical gauze. If in summer, you don't need to use gauze.

If the wound is deep and accompanied with bleeding, hemostasis measures should be taken, and the bandage should be tight. Then seek medical advice immediately.

   Do not smear toothpaste and sesame oil on burns

Three grades of burns

There are three levels of scald, and recognizing the level of scald is more helpful for first aid. Once scalded, with obvious pain, no edema, and red skin. Second degree scald with blister formation, local moisture and pain. Third degree scald, local dryness, brown skin, no pain.

When children are accidentally scalded, they should quickly avoid heat sources. Then wash the scalded part with cold water for about 15 minutes. If the scald area is large and the pain is obvious, continue to soak in water for 15-30 minutes. If it is a facial burn, you can use water at about 20 ℃ for cold compress.

Secondly, after flushing, cut the clothes of the injured part to avoid making the injured part become seriously ill. Then cover the injured part gently with clean gauze. In addition, the coverage of each person's head is 1% of the whole body. If the burn area is within 1% of the first degree burn, after treatment, apply scald medicine and observe at home. If the burn area exceeds 1%, no matter how severe the burn is, send it to the nearest hospital. Do not handle scalded blisters by yourself.

Five tips for treating burns: flushing, stripping, soaking, capping and feeding

It is specially reminded that you should not apply toothpaste, soy sauce, vegetable oil and other folk products. Applying these things will only aggravate the disease. In addition, ice water and ice compress are absolutely not allowed.

   Sprain Do not touch the injured part at will

If the child is accidentally sprained, the injured part should be placed flat first to avoid stress. When the pain is relieved, let the child gently twist the injured part. If it can move, it means that the soft tissue is injured. If it cannot move, it is considered as fracture. At this time, you need to use a small board or a thicker book to fix the injured part.

If bleeding occurs at the fracture site, stop bleeding. Tightly hold the upper part of the wound blood vessel with gauze, and take the child to a doctor immediately after simple treatment.

   Don't miss the 24-hour golden vaccine period for pet bites

Children naturally like cats and dogs. Although pets are more docile now, they should not be careless. If a child is bitten by a pet, in addition to local soft tissue and muscle damage, what is more frightening is the fear of rabies infection.

If you are bitten by a pet and bleed, do not stop bleeding first, but rinse with tap water to remove some bacteria and pathogens left in the wound as far as possible. The earlier you get rabies vaccine, the better. Don't miss the golden 24-hour vaccine period.

If it is licked by a pet, observe the licked skin and see if there is any wound. If there is, it is also necessary to vaccinate the rabies vaccine at the first time. In addition, the injection process of rabies vaccine is divided into five injections, namely, the first day, the third day, the seventh day, the fourteenth day, and the thirtieth day, with a total of five injections. Five shots of vaccine can effectively protect the body.

   Don't let the child raise his head when his nose bleeds

The correct treatment for nosebleed: lean forward and twist the nose

If your child has nosebleeds, don't let him raise his head or raise his opposite arm. The correct way is to lean forward and twist your nose for 3-5 minutes to see if it stops. If you do not stop, hold it in the same position for another 3-5 minutes.

If nosebleeds occur repeatedly, go to a doctor to see if it is caused by vascular malformation or other diseases.

   Don't beat your chest if you swallow foreign matters

The probability of tracheal foreign bodies in children is high. Because the epiglottic cartilage, which intersects the trachea and food in children, is not mature and functional. In addition, children are curious about everything and are easy to put small things in their mouths.

When a child accidentally eats a foreign body, it causes airway obstruction. Parents should sit down and let the child lie on the parents' legs, with the upper chest and head hanging down. Parents should fix the child with one hand, and slap the back between the two shoulder blades with the other hand to cough up foreign bodies in the airway.

For large children, standing can also be used. Hold the child's abdomen from behind, surround his waist and abdomen with both arms, make a fist with one hand, and press the center of the fist inward on the part between the victim's navel and ribs; The other hand is pressed on the fist, and the two hands are pressed in and up rapidly and repeatedly until the obstruction is vomited out. Yang Sichao

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