Can children poisoned immediately induce vomiting or feed water?

Can children poisoned immediately induce vomiting or feed water?
08:46, May 23, 2018 Hualong

Many preschool children are unable to identify poisons due to their weak sense of self-protection, and the daily necessities or medicines around them may become their "food". However, once a child eats poison by mistake, many parents will choose to help the child vomit immediately. Is this method correct?

There are many parents who privately induce vomiting or feed water to their children when they find that their children are poisoned, which is actually wrong. If a preschool child is poisoned by eating by mistake, first of all, do not easily induce vomiting, because the child is too young, and once the parents induce vomiting, the child is likely to breathe vomitus backward and cause suffocation. In addition, if a child eats poison by mistake, he/she should keep his/her breathing unobstructed. He/she should not feed water but send him/her to the doctor as soon as possible, because drinking a lot of water will facilitate the absorption of chemicals. added that emesis also depends on the situation. If strong acid, alkali and other corrosive substances are taken by mistake, emesis will cause greater harm to children's esophagus and throat. Therefore, when a child is poisoned, parents should not act rashly.

Of course, not all types of child poisoning can not induce vomiting. Zheng Xiujin, chief pediatrician of Beijing Tongren Hospital, reminds everyone: "Most of the patients with digestive tract poisoning caused by taking poison by mistake, if they are older, conscious and cooperative children, and they are sure that there is no serious heart disease, esophageal varices, ulcers and convulsions, and they are not poisoned by strong acid, alkali, gasoline or kerosene, can be given emetic treatment when they call 120 and wait for the ambulance. The method is to stimulate the pharynx with fingers and chopsticks, causing reaction Ejective vomiting. "

How to prevent preschool children from acute poisoning? Parents should set up a "protective line" around their children and make it clear that some items should not be touched by children. For example, the regular medicines at home must be kept out of the children's sight, and the toiletries should also be properly placed. Drug poisoning by mistake has become one of the main causes of accidental injuries in children. If any link such as the use, storage and disposal of drugs is not well done, it may cause harm to children and bring irreparable serious consequences. Try not to use beverage bottles to contain laundry detergent, disinfectant, etc., or children may mistakenly think it is a drink and drink it. At the same time, safety education for children is also essential. Parents and teachers should use animation or sitcoms and other vivid ways to explain that these supplies are not food, and scientifically guide children to stay away from dangerous goods.

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